Even late-deafened have issues with background noises with CI.. it is just one of those things that forced you listen to things that you don't want hear just to listen to what you do want to hear. It kinda blend the sounds together, I guess... and if use the background filtering, it forced to filter out the things you DO want to hear because the processor thinks it is a background noises.
Another problem is that there are only small number of audiologists who are qualified to map CI and they have to work beside ENT. This mean you will have to travel a long way just for mapping. They have to work beside ENT because things can still go wrong with the internal implant.. even years later.
Third problem is that it does take a while to get used to it. sometime years, depending on the person. And if you don't keep up with your mapping, you won't gain much from it. you could drain your batteries too that way because you constantly trying turning up the volume to benefit from it.
It's hard to put on your CI in the morning.
Sometimes CI can be too much to bare and very overwhelming in noisy places.
YOu can't swim in it but of course you can't swim with your hearing aids either.
People think you are cured! they don't know that some people still struggle in with it. And still learning to listen..even for years.. CI help alot, but most of the time you don't hear everything accurately as you think, especially in long run on sentences. I am pretty good picking up words without a problem, but when there's a new word , I ask people to repeat it 5 or more times (I know my letter sounds and phonics, but just can not pick those up in new words, I have to ask them to write it) Again, it depends on the person (just like hearing aids depend on the person). I still avoid people who mumbles.
Most CI users are still tone deaf. And they are more of a mild or moderate HOH with CI.
CI can hurt those who choose not to be implanted if they are not careful with the law (discrimination can form if we don't have laws to protect the human rights of these people)
It can be hard to learn how to manage deafness without CI (and HA) if you become too depended on it...
http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/P...andProsthetics/CochlearImplants/ucm062843.htm <--- here's more
Remember, this paper really should be about individual choice why one should not choose CI... and not a ban against CI all together.