Thank you very much for your insight. this will be very useful.. and yes I already did some research. social media and deafness have been widely covered and discussed but not much towards both. how about your personal feelings towards it? how much of a role does it play in your life in contrast to facebook?
@Anij. it can. Ethnographic fieldwork done through the internet. In my field it can be useful... most of what you are suggesting have already been done that's why i am here. but thank you as well.
feelings? it would be similar to hearing people using facebook.
facebook is somewhat more chatty. well no facebook users can alters, and moould their own facebook contents, where as forums - any FORUM- INCLUDING THIS ONE- are 'less adjustable' its contents rely on the forums users themselves, this layout, the new contents , aren't adjustable, forums tend to be more controlled by moderarators then does facebook you can have really racist content, anti-religon, cussing swearing all on facebook depending on which groups you decide to be part of, forums like all deaf have less 'freedom'
like i said all deaf is just another 'deaf club' but in digital form...its feelings of belonging would be similar to how hearing people might feels when they use facebooks. but Deaf forum takes it up another level, a cutlurally Deaf community is MIXed with the HOH, Hearing impaired CI wearing deaf people (not Deaf , as Deaf is a cultural affiliation)
so, it is a political melting pot of sorts. it removes the potential for politicalisation of deaf people, it just makes whining more 'acceptable' however it does get Very heated, and because its a 'virtual world' Nothing comes out of it
nothing, just social information.
how valuable is that? well it depends?
id leave the rest to you
you have to decide and think about it
you decide what it means you know, and of course
you will have to READ READ READ (not the all Deaf as a lurker) i mean READ proper ACADEMIC materials and get started
you're on your own now
I dont want to rub up my fellow members here, but seemingly conducting a traitiorous behaviour - sorry.
so i think i have given you enough to digest and of course there will be more 'questions to ask me' or 'many aspects you find perplexing or unagreeable then thats fine. you have to pick out whats best for your research needs.
lastly, its a virtual world, think about it. its not real but it comes from real minds from real people but shaped in a virtual dimension, it appears real, it looks real, it even feel real
it's still virtual
whatever float your boat
i had 'fun' writing this as i am a sort of person who is well aware of these topics, i often think about it, but i dont have time, i got my own study to worry about and my real life that i live in too
good luck with the rest, and id like to make a small suggestion, try not to keep asking people here...d/Deaf people do get defensive , rightly so, while i know what youre trying to do (i know abit about your feild)so i helped this once, only to save your grief and other member's grief
i hope this is what you want and i cant say anymore as I have to stay off AD for a while as I waste too much time in here.
good luck