Hearies and deafies

Ive also seen totally deaf people lose their friends just because they got a cochlear implant, they are so heartbroken over that, that a simple object can define a friendship.

I've seen the reverse happen. I have a former friend from college who got a CI. She dumped all her deaf friends, including me. She refused to sign anymore. She was determined to be "hearing" and left everyone behind. I was sad because while our deafness is how we met in the first place, it's not what kept our friendship going.
Would you mind explaining, please, why do you hate this word?

me, I think it just an off-beat descriptive word - 'hearie', 'deafie',
like you describe certain pple by 'mom and pops', 'lil' kiddies' 'brudda' 'sista' etc..


I already said why I did not like the word , there is nothing more to add. :roll:
I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way but it seems like it's the older people that stay to only deaf community and don't want to be bothered with hearies. Is that because back in their day that's how it was?

HUH? you really need to do some research about growing deaf and hoh in the 'old day' . You're so dead wrong . No , that was not how it was !
Deaf and hoh students where send to regular public school and some deaf and hoh kids were mislabeled as being 'retard' or 'crazy' and send to mental wards. I was not told a thing about ASL , I had to be 'hearing' student and go to classes with hearing kids . You're are so clueless about what it was like growing up deaf or hoh in the old day.
HUH? you really need to do some research about growing deaf and hoh in the 'old day' . You're so dead wrong . No , that was not how it was !

Deaf and hoh students where send to regular public school and some deaf and hoh kids were mislabeled as being 'retard' or 'crazy' and send to mental wards. I was not told a thing about ASL , I had to be 'hearing' student and go to classes with hearing kids . You're are so clueless about what it was like growing up deaf or hoh in the old day.

I've already said all that I did my research.
I've already said all that I did my research.

Then why are you asking questions like this ??
" I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way but it seems like it's the older people that stay to only deaf community and don't want to be bothered with hearies. Is that because back in their day that's how it was?"
Then why are you asking questions like this ??
" I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way but it seems like it's the older people that stay to only deaf community and don't want to be bothered with hearies. Is that because back in their day that's how it was?"

Better watch disagreeing with her. :lol:

She will start a thread against you like some junior high slam book! :wave:
Better watch disagreeing with her. :lol:

She will start a thread against you like some junior high slam book! :wave:

I am not disagreeing with her , I just telling her she is wrong about what it was like growing hoh in the 'old days'. Been there done that.
HUH? you really need to do some research about growing deaf and hoh in the 'old day' . You're so dead wrong . No , that was not how it was !
Deaf and hoh students where send to regular public school and some deaf and hoh kids were mislabeled as being 'retard' or 'crazy' and send to mental wards. I was not told a thing about ASL , I had to be 'hearing' student and go to classes with hearing kids . You're are so clueless about what it was like growing up deaf or hoh in the old day.

Your comment reminded me of the movie "And Your Name is Jonah". The deaf child in the movie was misdiagnosed as retarded. They realize that he is deaf at around 10 years old. I am glad that I did not live in that time! I feel sad for people that had to go through this ordeal.
Your comment reminded me of the movie "And Your Name is Jonah". The deaf child in the movie was misdiagnosed as retarded. They realize that he is deaf at around 10 years old. I am glad that I did not live in that time! I feel sad for people that had to go through this ordeal.

I think I saw that movie , this was very common in the old days , I was just about to be misdiagnosed as retarded but my first grade teacher decided to give me a hearing test after school. I had failed first grade 2 times . My teacher was trying to teach how to ties my shoes and she realize I kept looking at her face and not my shoes and gave the test. THANKS GOD someone finally got it after 8 years .
I think I saw that movie , this was very common in the old days , I was just about to be misdiagnosed as retarded but my first grade teacher decided to give me a hearing test after school. I had failed first grade 2 times . My teacher was trying to teach how to ties my shoes and she realize I kept looking at her face and not my shoes and gave the test. THANKS GOD someone finally got it after 8 years .

I watched that movie for my ASL 1 class, great movie. Glad your teacher figured it out!!!
I am not disagreeing with her , I just telling her she is wrong about what it was like growing hoh in the 'old days'. Been there done that.

I was asking a question not making a statement. It's like saying is Walmart going out if business. I'm not saying it is I'm just questioning it. So if the answer is no then there you go. A question can't be wrong it the answer that can be wrong.
I was asking a question not making a statement. It's like saying is Walmart going out if business. I'm not saying it is I'm just questioning it. So if the answer is no then there you go. A question can't be wrong it the answer that can be wrong.

If asking a question, be sure to put a ? and the end of the sentence!
And some older people on here PM me and said that is their reason. They don't want to be bothered with hearies cause they think they know everything.
If asking a question, be sure to put a ? and the end of the sentence!

On the post that was in question there is a "?" so I don't see why some were saying I was making it a statement. And saying; is, was, would, and things of that nature implies it's a question.
Well one I spell no or know and use it in any context purposely. Just like I can say " hey how r u doing" vs " hello how are you doing" either way I'm not illiterate. I taught my English, American lit, trig and bio class my freshman and years so I think I have a right to be a little lax.
This forum isn't formal but it's also not a teen text chat or Twitter account. Since our posts are all we have to show ourselves, people do judge us by their content. Anything we say about ourselves should be backed up by our posts.

Second the reason why I think it should be in middle high school and college is for the simple fact a private center will overcharge where is it a college only be around $200 semester. When you're in college you use your financial aid anyone that graduates college when they start working in their profession the company pays it back if you know how to do it right. And I'm not asking for the Asl to be placed in schools for my benefit since I graduated years ago.
I'm not sure how you determine an "overcharge." Most places charge whatever the traffic will bear. Also, you're treading very dangerous waters if those "overcharging" classes are being run by Deaf instructors. The implication could be taken that Deaf instructors shouldn't charge as much as hearing ones. Uh, oh.

I do agree that if you can get a college-credit class and use financial aid to pay for it, that's probably the best way to go. I've taken sign classes in just about every mode possible, so I know from experience.

Third why would I turned out invitation for me and my friends to go to a deaf event which I've been looking around for and since I only know a few people here and I have a medical condition so it makes it not safe to go alone and the point that they want to be there for me and was invited as well I don't see any wrong in it. But it gives me a chance to see the colors of our friendship. I keep a small circle and I have to know if I can count on them.
I'm glad that you explained why you want someone to accompany you to the events. However, I still wonder if it's a good idea to bring more than one hearing friend with you at a time? Are your hearing friends also learning to sign? That would make sense. Otherwise, having a bunch of non-signing hearing people showing up could seem intrusive.

When I was a beginner signing student, I never expected signing help from the Deaf events that I attended. I did learn more about ASL and Deaf culture just thru observation and interaction. Most of my conversations at these events centered around getting to know each. They asked me about my family, my background, where I was learning to sign, where I lived, etc. They told me about themselves and introduced me to their families. We shared common experiences (grandchildren, the weather, traffic, etc.), and laughed and cried together.
From the time I first encountered the terms "hearie" and "deafie", which was on this forum, I have found them very annoying to say the least. They come through to me as an insulting "put down".

I do not use the other examples you gave either. And what is "pple"? I take it to be a shortened version of people.

Ppple- yes, you got it, it is people :)

As to hearies, deafies - well in everyday conversation pple ( ;) ) often use one apt, key word to describe the subject.
For example if you love Star Trek you are called a Trekkie. If you love Glee you are called a Gleek.

In high school, for example, there was usually divide into "jocks" and "nerds",
not necessarily meaning something negative outright. those are just terms describing athletes and academically oriented students hence, lol - jocks and nerds.
However, depending on the contest and intent - then it might become negative. this applies to all slang and slang-y words.

I do not think there are not any negative connotations attributed to the "deafie" or "hearie", but that just me.

I am sorry if I missed your explanation - could you please point me to the post where you've explained it? thanks :ty:


It's the first post on the second page, at the top.

Negative experiences with a word can leave an awful taste in peoples' mouths.