Hey Everyone

I have a question for you Tweetybirdie, what it like to be FREE without being locked in the cage?...

It must be nice living alone, no more rules, no more cats, and not have to worry about anyone telling you what to do....
Pomeranian said:
Good for you and hope you enjoy the independent that you deserved. Dont forget to give me your new address too. I gotta change that in my address book. :wave:

Me too! Tweetybird, Don't forget about me. I need to change your address in my address book :)
^Angel^ said:
I have a question for you Tweetybirdie, what it like to be FREE without being locked in the cage?...

It must be nice living alone, no more rules, no more cats, and not have to worry about anyone telling you what to do....
oh yea i am freeedom around here and no more cage for me!!!! :D
BabyAngel said:
Me too! Tweetybird, Don't forget about me. I need to change your address in my address book :)
hey babyangel and POSS, i already PMED u
congrats tweety :) now u feel better to be on your own and able to do whatever u want and not be :pissed: anymore ;)
wildzerica06 said:
congrats tweety :) now u feel better to be on your own and able to do whatever u want and not be :pissed: anymore ;)
yup! u are right abt that... :D
Wishing the best for you as you begin a new chapter of your life.
Thanks for your new address. Scribbling away the old address and writing down the new address. Ahhhhhhhhhh that better!!
:hug: :hug: Hey Tweety!!! I wish you the best of luck with your new apartment!!! I will miss you on Alldeaf, and I hope you get your computer connected really soon!!!! Big hugs girlfriend and take care!! I hope you will have a wonderful move so you get to really enjoy your new place!!! :ily: