Hi! I'm not deaf

I'm just wondering how anything you'd "find" here would be valid as research anyway. People come online all the time, join groups and pretend to be something they're not (people who are hearing pretending to be Hoh or Deaf, people who are Hoh/Deaf pretending to be hearing, people who are X pretending to be Y etc).

If you really want to learn about how Hoh/d/Deaf people use social media, you'd be better off looking to your local community and talking to people in person about it ... so you can be assured to have accurate "data".

Otherwise, you're just messing about online, gawking so you can get out of doing a proper research paper for your class. (And yes, we're a bit jaded ... because you're the 3rd person this week doing the same thing - we're sick of being treated like fish in a fish bowl for you to play with and observe)
well again it is not my intention to insult. what i was trying to convey is that you can choose to ignore me if you don't want to respond, answer or share your experiences. i just felt bad that some people were a bit harsh when could have easily just ignored me. again im sorry if that meant something else to you..

Ok. we keep hitting that same speed bump at 70mph.

You were trying to convey that people can choose to ignore you if they don't want to respond?

Do you think they didn't know this?

Did you think they needed to be educated about that?

Or do you think they know, but they're choosing not to ignore you, and they *should* ignore you, and so you're subtly trying to educate them about correct behavior?

I feel very confident that the majority of people using this forum know that they don't *have* to respond to anything in particular. They don't need to be educated about that.

And if someone posts something any of us takes issue with, we have a right to respond and express our displeasure. There is nothing wrong with that - no one here needs to be educated about some sort of obligation to politely refrain from responding to your posts.

You are experiencing and expressing frustration because people here don't share your perspective. Maybe it would be worthwhile to instead try to learn to see from theirs. Isn't that what your field is about?
...and you'd need to really get to use google scholar for more appropriate materials, read up on 'social media' would be a good start, rather than ruffling feathers around here...as you have noticed....

well, id be very generous, but short to the point...
deaf culture has been helped AND has been harmed by social media.
by that, Deaf clubs has dwindled...as gatherings are organised more often thru the use of mobile text phones...rather than thru fax machines (1990's anyone?)...,many Deaf clubs have struggled to retain its activity, largely because of mainstreaming approach of Deaf education have thrusted upon the heart of 'breeding grounds of Deaf" by dividing individuals, with an even more 'effective hearing assistent contrapment ' called the 'cochlear implant'.
Gatherings at Coffee shops have slowly, but surely taken place over social meetings at Deaf clubs.
Also internet has changed the way Deaf people organise their lives, they stay home more, and glued on computers..
not only this
as of the later part of 20th century , towards 21st and into where we are now, more and more literate d/Deaf people have interacted with writing English in forum (this one All deaf for instaince) but the bonding occurs by sharing experiences of 'disability factor' which affects d/Deaf live s are shared here yes, and countless debates on Language issue gets quite heated here...some are Pro-hearing or Pro-CI, or Pro-ASl or Pro-voice-off or whatever

its a 'internationalised deaf club'...but off clusters and swarning largelr numbers of infrequent members

computer literate are another attribute, not just English, but there are some variety, like some Very computer literate, with little English and another way around...

id leave the rest to you
but i think this is a good starting point for you

THis phenonomenon is not unique to the d/Deaf peole who uses internet as a means of social media.
It also affectshearing people, be it young, of paritcular class/status backgrounds/ethnic background, sport-oriented, professional-lead background age, interests, vested interested also, and it is not just the young people who are most literate (indeed many of them are quite sosphiscated), but also as does professionals can use social media for their own particular areas as well

older people uses it alot too, depending again on literacy both real (written form) and computer-usage

below all this, there's a multitude of subcultures also operating...with like cyber cultures have split off in countless fragments as well...which also attracts 'ordinary' non-geeks types like motorcycle ethusicatists (sp?) or what have you, , gamers as well, are separated by variety of genres

id say
the social media DO and have affected how Deaf culture are being shaped...if not for the better or worse, it just means the mutation is really about the characteristic of the 21st century society...more changed will happen, AND the digital divide will continue to blend and divide people not on the basis of class, but also of the cyber-class...what its going to be, its anybody's guess

Thank you very much for your insight. this will be very useful.. and yes I already did some research. social media and deafness have been widely covered and discussed but not much towards both. how about your personal feelings towards it? how much of a role does it play in your life in contrast to facebook?

@Anij. it can. Ethnographic fieldwork done through the internet. In my field it can be useful... most of what you are suggesting have already been done that's why i am here. but thank you as well.
If i where you i would reread the posts in this thread and really consider them. People here often to ignore posts but for you they have taken the time to let you know how they feel. Telling them to just ignore you is even more insulting. If it was just a person or two that took offense you might take it as a misunderstanding but when everyone else feels the same you might want to look at what you said.
Thank you very much for your insight. this will be very useful.. and yes I already did some research. social media and deafness have been widely covered and discussed but not much towards both. how about your personal feelings towards it? how much of a role does it play in your life in contrast to facebook?

@Anij. it can. Ethnographic fieldwork done through the internet. In my field it can be useful... most of what you are suggesting have already been done that's why i am here. but thank you as well.

feelings? it would be similar to hearing people using facebook.
facebook is somewhat more chatty. well no facebook users can alters, and moould their own facebook contents, where as forums - any FORUM- INCLUDING THIS ONE- are 'less adjustable' its contents rely on the forums users themselves, this layout, the new contents , aren't adjustable, forums tend to be more controlled by moderarators then does facebook you can have really racist content, anti-religon, cussing swearing all on facebook depending on which groups you decide to be part of, forums like all deaf have less 'freedom'

like i said all deaf is just another 'deaf club' but in digital form...its feelings of belonging would be similar to how hearing people might feels when they use facebooks. but Deaf forum takes it up another level, a cutlurally Deaf community is MIXed with the HOH, Hearing impaired CI wearing deaf people (not Deaf , as Deaf is a cultural affiliation)
so, it is a political melting pot of sorts. it removes the potential for politicalisation of deaf people, it just makes whining more 'acceptable' however it does get Very heated, and because its a 'virtual world' Nothing comes out of it
nothing, just social information.
how valuable is that? well it depends?
id leave the rest to you
you have to decide and think about it
you decide what it means you know, and of course
you will have to READ READ READ (not the all Deaf as a lurker) i mean READ proper ACADEMIC materials and get started

you're on your own now
I dont want to rub up my fellow members here, but seemingly conducting a traitiorous behaviour - sorry.
so i think i have given you enough to digest and of course there will be more 'questions to ask me' or 'many aspects you find perplexing or unagreeable then thats fine. you have to pick out whats best for your research needs.

lastly, its a virtual world, think about it. its not real but it comes from real minds from real people but shaped in a virtual dimension, it appears real, it looks real, it even feel real

it's still virtual
whatever float your boat
i had 'fun' writing this as i am a sort of person who is well aware of these topics, i often think about it, but i dont have time, i got my own study to worry about and my real life that i live in too

good luck with the rest, and id like to make a small suggestion, try not to keep asking people here...d/Deaf people do get defensive , rightly so, while i know what youre trying to do (i know abit about your feild)so i helped this once, only to save your grief and other member's grief
i hope this is what you want and i cant say anymore as I have to stay off AD for a while as I waste too much time in here.
good luck
well I guess if thats how you view it then it is negative. my fault then, but to explain further, im not doing an experiment. im not here to fix your deafness. i most certainly do not consider you guys lab rats. doing research doesnt mean i will conduct experiments. as in my previous posts and replies i tried to explain that im here only to experience the community. to ask questions and receive truthful answers that you guys would feel comfortable and confident about. like ive said, im looking for responses that are natural, and not because im doing some kind of paper about this culture. i want to know how to be in this community. so as you can see i have no other ill intentions. and as i have previously mentioned I am still formulating a questionnaire which i wish to distribute once its done. of course this is only if you feel comfortable about it. i am not compelling anyone to participate. :)

We had people come so many times with the same requests you are asking
of us. We been poke at, peer at, glare at , spy on, quiz on so many damn
times , so we now feel like lab rats. You're not the first person to try to use this forum for a research and will not be the last one. People get fed up with this after awhile. could you tell me why you're hung up on learning about deaf and hoh people? You do know that we are born the same way as you ,
we eat, sleep , poop , cry, laugh , get mad or sad or happy etc. We not do have any supernatural power to tell you about.
So what did you learn something from this thread of yours? :lol:

Maybe he thought we where tame lab rats , and shocked to find out we're not afraid to express what we think . I am being to think that some people think deaf and hoh people are so lonely and desperate they will fall over backward to get any kind attention. Why else would so many come here to quiz us.
Ethnographer. You treat us like we're children. In reality, most of us have our college diplomas and a good-paying job, a spouse and children. Plus, if you were really in college, your grammar might be a little bit better... Which is another reason we doubt you're getting your masters in anthropology. Example of your grammar and my editing below.
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w(W)ell again(,) it is not my intention to insult ( Who?). w(W)hat i(I) was trying to convey is that you can choose to ignore me if you don't want to (answer me or share your experiences.) i(I) just felt bad(upset) that some people(Who? hiding does no good) were a bit harsh when (they) could have easily just ignored me.(Childish apology.) a(A)gain im (I'm) sorry if that meant something else to you.

Anyone else want to play Grammar Nazi on this statement? I went through and fixed it to show Ethnograper why we doubt he's a getting a "masters degree in social and cultural anthropology."
Anyone else want to play Grammar Nazi on this statement? I went through and fixed it to show Ethnograper why we doubt he's a getting a "masters degree in social and cultural anthropology."

:lol: Shh.... Sometimes they come back if they get more notice!
:lol: Shh.... Sometimes they come back if they get more notice!

True, but I wished to lure him out for my thesis in social and cultural anthropology. I was going to use The Test Subject, Ethnographer, in prefer to obtain an understanding of Fatuus morbo
and the side effects of this deadly illness. I would welcome any assistants in obtaining critical information from Ethnographer for the good of all mankind. It may include dissection of the specimen , torture of The Subject, interrogation of the lab rat, eating candy while watching Ethnographer runs mazes, and getting a good grade on my thesis. Any takers?
True, but I wished to lure him out for my thesis in social and cultural anthropology. I was going to use The Test Subject, Ethnographer, in prefer to obtain an understanding of Fatuus morbo
and the side effects of this deadly illness. I would welcome any assistants in obtaining critical information from Ethnographer for the good of all mankind. It may include dissection of the specimen , torture of The Subject, interrogation of the lab rat, eating candy while watching Ethnographer runs mazes, and getting a good grade on my thesis. Any takers?

...may include dissection of the specimen , torture of The Subject, interrogation of the lab rat, eating candy while watching Ethnographer runs mazes, and getting a good grade on my thesis. Any takers?

What kind of candy? Will there be Twix bars?
What kind of candy? Will there be Twix bars?

Any kind you want! Yes, Twix for sure!! I would encourage everyone to bring their own drinks and label them, though. You might accidentally pick up a sample of the fatuus morbo germ and drink it!
well i don't really understand what's wrong with what I did. again I'm swimming in murky waters here. I'm cautious with what I'm saying and if you are offended then I am sorry and I didn't have that intention. Well, I'm not trying to convince anyone of my credibility.

I made the thread because I already read the students questions and I felt that my question was not really addressed. well i take responsibility for that, I didn't know that starting a new thread was wrong or offending. I ask the moderators to move or delete the thread if necessary.

everyone has been bashing me all this time but it was never made clear what I was doing wrong or saying wrong. I keep apologizing, as I have said that people are misinterpreting my intentions.

As I have said before this is for a paper. our class is about Disability. we choose our own topics. so I felt curious about this culture and felt that it actually (at times) transcended disability and people have embraced it being a culture in itself. I wanted to explore that but at the same time in the context of social media. I know that i can't just come in and do all this. I understand that and i have experienced it first hand. which I am thankful for. its a close knit community but intrusion and offending people is not my intention.

Lastly, as i have posted in the other thread, I only want to get reactions and responses about having a presence in Social media particularly facebook and the forum you have right now.

I wanted to know the difference in your experiences with these different mediums. and exactly what roles do these media play in your lives...

There are people here that do not think being deaf or hoh is a 'Disability'
and that is one of your biggest mistake. There a lot very successful members here , and they live a very full life , they have a job , get married or date, own their own homes ,business, some are veterans . Does that sound like they have a disability . I think some of people that come here to do their research are the one that have a disability , they can't see it's that is wrong to try and put a label a group of people because they're deaf or hoh.
In your own words "we choose our own topics" and did you never stop to think maybe we do not want to be your 'topic' and do not like people keep coming here to use us as their 'topic'. We're not 'topic' to be study or spy on
and to see how we think.