Hi! I'm not deaf

i think you misunderstand. is there anything wrong or is there any negative connotation with being research subjects? well just to explain my side, the difference really is that when you do experiments is that you try to distance yourself from the subjects, you try not to put any influence on them and possible results. thus it is a controlled environment. but in anthropology we don't really adhere to that. we are not very strict in following the scientific method. we are trying to learn more about people, and since people are much more dynamic than behaviors or even responses in an experiment it is much more insightful for anthropologists to be in the field and experience it themselves first hand. at the same time experience it with the participants and interlocutors in a natural setting. well i would say the beehive example is very close. anthropologists are like that, they go into the field and instead of assessing it just by observation or analysis we experience it. i hope i made it clear. :)

I understand the difference but unless oposition is the reaction you where going for poking the bee hive will just get you angry bees. How about. "Hi, i am an anthropologist and i'm interested in getting to know you guys and experience as best i can your culture. I just want to be up front that i will be writing a paper about my experience."
Ok, so you have a problem. Your ethics compels you to divulge your true intentions, but your true intentions are somewhat offensive in this environment. (That is, you've entered a community, or something that in some ways functions as a community, for the primary purpose of performing research on the people in that community. You intend to participate, but that is secondary, a means to an end, per your descriptions so far.)

The only good solution I see is to change your intentions. That requires a shift of some depth. Decide that you will primarily participate here, in the hopes of making some friends, maybe learning from the experience, hopefully enjoying yourself. Then you can be honest *and* unoffensive. And it has the ironic practical result that you may rack up some points that will make some people a little more willing to tolerate the fact that you also want to do some research here.

An observation: you are now having the first hand experience you mentioned: the reaction to your initial expression of your intentions is real stuff. Up to you where you take it from there.
I understand the difference but unless oposition is the reaction you where going for poking the bee hive will just get you angry bees. How about. "Hi, i am an anthropologist and i'm interested in getting to know you guys and experience as best i can your culture. I just want to be up front that i will be writing a paper about my experience."

im sorry if i sounded offending. but that is exactly what i want to convey. im not sure which part of what i said has given a different impression.

@amylynne i agree. these are initial observations. well i would say I am already at the juncture and i have already made the shift. its just that some of my words were not particularly correct to describe what i am trying to do. i mean no offense. I know that I need to do this to learn and write about the paper. but i also have known and realized from the start the if i do not approach this as a real person wanting to make bonds and fruitful interaction the paper i will yield will not really reflect the true identity and reflection of the community.
I'm still a student about turbo and turbocharging. I'm sure I'll still be a student on that topic forever because the art of turbocharging has always been modified over years. Look at what has changed over years as far as turbo has went. It's fascinating!!! I think more people should share because turbos are the most cool thing. Ever!!!


I did not turbo can made cars go faster and not add extra weight, I know very little about cars but I do know more about cats so I guess that count.
@amylynne i agree. these are initial observations. well i would say I am already at the juncture and i have already made the shift. its just that some of my words were not particularly correct to describe what i am trying to do. i mean no offense. I know that I need to do this to learn and write about the paper. but i also have known and realized from the start the if i do not approach this as a real person wanting to make bonds and fruitful interaction the paper i will yield will not really reflect the true identity and reflection of the community.

So why not start another thread introducing yourSELF, not your work so much, but who you are, the kinds of things you like, maybe something funny you experienced, or anything that gives people a more intimate sense of you.* I mean, you want to look into people's lives**, it might seem less weird if you're putting more of yourself out there. (Or, find some threads that are interesting to you and contribute to the conversation.)

*well, not anything, but anything that seems to fit the norms you might start picking up on as you look at more and more threads here.

**"lives" is not exactly the right word, but you know what I mean.
i think you misunderstand. is there anything wrong or is there any negative connotation with being research subjects? well just to explain my side, the difference really is that when you do experiments is that you try to distance yourself from the subjects, you try not to put any influence on them and possible results. thus it is a controlled environment. but in anthropology we don't really adhere to that. we are not very strict in following the scientific method. we are trying to learn more about people, and since people are much more dynamic than behaviors or even responses in an experiment it is much more insightful for anthropologists to be in the field and experience it themselves first hand. at the same time experience it with the participants and interlocutors in a natural setting. well i would say the beehive example is very close. anthropologists are like that, they go into the field and instead of assessing it just by observation or analysis we experience it. i hope i made it clear. :)

When people are going to be used in a research on a forum it would be nice to ask if they mind having someone spying on them, or study them or whatever you call it. for the life of me I do not understand why hearing people think deaf and hoh people live differently the other people. There are plenty of threads that you can check out . And as for being the 'new' fish in the bowl I see you more as one of those people that like to tap on a fish bowl to get the fish attention, as this was how started off your thread!
i think you misunderstand. is there anything wrong or is there any negative connotation with being research subjects? well just to explain my side, the difference really is that when you do experiments is that you try to distance yourself from the subjects, you try not to put any influence on them and possible results. thus it is a controlled environment. but in anthropology we don't really adhere to that. we are not very strict in following the scientific method. we are trying to learn more about people, and since people are much more dynamic than behaviors or even responses in an experiment it is much more insightful for anthropologists to be in the field and experience it themselves first hand. at the same time experience it with the participants and interlocutors in a natural setting. well i would say the beehive example is very close. anthropologists are like that, they go into the field and instead of assessing it just by observation or analysis we experience it. i hope i made it clear. :)

If you are a deaf person on this forum, what is wrong is the sheer number of hearing students who come in to observe and gawk.

As was pointed out, we aren't really any different from anyone else. Especially when it comes to social media. It is really a mecca for lots of deaf people.

And as for the difference here or Facebook, this is just more open with more deaf people. Places like Facebook is ideal for private deaf groups when gawkers can't come in.

But here there are many people to interact with if one can just ignore the weird stares...
So why not start another thread introducing yourSELF, not your work so much, but who you are, the kinds of things you like, maybe something funny you experienced, or anything that gives people a more intimate sense of you.* I mean, you want to look into people's lives**, it might seem less weird if you're putting more of yourself out there. (Or, find some threads that are interesting to you and contribute to the conversation.)

*well, not anything, but anything that seems to fit the norms you might start picking up on as you look at more and more threads here.

**"lives" is not exactly the right word, but you know what I mean.

I can see the OP, Ethnographer wearing a white lab coat and hold a notebook and pen and studying us as we are lab rats or in this case lab fish!
Now, if you're an anthropology student, you'd be more interested in CULTURE, not the implications of digital media interaction.
so, sorry I dont buy your story, it doesnt add up, so i feel reluctent, but instead of ignoring, maybe id ask you, why social media? what does this have to do with ethnography? what are the hearing eqauvalent? and why so interested in 'us'?? what is it you're looking for?
I really don't understand about ethnography. All we can say to you is to read everything on the threads or posts that talked about being in the hearing society. How we had struggled when hearing people or family members refused to listen to us. You as a hearing person would never understand us ever.

We are pretty much like you except we can not hear and we would like to rely on visual than lipreading and expect us to have perfect speech. We have tried to tell them but they refuse to listen to us at all. We were very frustrated and not happy why hearing people had to make us suffered so much on this. Just read all the comments on the threads and posts. You will learn about that without gawking at us.

Some of us, Deafies, like to be in the Deaf world better than in the hearing world. Others like Deafies or HOH people seem to like being in the hearing world which might indicate that they have mild hearing loss. So please read them here as there are thousand and thousand of threads and posts. You will probably get the idea.
Hello welcome to alldeaf

what is kind of forums and social network?
Now, if you're an anthropology student, you'd be more interested in CULTURE, not the implications of digital media interaction.
so, sorry I dont buy your story, it doesnt add up, so i feel reluctent, but instead of ignoring, maybe id ask you, why social media? what does this have to do with ethnography? what are the hearing eqauvalent? and why so interested in 'us'?? what is it you're looking for?

well. internet ethnography and anthropology is an emerging trend. you can say that a culture is also developing in the internet itself. social media has affected us one way or another i just wanted to know how it affects you.

@Smithtr this forum exactly and other forms like facebook and twitter.

@Bebonang I agree... the posts here are very insightful. but of course i also wanted to experience it myself. thats the essence of fieldwork and participant observation. again im not here to gawk. ive been honest from the start and some reactions from you guys were understandable and i dont blame you guys. all i wanted is to feel and experience the interaction you have here. that is all.

@bottesini well i hope i can understand what gawking really means. it has a very negative connotation.

to everyone, again i apologize if my first posts or some words i used are inappropriate. i have decided to not continue with the questionnaire. i feel that i some of you are active enough to just respond through posts. i am happy that you have responded. again i want to make this clear that i am no compelling anyone to respond and and participate. i may be doing a paper out of this but certainly i am a normal person with clean motives and only wants to experience new interactions.
again i want to make this clear that i am not compelling anyone to respond and and participate.

Right, you've said that before. Honestly it feels a little insulting when I read that. Because of course you're not compelling anyone to respond/participate: you would have no authority to do that. Everyone here, at any time, would have the right to refuse you. Reassuring people that you aren't almost suggests that there could have been the possibility that you were, which would be completely ridiculous.
This sounds good at first, to some degree. But then you do this:


and you've lost a lot of credibility, with me, anyway.

well i don't really understand what's wrong with what I did. again I'm swimming in murky waters here. I'm cautious with what I'm saying and if you are offended then I am sorry and I didn't have that intention. Well, I'm not trying to convince anyone of my credibility.

I made the thread because I already read the students questions and I felt that my question was not really addressed. well i take responsibility for that, I didn't know that starting a new thread was wrong or offending. I ask the moderators to move or delete the thread if necessary.

everyone has been bashing me all this time but it was never made clear what I was doing wrong or saying wrong. I keep apologizing, as I have said that people are misinterpreting my intentions.

As I have said before this is for a paper. our class is about Disability. we choose our own topics. so I felt curious about this culture and felt that it actually (at times) transcended disability and people have embraced it being a culture in itself. I wanted to explore that but at the same time in the context of social media. I know that i can't just come in and do all this. I understand that and i have experienced it first hand. which I am thankful for. its a close knit community but intrusion and offending people is not my intention.

Lastly, as i have posted in the other thread, I only want to get reactions and responses about having a presence in Social media particularly facebook and the forum you have right now.

I wanted to know the difference in your experiences with these different mediums. and exactly what roles do these media play in your lives...
Right, you've said that before. Honestly it feels a little insulting when I read that. Because of course you're not compelling anyone to respond/participate: you would have no authority to do that. Everyone here, at any time, would have the right to refuse you. Reassuring people that you aren't almost suggests that there could have been the possibility that you were, which would be completely ridiculous.

well again it is not my intention to insult. what i was trying to convey is that you can choose to ignore me if you don't want to respond, answer or share your experiences. i just felt bad that some people were a bit harsh when could have easily just ignored me. again im sorry if that meant something else to you..
well i don't really understand what's wrong with what I did. again I'm swimming in murky waters here. I'm cautious with what I'm saying and if you are offended then I am sorry and I didn't have that intention. Well, I'm not trying to convince anyone of my credibility.

I made the thread because I already read the students questions and I felt that my question was not really addressed. well i take responsibility for that, I didn't know that starting a new thread was wrong or offending. I ask the moderators to move or delete the thread if necessary.

everyone has been bashing me all this time but it was never made clear what I was doing wrong or saying wrong. I keep apologizing, as I have said that people are misinterpreting my intentions.

As I have said before this is for a paper. our class is about Disability. we choose our own topics. so I felt curious about this culture and felt that it actually (at times) transcended disability and people have embraced it being a culture in itself. I wanted to explore that but at the same time in the context of social media. I know that i can't just come in and do all this. I understand that and i have experienced it first hand. which I am thankful for. its a close knit community but intrusion and offending people is not my intention.

Lastly, as i have posted in the other thread, I only want to get reactions and responses about having a presence in Social media particularly facebook and the forum you have right now.

I wanted to know the difference in your experiences with these different mediums. and exactly what roles do these media play in your lives...

Is it really that hard to understand? You want to be the scientist and you want D/HH people to be the subjects. You want to do it in an interactive way, but still those are the roles you have in mind. Some people (not just D/HH) aren't thrilled about being subjects. Yes, they don't have to answer your questions, but you're here, in their space, asking them, and it affects how the place feels to some degree.

And then, after getting some reactions and suggestions about getting in there and socializing, sharing about yourself, really interacting as a person, not just someone doing this project; and after acknowledging that these are good ideas and making it sound like you'll do them, you don't. Fine, maybe you're busy. But what do you do? Post more questions for your project(!)

And right, the questions in the thread for students' questions may not have covered the issues you wanted to address. So: post your questions! In That Thread. That's what it's there for. It was created so that people who just want to have regular human interactions (where no one is in the role of the scientist and no one is in the role of the subjects) can attempt to happily socialize in the rest of the forum, without feeling harassed.

Yes, it *was* made clear what the problem is. You're not paying close enough attention if you're not getting it. And yes, you keep apologizing, but if you don't understand what you've done to upset people, and you don't change your behavior, an apology is worse than worthless.

You've said that people are misinterpreting your intentions. I disagree. I think many people understand your intentions, and they genuinely don't like them. Please try to have some respect for that and not just think you need to keep re-explaining.
well. internet ethnography and anthropology is an emerging trend. you can say that a culture is also developing in the internet itself. social media has affected us one way or another i just wanted to know how it affects you.

well, id be very generous, but short to the point...
deaf culture has been helped AND has been harmed by social media.
by that, Deaf clubs has dwindled...as gatherings are organised more often thru the use of mobile text phones...rather than thru fax machines (1990's anyone?)...,many Deaf clubs have struggled to retain its activity, largely because of mainstreaming approach of Deaf education have thrusted upon the heart of 'breeding grounds of Deaf" by dividing individuals, with an even more 'effective hearing assistent contrapment ' called the 'cochlear implant'.
Gatherings at Coffee shops have slowly, but surely taken place over social meetings at Deaf clubs.
Also internet has changed the way Deaf people organise their lives, they stay home more, and glued on computers..
not only this
as of the later part of 20th century , towards 21st and into where we are now, more and more literate d/Deaf people have interacted with writing English in forum (this one All deaf for instaince) but the bonding occurs by sharing experiences of 'disability factor' which affects d/Deaf live s are shared here yes, and countless debates on Language issue gets quite heated here...some are Pro-hearing or Pro-CI, or Pro-ASl or Pro-voice-off or whatever

its a 'internationalised deaf club'...but off clusters and swarning largelr numbers of infrequent members

computer literate are another attribute, not just English, but there are some variety, like some Very computer literate, with little English and another way around...

id leave the rest to you
but i think this is a good starting point for you

THis phenonomenon is not unique to the d/Deaf peole who uses internet as a means of social media.
It also affectshearing people, be it young, of paritcular class/status backgrounds/ethnic background, sport-oriented, professional-lead background age, interests, vested interested also, and it is not just the young people who are most literate (indeed many of them are quite sosphiscated), but also as does professionals can use social media for their own particular areas as well

older people uses it alot too, depending again on literacy both real (written form) and computer-usage

below all this, there's a multitude of subcultures also operating...with like cyber cultures have split off in countless fragments as well...which also attracts 'ordinary' non-geeks types like motorcycle ethusicatists (sp?) or what have you, , gamers as well, are separated by variety of genres

id say
the social media DO and have affected how Deaf culture are being shaped...if not for the better or worse, it just means the mutation is really about the characteristic of the 21st century society...more changed will happen, AND the digital divide will continue to blend and divide people not on the basis of class, but also of the cyber-class...what its going to be, its anybody's guess