Hearies and deafies

It's the first post on the second page, at the top.

Negative experiences with a word can leave an awful taste in peoples' mouths.

it says:
I was called deafie when I younger by my ex brother and sisters and I hated that a lot . I still do hate the word.

Sorry I missed that nuance.

In the Deaf communities, we have or had always say "hearies" for the hearing people and "deafies" for both deaf and hard of hearing. Yes, that is slang on what we want to call them for short like Audiofuzzy said. That is our life in Deaf Culture. :lol:
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I think that the real problem of the deaf is the social approach towards the deaf. not surprisingly, the first problems start right at birth and almost always suddenly. This means that the society is not prepared to deal with the problems of deafness and the evolution of the individual person that interacts with society. there is no official protocol of education so that everyone has the same chance of being able to improve. the rest is up to them and here it becomes difficult to distinguish what is right and what is wrong, that it is right that everyone should know the ASL, or all must be able to speak orally? learn ASL or half and half oral? or all implanted? depends on yourself and how much education he received and the quality of the education he has received ....
of course this is only my personal opinion interpreted according to my experience!

sorry if I write badly or if they are not good at explaining well ....