headaches and migraines?

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Uhh......that would be "any links", as as I've stated previously, I gave you the information necessary to support anything I have said. It is not my fault if you are too lazy to go to a library and actually research something instead of relying on Google for all your knowledge. And the links I supply would be beyond your comprehension anyway, judging fromt he fact that you only able to cut and paste from others without any comprehension of the words you are stealing from others. Come up with something original, Fuzzy Wuzzy, that shows that you have actually studied and learned to the point that you can take that understanding and knowledge and comprehend it well enough to be able to paraphrase and convey the same meaning. As of yet, you have only demonstrated an ability to cut and paste, not that you know or comprehend any of it. And, in case you are interested, that is called plagerism, and is grounds for being thown out of an academic institution. You are like a student who cheats on a paper.
Uhh......that would be "any links", as as I've stated previously, I gave you the information necessary to support anything I have said. It is not my fault if you are too lazy to go to a library and actually research something instead of relying on Google for all your knowledge. And the links I supply would be beyond your comprehension anyway, judging fromt he fact that you only able to cut and paste from others without any comprehension of the words you are stealing from others. Come up with something original, Fuzzy Wuzzy, that shows that you have actually studied and learned to the point that you can take that understanding and knowledge and comprehend it well enough to be able to paraphrase and convey the same meaning. As of yet, you have only demonstrated an ability to cut and paste, not that you know or comprehend any of it. And, in case you are interested, that is called plagerism, and is grounds for being thown out of an academic institution. You are like a student who cheats on a paper.


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