Here's a fun challenge:



Do you webcam with fellow ADers? If so, why not copy the screen and post it here in AD. Please, though, try to save the images to your homepages and link it from there, as we don't want to use up memory here for forum. Thanks.

Me and Socrates webcamming!


Now you all see why I treasure my KootchieBootchie so much as if he's my own blood and flesh. I've never had a brother in my life and KootchieBootchie has really filled in the place "ten-times-fold". We are meeting each other pretty soon in a few months and each day, we eagerly discuss our travel plans. Smoochies, KootchieBootchie!!!!
Oy!!! I do webcam with some ADers, but I have NOOO idea how to copy a screen and send it...

Anyone wanna help me out here? (And my MSN handle is yourself first!)
Socrates -- did u cut ur hair qq it looks great!!!! :thumb:

great pix Kuifje!!!

i have webcam but RARELY ever use it
I know how to copy and paste a screen shot - Malfoyish. :D In fact, it's quite simple...just hold down 'ctl+alt' as you hit 'PrtSc' (print screen)...then put it in Word document, then you'll see it. :)
Hope I was clear nuff on how to do a screenshot! :P If not, anyone care to help out a bit more? :D
Malfoyish said:
Oy!!! I do webcam with some ADers, but I have NOOO idea how to copy a screen and send it...

Anyone wanna help me out here? (And my MSN handle is yourself first!)
It's very simple. Maximize the window of the program you are using and then press the "Print Scrn" key. I don't know what it will say on your keyboard... but it actually represents "Print Screen". Anyway, once you do that... it will take a snapshot of what's on your monitor. Next, open any image program... preferably MS Paint, since it's very simple and quick. Next, press CTRL+V to paste it. Next, save it as JPG (JPEG). If you're good at cropping, you can just leave the window as it is and then press the "Print Scrn" key. When you paste it, you can easily crop it and save it then. Hope that helps! :thumb:
BTW, I do webcam with a few AD's, but not too often though -- I mainly use the webcam to converse with my baby darling sister in Maryland. :thumb:
VamPyroX said:
It's very simple. Maximize the window of the program you are using and then press the "Print Scrn" key. I don't know what it will say on your keyboard... but it actually represents "Print Screen". Anyway, once you do that... it will take a snapshot of what's on your monitor. Next, open any image program... preferably MS Paint, since it's very simple and quick. Next, press CTRL+V to paste it. Next, save it as JPG (JPEG). If you're good at cropping, you can just leave the window as it is and then press the "Print Scrn" key. When you paste it, you can easily crop it and save it then. Hope that helps! :thumb:

Ermm...although I replied before you did...still, your description's a lot easier to read and follow, :lol: Meme lousy describer! :giggle:
OKay - next time I get an AD buddy in webcam, I will try this...LOL. Eeeek, I've gotta make sure my hair looks decent. Hm. Wouldn't wanna scare anyone.

How about it? Someone? :)
Malfoyish said:
OKay - next time I get an AD buddy in webcam, I will try this...LOL. Eeeek, I've gotta make sure my hair looks decent. Hm. Wouldn't wanna scare anyone.

How about it? Someone? :)

Don't think about It Hon.... :giggle:

You have seen me in my worst days.
Here's freaky and I on webcam ;) It was cool to finally talk with you face to face! :lol:

I absolutely love webcams cos it's fun. Of course, be careful and don't be NORTI! :laugh2:


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WRgirly!!! Mwahhhies, you're a doll!!! I was far from norti!! (Yeah, right!!! LOL!!) WaterRats13 is a kindred spirit that I love to chat with because she is so smart to share stories with. We have a lot in common and we can bounce ideas off each other. She's a very sweet gal and don't you dare cut off the looonnggg Rapunzel locks!!! :fly2: Oh so saxxxy!!!
Socrates said:
WRgirly!!! Mwahhhies, you're a doll!!! I was far from norti!! (Yeah, right!!! LOL!!) WaterRats13 is a kindred spirit that I love to chat with because she is so smart to share stories with. We have a lot in common and we can bounce ideas off each other. She's a very sweet gal and don't you dare cut off the looonnggg Rapunzel locks!!! :fly2: Oh so saxxxy!!!

Awww...:Oops: shucks -- ta for the lovely comments on my hair. I absolutely love my hair -- in fact, I consider it my best asset. ;)

I concur what you said -- we do have some things in common and can talk just about anything! :giggle:
cooliefroggie, this is not about promoting which webcam program is the best. It is about posting an image of your webcam chat with your ADer friends through ANY webcam softwares.
Cheri and Malfy 7/8/04


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Malfoyish said:
Oy!!! I do webcam with some ADers, but I have NOOO idea how to copy a screen and send it...

Anyone wanna help me out here? (And my MSN handle is yourself first!)

LOL Malfy...Coffeeeman did it for you! Search the thread for your convo with Cheri. It's here somewhere! lol
It's neat to see other ADers webcaming. I have yet to webcam with people from AD. Oh well, maybe someday :)
Oceanbreeze said:
LOL Malfy...Coffeeeman did it for you! Search the thread for your convo with Cheri. It's here somewhere! lol

Oh, yeah, I see that. ;) I finally convinced her, it seems. LOLOL! Oh, this is an original thread, for sure. Now, who's next? ;)
Aww Cheri's not looking because she's shy! :giggle: cute, cute! Aww, well you looked great! So is Malfygirly!

Patty/Marc/Purple - great pictures!! MSN sure has a nice feature, but unfortunately I got rid of MSN last year because of poor spam filters unlike yahoo. I hear MSN has improved a lot now, hasn't it?