here's my BIGGEST freakiest vent out....


New Member
Feb 27, 2003
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whew! thats all i need to vent because i havent got to get it out that enough. i had a break-down today. i screamed to top out of my lungs as i could when i was on the way to home from work. i just feel alone. im still feeling stressed out right now. sucks to be me.

dont take it personal, i gotta spill it out on internet lol.
um...just had a break up with alex or something? :|

anyway, life sucks to everyone...what'd you expect? even my life sucks too but I just try to get over it and do whatever I try to enjoy...and hopefully you would too.
ohh e :cuddle: i know how u feel!!! it does get frustrating at times -- that was a good vent and no i hadnt taken it personal :)
steel, no of course not. it was mostly about job and i felt hopeless and helpless most of time.
thanks for understanding about my weirdness, fly!
i like my job, i dont love it. people sometimes just mistreat me and i complained to my CFO, he doesnt want to deal with it. even though i was told that he does that to everyone because he was afraid of dealing with their problems. it was mostly about my head-supervisor who took office under his control which was very mismanagement and miscommunication big time. i take this personal sometimes because i did not want to lose my job OVER him. he was VERY sneaky and tricky person, he always covered himself up under your sense and you knew it automatically. in othe rway, ive worked there for a year and half and no one still get "used to" around me YET! its ok they dont have to but they shouldve not give me some shit.
i was confused because i wasnt sure if i was overreacting or were they really discrimating me (the head-supervisor) because he literally kept covering himself and it was so blunt and hard to tell if he actually did on purpose for reason.
ahhh i hate supervisors like that :roll: in my book theyre total assholes! ignore the prick and do ur job well -- i know it CAN be super frustrating when working in a hearie dominated work place
i know, i cant just ignore becasue it could jeopardize my job and myself. in a few ways, i sensed he wanted me out. anything he'd almost try to. he kept me from promotion because i cannot communicate with clients. he was dead-wrong because i made phone calls with them by using internet relay, but he doesnt like it anyway. my position is no longer for one person, it NEEDS two people so badly. i needed back-up, i couldnt miss a day whenever i needed to because thered be no back-up. this is also another reason i got alittle physically break-down, i usually felt very stressed by end of the week after first few days of hard work. he was gonna hire somebody, he did twice but they were over-achived w/ degrees and no one wants to work on my position lol. hes really hardheaded and difficult to hire somebody for my position.
continue to contact clients via IP relay and other avenues -- that proves u ARE able to conduct ur duties just fine with some modifications --

have u reminded him of ADA and the EEOC laws/policies qq cuz his promoting someone else with lesser seniority possibly have been discrimination -- have u managed to look into that subtly qq
i would do that but first of all i dont know alot of infos about it. im going to have a meeting with someone to discuss about it and learn some things hopefully. id rather to know the facts before i say something. this guy knows how to talk back and pick up all of good reasons to cover himself up. its very irritating for me, its been months and months. i know that i wasnt only person experiencing this, my co-worker felt the same way, also.
:jaw: I'm 'hated'.... :tears:

...ummm...any chance we'll be friends again? Or will I need to start a 'thread' for being 'hated'? :lol:

I do hope things will really start to look up for you 'E' and that the amount of stress you endure will be loosen so you can freely be able to enjoy your life the way you deserve to do so...keep your chin up and before you know it, brighter days are ahead in store for you!!! :thumb:
e said:
i would do that but first of all i dont know alot of infos about it. im going to have a meeting with someone to discuss about it and learn some things hopefully. id rather to know the facts before i say something. this guy knows how to talk back and pick up all of good reasons to cover himself up. its very irritating for me, its been months and months. i know that i wasnt only person experiencing this, my co-worker felt the same way, also.

good idea e -- get all u can learn and have proof of what the law/policies are before u go shake up some trees :D
whoa!! i dont blame for u scream and need get out of ur lung and it will be help u... also i hope everything ok for u soon.. i do uddy how ur feeling abt that.. wow!! :cuddle:
WOW, :shock:

That's umm...was quite a vent there ' E ' :lol: ...

I understand the frustration you may be feeling toward your job, and the things you have done....Alot of people really don't know that we can do the job without having to be noticed that we have a hearing problem, that shouldn't be an issue in the first place, you are there to do the job and that you do know how to do it without being questioned about your abilities to do the job....I also find is so unfair that they expect you to pick up the phone yourself to call the clients without being able to utilize the use of the internet or phone relay, why does that bother them so much when you are doing your job and that all it should count....

I do hope everything goes smooth for you....;)
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I know how you feel. I worked at Lions Camp for a whole summer. I had a breakdown there and had no one to talk to. I cried everyday. One of my wing leader keep choosing me to do the works over the hearing staffs. And the team leader took her side. They moved me to another unit. She hardly do anything. She's diabetes, but so, I saw other staffs who are diabetes and they did a hard work than her. What a lazy a**! Most of deaf staffs hated her. She doesn't do her work while our team leader is not around.

The communication was bad. There were a few bad interpreters. There are few deaf staffs feel the same way. One quit cuz she couldn't stand there any longer. I feel so bad for her. I wanted her back. Me, I had to stay all the way until its over. But, lucky me, I have a cousin that worked there, too. I talked to her about how I feel. She felt the same way.

I am thinking about not going back there again next year. Those people are surely suck!

E: Cry out much as you can. And eat a lot of chocolate icecream. Im sure that'll help you out.
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*holding peace-out sign* :giggle:

Scream all you want E, sure does help doesn't it? Just make sure you don't break anyone's windows :nana:

I had those moments E, Actually working for my Dad always been tough, Sometimes we have short on people working for us I felt like doing everything by myself, cutting meats running to the middle and serving foods, doing dishes, if someone has to go to the bathroom I'll have to take over the front counter cashier. It like I do everything there and it bugs me a great deal because, we all get paid the same and most of the guys spending their time aruging back and forth to each other cussing and argue about things that are not so important, they act like they are married to each other honestly I get sick of it most of the time, sometimes they end up using their fist punching each other. :crazy: I put up with that for 12 damn years and it never gotten better. I am only there for one thing and that is to get my pay check and go to the hotel and get rest for the next day or next show.:)

I understand that you need a back up, I felt that way alot of times when I am working for my Dad. When ^Angel^ comes and do a few shows with us I felt so much better because, she works hard too just like I do. :P

Go get what you want E! :applause:
hi e, ur supervisor sounded just like
my former supervisor... I never got
a good feeling about him neither.

Overall, something for you to ponder about:
Which is more important to you
to have a lousy supervisor with a good job
or have a great supervisor with a lousy job ?
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Ain't that the truth Y!

My job is the same way. I'm the only deaf employee here and I know exactly how you feel E. It's a piss. I've ranted enough times in my blog about my stinkin' job then I go off to do my excercise to relief stress. It is really hard.
Somehow your life has gotten out of control. Stress has its grip on you. You lie down to sleep at night and it feels like your heart is going to pound right out of your chest. You just can’t relax. You get through the night but awake in the morning still feeling terrible, “overwhelmed” by life, anxious and exhausted. What can you do to break the grip of stress?

Stress becomes a problem when the pressure from stress exceeds your ability to cope. If you are feeling overwhelmed by stress, you can start taking control of the stress in your life by following the suggestions below:

1. Ask yourself: What specific problems or conflicts are troubling me and how can I deal with each of these problems effectively? Rather than focusing on how to cope with stress, answering this question will put you on course to prevent or eliminate much of your stress by helping you determine the root cause(s) of your stress. To lower the amount of stress in your life, become aware of your stressors and your emotional and physical reactions to stress. Notice your distress. Don’t ignore it. Determine how your body responds to stress. Do you become nervous or physically upset? If so, in what specific ways? Think about when, and why, you feel stressed. Devise ways to change, manage or avoid the problems that trigger your stress.

2. Practice deep breathing. Give your body and mind the break they need from stress by practicing slow, deep breathing. Here’s what to do: Close your eyes and inhale slowly and deeply through your nose (approx. 7 seconds), then exhale slowly through your mouth (approx. 8 seconds). If you prefer, say “relax” or “calm” or another soothing word as you exhale. Do this for 5 minutes, 3 times a day. This technique, known as the “relaxation response,” will calm your brain, relax your body and help bring your heart rate and respiration back to normal.

3. Identify the ways you “think” yourself to higher levels of stress. Stress is a product of the mind and therefore something you can control. Stress isn’t something that happens to you, but rather how you think about what is happening, or what has happened. Are you viewing your stressors in exaggerated terms and/or taking a difficult situation and making it worse? Are you overreacting and viewing things as absolutely critical and urgent? Do you worry about things that are out of your control? Do you feel you have to be perfect all of the time? Simply put, stressful thoughts cause stress. Work at adopting more moderate views. Put stressful situations in perspective.

4. Increase your ability to cope with stress. A healthy lifestyle is your best defense against stress. Stress experts recommend the following:

Avoid using alcohol, caffeine or nicotine as a means of alleviating stress. Exercise regularly to dissipate stress energy and lift your mood.
Unleash tension or worry by sharing your feelings with a close friend, family member or counselor.

Practice relaxation daily. Try deep breathing, yoga, meditation, imagery, listening to quiet music, being in nature, or prayer.

Get at least 7 hours of sleep nightly.
Eat well-balanced, nutritious meals. Reduce consumption of refined sugars, which cause frequent fluctuation in blood glucose levels, increasing your stress.

5. Seek professional assistance. How do you know when it is time to get professional help? According to the American Psychological Association, here are a few indicators:

You feel trapped, like there’s nowhere to turn
You worry excessively and can’t concentrate
The way you feel affects your sleep, your eating habits, your job, your relationships,
your everyday life.
Your EAP Is Here To Help

If you’re having difficulty coping with stress, call your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for confidential counseling, referrals or information. A professional EAP counselor can help you address the cause(s) of your distress and help you learn effective ways to deal with stress. Why not call an EAP counselor today? We’re here to help.

Signs of Overstress

Temporary Male Impotence
Most men are not surprised that stress can cause an ulcer or a rise in blood pressure. They are, however, surprised to learn that prolonged, unrelieved stress can cause temporary erectile dysfunction. Too much stress for too long of time causes physiological changes in the body that can directly affect a man’s ability to get and maintain an erection. Erectile function can return to normal when stress is reduced and the body is allowed to re-balance itself. Note: There are other causes of male impotence. If you are experiencing temporary male impotence, see your medical doctor.

Stress Causes Brain Malfunction
The latest medical research reports that overstress can cause physical changes in the brain. What happens? Brain cells “talk to each other” by means of chemical messengers. When a person is exposed to too much stress, chemical communications in the brain begin to fail. When these messengers fail, a person suffers from sleep disturbance, aches and pains, depression and anxiety.

What Are The Symptoms Of Overstress?
The symptoms of excessive stress vary from person to person. Review the symptom checklist below. If you are suffering from too much stress, make a commitment to learn how to decrease and/or better manage the stress in your life.


tiredness, exhaustion
change in appetite
change in sleep or waking patterns
elevated blood pressure
rapid heartbeat, heart palpitations
shortness of breath
chest pain
trembling, shaking
cold hands or feet
flushing or sweating
muscle tension in neck, face or shoulders
body aches and pains or muscle stiffness not caused by exercise
grinding teeth, clinched jaw
stomach, gut or bowel problems such as heartburn, acid stomach, flatulence, diarrhea,
constipation and irritable bowel syndrome
male impotence
physical illness

lack of concentration
memory losses
confusion or indecisiveness
poor decision making
mind racing or going blank
loss of sense of humor

inability to control anger
worry, anxiety or fear
extreme mood swings
loss of sexual desire

increased use of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, drugs
increased eating
pacing, fidgeting, nervous habits (nail biting, foot tapping)
yelling or swearing
blaming, throwing things or hitting
It has been bother me lately because the ADA seems very weaker and also EEO ( Equal Employee Opporunity ) fight the right for the deaf people at their jobs at Priviate Industries and Federal Government jobs. They are more willing to help with indication disability like wheelchair, blind, etc. Itself deafness is not really disability. Just can't hear and not perfect speak as speech. Of course, we are more invisible as disability. I realized that they do not want to bother with the deaf people because of charge too much money to request an interpreter. I did ask my Supervisor and Directorate for change a better duties and title job since two years. I do not see anything better lately. I did asked EEO about this situation. EEO seems not approach stronger to those people enough. I called in my State Bar Associate to explain briefly situation. They gave me Attorney's name. I consulted with Atty, he said, I have to pay 2,500 dollars down the money then he will investiage my case. I have seen alot of favoritisim at my workplace. I am very concerned because they got promotion and received too many awards. There are sibings work there too same in my division. I am surprised that they are favoritsim due to against the law. They seemed afraid to speak up or complain about other people.

I was so discouraged because I worked very hard with my school and got my college degree. I am concerned when I get my College degree then I will be stucked with my currently job with very lower pay with two kids. I am a single Mom. My finance is very hardship. The Legal Service disapproved me because of over payment in my salary. It seems stuck for me.

Recently, Presidnet Clinton puts a new law, he wants all of Private Industries and Federal Government jobs hiring more disability people. I wonder about deafness people. Will the companies willing to do this ??

Unforunately, there is no justification for the Federal Government because of the congressmen has not pass the law yet. That is why, EEO and Attorney are still struggle with that situation for the deaf Federal Employee. It is Session Law 501 for the Federal Government.

There is more helpful with obviously disabilities people more than deaf people due to invisible disability. It is really ironical beccause they spend a lot of money on wheelchair accessiable the door and outside side of stairs and purchase very expensive equipment for the blind people. What about the deaf people? We only need an interpreter in ASL or Oralism, etc. It is depend on deaf person preferred level of sign language.

Itself law is very complicated right now for the deaf employees at the Federal Government. We are still struggled for our right. I keep this fight for my right with EEO at first step. If the EEO does not resolve this situation. There is nothing else I can do about it because I can't afford to pay an Attorney at Law under the Federal Government. I know, it is unforunately for the Federal employees. As for the Private Industries is much easier than Federal. Private Industry employees can file complain with Civil Office Right in your State for their right. But not the Federal Government.

President Clintion just announced that he wants all of Private Industries and Federal Government to hiring more disabilities people. But.. he did not say about the specification about "deaf people". We need to change a new law to become more stronger for the deaf people's right to get an interpreter. No matter what informal or formal meetings. We should be equal our right with hearing people for their better understand about their division's change new system or new policy, etc.. Write the notes does not help for the deaf people with briefly message. It causes us very frustration because of miss a lot of important things.

We need to be education deaf language and culture to various Private Industries and Federal Government agencies better service and provider an interpreters for the deaf people. And also, I would encourage you to teach your colleagues and supervisors to learn sign language to communication better.
thanks for the feedbacks, guys!

im going to have a meeting very soon. hopefully, there'll some things can be worked out somehow. some deaf person works at a company whose owner friends with my bosses. the owner was the one who suggested my boss to hire a deaf person. anyway, i heard theyre training their deaf worker on the same position i wanted to learn (their company runs very similar private business where i work except different owners).... and they already got sorenson VRS set up for the person to communicate with clients. my CFO is going to try to find out how things worked out over there, most likley he'll bring me and my supervisor there to observe. so, we'll see whats going on then....
I agree with Sabrina.. I works for government and people can be pain in the ass, and I like my job but I love my position, but I don't like the atompshere and the people, and they can be sneaky, and it is like a Survivors, they wanted me out of the job, and I had to play hard to stay and keep my job.