Of course I have, looks like you don't. What information do you want me support with links, please? I'll be too happy to provide links.
Links stating that migraine cannot be caused by lesions in the brain. Please accoutn for the number of traumatic brain injury patients that develop migraine following injury.
Show me any link, any article that supports your opinion that brain lesions cause migraine disease.
What do you think the term "nerological means, Fuzzy?
The trigger starts the chain reaction that leds to migraine episode = head pain, nausea/vomiting, tremors, cold sweats, fast heartbeat, etc., even seizures and blackout in severe cases.
Does one have migraine without symptoms? ABSOLUTELY. Migraine is neurological disease with many symptoms, headache is only one of them and does not have to be present, and like in epilepsy the temporary absence of symptoms does not mean you don't have migraine. One have migraine all the time, but not neccessarily symptoms.
Of course one has a predisposition to develop migranie symptoms based on the neurological condition, i.e neurological abnormality. However, the sysmptoms do not become manifest without the trigger. Therefore, one is consdered symptom free. Unless one has symptoms, the disorder does not interfere with functioning. Likewise, when symptoms have not recurred for a year, one is considered to be free of migraines.
What "other hormonal changes" do you have in mind? be specific, because when you say "hormonal migraine" it usually reffers to the "menstrual migraine" that occurs only during menstruation and, yes, sometimes ovulation, but never at any other time,
and is related to natural changes in estrogen and progesteron levels that happen during monthly cycle.
Serotonin and norepinephrine are not hormones, Fuzzy. They are neurotransmitters, Hormonal migraine can also be diagnosed in men, and they don;t have periods, now, do they. You figure it out. You seem to think you are the expert here. I've already named another hormone in a previous post. Guess you didn't see it. Here's a clue for you so you can do a Google search. Male sex hormone. The estrogen and progestin that you speak of are only hormonal factors in females with hormonal migraine. That is why I said gender differences in previous posts.
If you have in mind also serotonin and norepinerphine and other hormones those are not exclusive to menstruation, (although serotonin is thought to uniquely react with female hormones which is one of the causes that more women than men suffer with migraines). bu like I've said it is not exclusive to menstrual cycle headaches.
Once again, epinephrine, and norepinephrine are not hormones. They are neurotransmitters.
There is of course HRT linked to migraines, BC pills are linked to migraine, even 'thyroid' is linked to migraine but so is many other things like PFO, MVP, some autoimmune diseases, depression, bi-polar disorder, but that does not mean these "cause" migraine. usually these conditions are co-morbid.
You are using some terms here that you quite likely do not understand. Can you tell me how BC pills are linked to migraine, or how HRT is linked to migraine, or the meaning of comorbidity?