I certainly hope it will turn out for best but right now - I'm not very thrilled about mandatory insurance. well too late now. they passed it. now we're all together in the boat with holes so it's best we all row the boat together to the nearest island and see what happens in the end instead of bickering while the boat's sinking.
Screw that I am swimming.
Only USA, out of all industrialized countries, have no healthcare. Finally we're getting it.
Japan has it. European countries have it. Australia has it. NZ has it. Are they complaining and wanting them removed? Nope. They want it. Still... after all those years!
Get over with it. It's here to stay. Any attempt to remove it will make you unpopular.
that's because we have PRIVATIZED healthcare where majority of the world benefits from us. only about 15% of Americans are not insured.
wondering what's next.... requiring each household to have a computer and internet in order to improve our education system?![]()
I hear a lot of talking from opponents of the bill that it is unconstitutional. How so? Congress is empowered by the Constitution to regulate interstate commerce. Opponents argue that Congress's mandate that individuals must purchase insurance from private vendors is unprecedented, because uninsured individuals can't participate in commerce. Others argue that the health insurance mandate is clearly under the Constitution. Would the Supreme Court say that Congress can't regulate people who are participating in the $1 trillion health-care market? Naw. The lawsuits soon to appear before the Supreme Court simply don't have any legs both as a matter of precedence and as a matter of common sense.
Only USA, out of all industrialized countries, have no healthcare. Finally we're getting it.
Japan has it. European countries have it. Australia has it. NZ has it. Are they complaining and wanting them removed? Nope. They want it. Still... after all those years!
Get over with it. It's here to stay. Any attempt to remove it will make you unpopular.
I hear a lot of talking from opponents of the bill that it is unconstitutional. How so? Congress is empowered by the Constitution to regulate interstate commerce. Opponents argue that Congress's mandate that individuals must purchase insurance from private vendors is unprecedented, because uninsured individuals can't participate in commerce. Others argue that the health insurance mandate is clearly under the Constitution. Would the Supreme Court say that Congress can't regulate people who are participating in the $1 trillion health-care market? Naw. The lawsuits soon to appear before the Supreme Court simply don't have any legs both as a matter of precedence and as a matter of common sense.
See this: Think Progress Why George Washington would disagree with the right wing about health care’s constitutionality.
See this: The Militia Act of 1792 <-- this was done after the Constitution was ratified.
You know that the health insurance did NOT exist in America when the Constitution was created?
George Washington was being a fascist for making all men have those items! OUTRAGEOUS!
Mourning? I am not sure what you mean. Mind clarifying? I doubt seriously that society as a whole would mourn your death, lol.
new response - I am not responsible for their well-being.
That's another cost to society as well, losing a productive member of society.
Maybe....maybe not. Might be the end of a sloth or pedophile too. If they are not smart enough to wear a helmet maybe maybe we are just thinning the herd.
Insurance cos could always create a surcharge for not wearing a helmet. Designate such on the insurance card and then create large fines for people who claim to be helmet wearing riders. Also since riding a motorcycle is a priviledge and most end up toast when they crash helmet or not.....you could always require them to carry health ins......