Hi! I'm not deaf


New Member
Jun 12, 2013
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Good day!
I hope my title caught your attention.

My name is Cesar and I'm currently taking up a masters degree in social and cultural anthropology. I joined this forum in lieu of a research paper I am working on. In this age of Social Network, I wanted to peer into the eyes of deaf people. I wanted to explore their community. Specifically, I wanted to know what role does this forum serve to deaf people. how does it interact with their presence in facebook or other social networking sites. I will do this over the Internet for everyone's convenience. I have so much more to ask, but I was hoping to get reaction and information from you guys.

Any help will be appreciated. so if anyone wants to share information and their experience using this forum and other social networking sites will be welcome. You can leave me a message or just reply directly to this thread.
I talk about cats all the times here. I'm pretty sure I influenced many people to talk about cats here. Also check threads about turbocharged cars. I have a heavy influence on that too.
So basically you're going to gawk at us like we're fish in your fishbowl ?

How lovely :roll:

P.S. we use the internet and social media sites the same way hearing people do ... read, write, post.
Also check threads about turbocharged cars. I have a heavy influence on that too.

Derek has definitely influenced me heavily about turbocharged engines. I don't post about turbo because I am still learning, but I think about it alot. Every time I see something turbocharged, or something that could be turbocharged, I think about coming here and posting about it. But then I get distracted on my way to the computer and forget. Probably because I am hearing.
I agree with being transparent about your goals but i would suggest you'll get a warmer welcome by just trying to be friends here. People don't like to be studied or used for a paper or tested for reactions.

My grammer and spelling are terrible so i usually refrain from pointing out mistakes but i think you might missunderstand the term in lieu of. Lieu is french for place or stead so in lieu of means in stead of. I assume your doing this in regards to a paper and not in stead of?
Derek has definitely influenced me heavily about turbocharged engines. I don't post about turbo because I am still learning, but I think about it alot. Every time I see something turbocharged, or something that could be turbocharged, I think about coming here and posting about it. But then I get distracted on my way to the computer and forget. Probably because I am hearing.

Derek should figure out a way to put tubos on cats! :laugh2::laugh2: wait i take that back. That could be bad!
Derek has definitely influenced me heavily about turbocharged engines. I don't post about turbo because I am still learning, but I think about it alot. Every time I see something turbocharged, or something that could be turbocharged, I think about coming here and posting about it. But then I get distracted on my way to the computer and forget. Probably because I am hearing.

I'm still a student about turbo and turbocharging. I'm sure I'll still be a student on that topic forever because the art of turbocharging has always been modified over years. Look at what has changed over years as far as turbo has went. It's fascinating!!! I think more people should share because turbos are the most cool thing. Ever!!!
So basically you're going to gawk at us like we're fish in your fishbowl ?

How lovely :roll:

P.S. we use the internet and social media sites the same way hearing people do ... read, write, post.

well not really like that. in Anthropology we believe in participant observation. that's why I registered here as well, to be able to interact with you guys. so its not like how you described because I consider my informants and interlocutors as the experts. im here not only to observe but to participate. to try to put myself in your shoes(although i know that's impossible unless i become deaf myself). but we all know we can learn by not only observing but at the same time participating. I am here to try to learn about this 'culture'. consider me the new fish in the fishbowl rather than the humans outside looking in.
I agree with being transparent about your goals but i would suggest you'll get a warmer welcome by just trying to be friends here. People don't like to be studied or used for a paper or tested for reactions.

My grammer and spelling are terrible so i usually refrain from pointing out mistakes but i think you might missunderstand the term in lieu of. Lieu is french for place or stead so in lieu of means in stead of. I assume your doing this in regards to a paper and not in stead of?

I stand corrected, thank you for that. I am not perfect when it comes to grammar as well. :) well i know it feels weird to be studied upon. but really my goal is not to make you guys feel that way. it is just because my ethics in conducting research also compels me to divulge my true intentions. I agree, and would want to start out by making friends because the truth is i also want genuine responses. true feelings and emotions towards the subjects i'm trying to research. so, the best way to do that is to do participant observation. participate into the community to be able to experience it first hand.
well not really like that. in Anthropology we believe in participant observation. that's why I registered here as well, to be able to interact with you guys. so its not like how you described because I consider my informants and interlocutors as the experts. im here not only to observe but to participate. to try to put myself in your shoes(although i know that's impossible unless i become deaf myself). but we all know we can learn by not only observing but at the same time participating. I am here to try to learn about this 'culture'. consider me the new fish in the fishbowl rather than the humans outside looking in.

You don't need to be deaf to hang out here. When you say your hoping to get a reaction and information it sounds like you're running an experiment.
You don't need to be deaf to hang out here. When you say your hoping to get a reaction and information it sounds like you're running an experiment.

well thank you and so far i feel comfortable. hopefully you guys don't feel i'm invading or intruding.

nope not at all... as i have said i divulge everything i intend to obtain through this. i am still working on a short questionnaire about deaf forums and social media. so at the moment I wanted to register and reach out to you guys to show my intentions and that hopefully i can build rapport and socialize.
I stand corrected, thank you for that. I am not perfect when it comes to grammar as well. :) well i know it feels weird to be studied upon. but really my goal is not to make you guys feel that way. it is just because my ethics in conducting research also compels me to divulge my true intentions. I agree, and would want to start out by making friends because the truth is i also want genuine responses. true feelings and emotions towards the subjects i'm trying to research. so, the best way to do that is to do participant observation. participate into the community to be able to experience it first hand.

Again, you're calling it research implying that we are research subjects. If your goal is participation then tell people what your are and that you would like to understand them. I'm not an expert on participant observation but i think it is different than poking the bee hive and seeing what happen. Thats what it felt like to me.
Ethan, we are people just like you. We just don't hear. We post the same on the Internet.
Plus, I have learned a LOT About cats clapping :)
(Thanks, Derek!)
My goal one day is to be an assistant in Derek's cats clapping circus :)
Again, you're calling it research implying that we are research subjects. If your goal is participation then tell people what your are and that you would like to understand them. I'm not an expert on participant observation but i think it is different than poking the bee hive and seeing what happen. Thats what it felt like to me.

i think you misunderstand. is there anything wrong or is there any negative connotation with being research subjects? well just to explain my side, the difference really is that when you do experiments is that you try to distance yourself from the subjects, you try not to put any influence on them and possible results. thus it is a controlled environment. but in anthropology we don't really adhere to that. we are not very strict in following the scientific method. we are trying to learn more about people, and since people are much more dynamic than behaviors or even responses in an experiment it is much more insightful for anthropologists to be in the field and experience it themselves first hand. at the same time experience it with the participants and interlocutors in a natural setting. well i would say the beehive example is very close. anthropologists are like that, they go into the field and instead of assessing it just by observation or analysis we experience it. i hope i made it clear. :)
i think you misunderstand. is there anything wrong or is there any negative connotation with being research subjects? well just to explain my side, the difference really is that when you do experiments is that you try to distance yourself from the subjects, you try not to put any influence on them and possible results. thus it is a controlled environment. but in anthropology we don't really adhere to that. we are not very strict in following the scientific method. we are trying to learn more about people, and since people are much more dynamic than behaviors or even responses in an experiment it is much more insightful for anthropologists to be in the field and experience it themselves first hand. at the same time experience it with the participants and interlocutors in a natural setting. well i would say the beehive example is very close. anthropologists are like that, they go into the field and instead of assessing it just by observation or analysis we experience it. i hope i made it clear. :)

Yes, there is something wrong with being research experiments. I feel like a lab rat, and no one wants to feel like one. I kind of have the feeling you want to "fix" us of our deafness. I'm not the expert on deaf culture. But I know the deaf are not lab rats.
Yes, there is something wrong with being research experiments. I feel like a lab rat, and no one wants to feel like one. I kind of have the feeling you want to "fix" us of our deafness. I'm not the expert on deaf culture. But I know the deaf are not lab rats.

well I guess if thats how you view it then it is negative. my fault then, but to explain further, im not doing an experiment. im not here to fix your deafness. i most certainly do not consider you guys lab rats. doing research doesnt mean i will conduct experiments. as in my previous posts and replies i tried to explain that im here only to experience the community. to ask questions and receive truthful answers that you guys would feel comfortable and confident about. like ive said, im looking for responses that are natural, and not because im doing some kind of paper about this culture. i want to know how to be in this community. so as you can see i have no other ill intentions. and as i have previously mentioned I am still formulating a questionnaire which i wish to distribute once its done. of course this is only if you feel comfortable about it. i am not compelling anyone to participate. :)