Hearing Aids users

I always wear hearing aid on right side, the left ear totallllllly deaf (dead ear).

Sounding for sirens, noise, music and etc.

I was a grown toddler, I wore a body hearing aid till 7 years old replaced new behind the ear hearing aid.
i always wear hearing aids everydaii.. bec it helps me like a lotta.. i mean.. if i dont have any hearing aids.. then O well.. i cant hear shit... i can talk.. and stuff.. i can understand hearing people completely, and read lipz.. but hearing aids help.. and my DAD complainn if i dont have any hearing aids on .. lol
he wants me 2 wear it so he can communicate wit me :D
well.. dont hateee me!
I don't use hearing aids.. but when I was in Elem. before 6th grade, NYSSDeaf forced me to wear those FM even though if I can't hear. That's so fucked up, They had some theory that it would help us get educated better if we use FM. But, they're wrong.
FM? Is that the weird device that you hook up to your hearing aid while the teacher has a microphone? I had that when i was little. It was annoying as hell!
I still use my hearin aid on my right ear. I use to have have it on both but my left ear went bad so I took it off and never wore it again. It doesnt bother at all cuz I got use to it since I was little.
I have cochlear implant

I, 'course, have cochlear implant when I was almost 12 years old in 1991. At first I can hear everything even one single stuff. I can hear the traffic on highway about couple of block away from my house. I even can hear the water in kitchen (it's soo annoy to hear!). I remember one night when I was at home alone in very quiet and silent time doing my homework. I was sit on the floor do the homework... While I'm work on my homework, I heard something that disturb me too much it sound like something tap...tap...tap...tap...tap... so I become fed up and look around and listen to each place where I can hear the noise.. suddenly I spot to the clock on the wall.. I hold my breath and stare at the clock where the tick hand (sp?) tick tick tick I was like
what the--?! It is the noise that I can hear even it's so quiet noise. My cochlear implant can pick the noise from the clock.. Image that?! I've wear cochlear until I turn to be 15 years old I decide stop wear cochlear implant because it's too annoy and cause me have headache and dizzy.. I have no problem with cochlear implant after the surgery.. But the problem is just noise... It's so annoy! :(
Re: I have cochlear implant

Originally posted by TexDeafies
I, 'course, have cochlear implant when I was almost 12 years old in 1991. At first I can hear everything even one single stuff. I can hear the traffic on highway about couple of block away from my house. I even can hear the water in kitchen (it's soo annoy to hear!). I remember one night when I was at home alone in very quiet and silent time doing my homework. I was sit on the floor do the homework... While I'm work on my homework, I heard something that disturb me too much it sound like something tap...tap...tap...tap...tap... so I become fed up and look around and listen to each place where I can hear the noise.. suddenly I spot to the clock on the wall.. I hold my breath and stare at the clock where the tick hand (sp?) tick tick tick I was like
what the--?! It is the noise that I can hear even it's so quiet noise. My cochlear implant can pick the noise from the clock.. Image that?! I've wear cochlear until I turn to be 15 years old I decide stop wear cochlear implant because it's too annoy and cause me have headache and dizzy.. I have no problem with cochlear implant after the surgery.. But the problem is just noise... It's so annoy! :(

poor you!!!!!
I wear hearing aid on my right ear, Ususally 2 hearing Aids with me for almost my life, so I give up 1 hearing aid cuz my left ear is dead.
Re: Re: Re: Re: I have cochlear implant

Originally posted by GoldenLeaf74
ha !!!

heh well it's true that it bother me too much.. It cause me having bad headache and dizzy and drive me :crazy: because it feel like it's very loud noise in my brain even there is no hearing aid... it was like robot noise.. hate that! :(
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I have cochlear implant

Originally posted by TexDeafies
heh well it's true that it bother me too much.. It cause me having bad headache and dizzy and drive me :crazy: because it feel like it's very loud noise in my brain even there is no hearing aid... it was like robot noise.. hate that! :(

yeah I undy, wondering your CI can along work with computerr? I am so curious!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I have cochlear implant

Originally posted by GoldenLeaf74
yeah I undy, wondering your CI can along work with computerr? I am so curious!

well they do with computer for "tweak" the sound... but they are lousy anyway :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I have cochlear implant

Originally posted by TexDeafies
well they do with computer for "tweak" the sound... but they are lousy anyway :)

I see interesting!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I have cochlear implant

Originally posted by GoldenLeaf74
I see interesting!!

Yep yep yep yep!! psst.. cochlear implant company don't know what up with their thingy because it won't help me anyway shhhh :(
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I have cochlear implant

Originally posted by TexDeafies
Yep yep yep yep!! psst.. cochlear implant company don't know what up with their thingy because it won't help me anyway shhhh :(

yeah I am very against CI but I don't blame you if you dont like CI!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I have cochlear implant

Originally posted by GoldenLeaf74
yeah I am very against CI but I don't blame you if you dont like CI!!

Point taken :ugh:

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