Hello from Italy


New Member
Aug 6, 2009
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Hi everybody!
I guess I am one of the few not-Americans here, I am from Italy.
Lurking the forum is helping me very much, thus I decided to register and start posting.
I am the father of a cute 1.5 yr old deaf boy, Leonardo. We got the diagnosis just 5 weeks ago, our family has never had experience in that, it has been hard (it is still hard) to catch it, but my reaction was immediately to look for information, to try to understand and to struggle to accept the situation.
Obviously my son is still the fantastic child he has always been at our eyes, maybe even more than before. I know we are going to take several extremely important decisions for him and it won't be easy at all... Nevertheless we have the chance to be much more important for him than the most of parents, we can really help him a lot, from many many points of view.
I think this community is a wonderful source of information and ideas, I am sure you all will help me a lot and I hope to be able to contribute somehow as well.

welcome.. which part are you in italy? My dad's sides were born in sicily. My mom's dad's sides were born in near naple. ha
I am from Trieste, north-east, on the seaside, at the border with Slovenia, nearly 1 mile from Venice. I also have relatives from Sicily, my mom's side. I love that place!
My dad did go there 2 years ago to check out where his parents were born in palermo there. My mom is not a fan of traveling such as airplane. So my dad went there alone joining with the group. he had blast time there.

back to that subject, how did you guys realize that your boy's deaf after you brought him to doctor. I hope you will be able to find some information in your home town for your boy.
My dad did go there 2 years ago to check out where his parents were born in palermo there. My mom is not a fan of traveling such as airplane. So my dad went there alone joining with the group. he had blast time there.

back to that subject, how did you guys realize that your boy's deaf after you brought him to doctor. I hope you will be able to find some information in your home town for your boy.

Well, it wasn't easy. Now if I think back, I feel a bit stupid, 'cause it's so clear now... Basically, he's a very smart boy, able to do many more things than the mean if his age children, but besides saying "mum", he wasn't (still isn't obviously) able to speak and most of all 9 of 10 he used not to respond when called. We were worried about that and bring him to the md. After the negative response of the behavior audietric test they did an ABR and Leonardo was diagnosed as profoundly deaf. And here we are.
I was sure there was something wrong with him...

Fortunately here we have a wonderful association of deaf children parents, they are helping us a lot, from all the points of view. Moreover, in Italy the medical system is very good and here there is a major children hospital (one of the most important of the country). So, I guess we are pretty lucky. Anyway it's still difficult...
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. You will learn a lot about our experiences as Deaf people. So I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. :wave:
Well, it wasn't easy. Now if I think back, I feel a bit stupid, 'cause it's so clear now... Basically, he's a very smart boy, able to do many more things than the mean if his age children, but besides saying "mum", he wasn't (still isn't obviously) able to speak and most of all 9 of 10 he used not to respond when called. We were worried about that and bring him to the md. After the negative response of the behavior audietric test they did an ABR and Leonardo was diagnosed as profoundly deaf. And here we are.
I was sure there was something wrong with him...

Fortunately here we have a wonderful association of deaf children parents, they are helping us a lot, from all the points of view. Moreover, in Italy the medical system is very good and here there is a major children hospital (one of the most important of the country). So, I guess we are pretty lucky. Anyway it's still difficult...

That's great you found out earlier than later. yes it's still difficult everyday. I hope you find lots of posts that are something to interest you and posting here too. Happy posting! :D
welcome.. which part are you in italy? My dad's sides were born in sicily. My mom's dad's sides were born in near naple. ha

your from the mafia?!!
apparently i know a girl who her father was a mafia hitman, then he went into hiding for some 20 years, still alive and well. Bloody lucky sod.
your from the mafia?!!
apparently i know a girl who her father was a mafia hitman, then he went into hiding for some 20 years, still alive and well. Bloody lucky sod.

:giggle: i know none of my relatives who were mafias but who knows! Most of us are very poor. =( However, Mafia people used to live in NYC who knew a few of my uncles are who my dad's brothers. They used to play pokers with them years ago in 1950's - 1960's. Unfortunatley one of my uncle was killed by them. WE all suspect that unlce owed them a lot. enough said. SO my dad isn't the kind of person like them such as gamble stuff.
:giggle: i know none of my relatives who were mafias but who knows! Most of us are very poor. =( However, Mafia people used to live in NYC who knew a few of my uncles are who my dad's brothers. They used to play pokers with them years ago in 1950's - 1960's. Unfortunatley one of my uncle was killed by them. WE all suspect that unlce owed them a lot. enough said. SO my dad isn't the kind of person like them such as gamble stuff.

yeah, it is even entirely possible that he won (or break even), they owed him but didn't like it so they shot him. No one should mess or play with gangsters, they arent people, just pure bullys in which so they live off their own laws, and usually die from their own laws...
Ciao paolo come stai? We are from calabria but we mostly all live in canada now some relatives still in lago tho ..anyways is your son being fitted for hearing aids and are you going to be teaching him LIS (Lingua Italiana dei Segni)?
Ciao paolo come stai? We are from calabria but we mostly all live in canada now some relatives still in lago tho ..anyways is your son being fitted for hearing aids and are you going to be teaching him LIS (Lingua Italiana dei Segni)?

you another mafia girl? lol jk (judging by your Vehement loyality with BMW M3 cars)