Thank you so much for all of your input! It is definitely interesting to see the differences in what HOH/deaf individuals recommend versus what the audiologists and my parental adviser have recommended all this time.
My main concern is that I don't KNOW for a fact what his hearing loss is at this point, since all the tests have not matched. In fact, since I have TWO people who I know who have been told their kids had hearing loss and needed hearing aids and now are older and DO NOT have hearing loss or need them just shows me that these doctors do NOT know everything and tests CAN be wrong. For now, I am keeping them on him until we get a test that matches, because I don't want to take chances with him. At the same time, how can I NOT want to sign with him, even if it is just a little bit? Since I feel I can't trust the tests as of yet, what if his hearing is worse and he isn't hearing what they think he can? How can I not try to teach him some basic signs since the tests haven't matched yet?
My oldest son knew basic baby signs. He started signing at 8 months. I have been trying for the past 2 months to teach Grayson some basic signs, but he has not reciprocated yet. I am pretty sure he knows what the sign for milk means (well, boobie), and I think he probably knows what the sign for more means, but I can't be sure since he has not done them himself. He doesn't seem very interested in signing yet. I am trying to be as consistent as I can, but I find signing a little hard since you need your hands free to do it...that is hard having 3 boys

But, I'm trying!
Grayson's first audiologist was born with a severe hearing loss and wears hearing aids, and she discouraged me from signing as well, saying he wouldn't need it and that he would be able to hear very well and would probably speak very normally with the help of his HAs. I have been told that his hearing aids are programmed to his specific loss and that only sounds he has trouble hearing are amplified, but I still feel very lost in all this. I have been given a mountain of reading material that I am working on has been since October that I've been trying to get it all read, but there is just so much!
I have not joined GA Hands and Voices yet, but I was planning on doing that soon. I have so much going on and so much to process, and right now I'm just trying to get a correct test or one that is at least very close to one of the two we have already done.
I have so many different opinions from so many people, it is hard for me to choose which path is right. My mother-in-law was a deaf interpreter for years with Georgia PINES, but she has been very anti-hearing aids and says I shouldn't use them, that he doesn't need them, and that the sound he is hearing with them is probably not good quality.
I've also had mixed opinions about speech therapy. Some say he won't need it, that his loss is the "best" kind of hearing loss and that he should have no trouble developing speech, and others say he still needs it to put meaning to sound and learn to listen. I guess I am going to contact Atlanta Speech School soon and start the application process for the baby program...? It is almost an hour away, but I guess once or twice a week, which is what I have heard is standard for babies there, isn't so bad.