I have a VIZIO 42" LCD 1080P HDTV, I did not have dvr nor cable digital. I guess that I am behind it. LOL!
CC are stripped before it passed thur HDMI or upconvert Compoment cables so you can't get CC on HDTV unless DirectTV box have built in CC (HDTV DirectTV box does have it built in) or HDTV Cable box have built in CC that you will need to enable before it is sent to the HDTV via HDMI or upconvert Compoment.
Stupid move by the FCC to allow this on HDMI and upconvert Compoment.
Since there is no upconvert dvd player that could decode CC and we are currently stuck with old DVD player and HDTV TV if we want to watch the standard DVD discs unless you built a HTPC computer which I did and it allow me to upcovert my movies with CC and pass it out HDMI or Compoment.
hook up with antenna to receive digital channels thru the setting. It rocks as you get 4 primary channels plus some more.
That's why...... Today is improving tech better than 6 years ago. That's time, they do not have built-in Digital (HDTV) Turner as ATSC. LCD HDTV was very expensive.
5 years ago, they had few built-in HDTV Turner. Today, All HDTV have built-in ATSC (HD Turner) and NTSC. Next few years, NTSC will be gone.
Our twin sons (college students) are hearing. They told me that CC and Voice are not same time (just behind or earlier). Just few seconds different. That's big deal.
We did try few different way on "Smallville" HDTV and non-HDTV.
Fios HDTV box - use HD program - poor quality (fad some letters - hard time to read CC)
Fios HDTV box - use non HD program - flash CC (disappear - no way to read in 1 sec)
Fios Standard TV Box - great CC (little behind or earlier)
Tivo HD Box - use HD program - 50 percent missing CC but great quality CC
Tivo HD Box - use non-HD - not yet test
Antenna - Over the air - HD program great CC but one thing weak signal.
Antenna - Over the air - non-HD - still normal CC as standard TV - sometime weak signal
Antenna gave me too much adjust to find better image.
If you meant "Natural Captioning" inside the TV for High Definition programming, then this is for Over-the Air (OTA) antenna only. HDTV Closed Caption decoder inside TV will not work with external tuners like Satellite or Cable Box. If you cannot get good antenna reception, then you must enable CC inside external tuners and use HDMI, DVI or component cables. I downloaded operating manual of your TV and it's on page 34 about enabling CC but it's for antenna only. The manual gives very poor instructions on how to operate CC for your TV. See link: Welcome to Audiovox. Click on "Find a Manual" button.
I have not used CableCard (for cable TV subscribers only) and it might work with digital CC inside your TV but I might be wrong.
If you subscribe High Definition programming with DirectTV, then your satellite receiver must support High Definition and you have to enable CC via setup menu of DirectTV tuner box.
"Line 21" is for old style analog CC only. Digital CC does not support "Line 21".
Hello, I bought samsung HDTV LCD recent. I got charter HDTV Cable Explorer 8300HDC. I plug HDMI cable from that charter box to my new samsung HDTV LCD. The closed captioned does not work! But use cable only Closed captioned does work. But not not HD.
Does DirectTV has capable to use HDMI with closed captioned for HDTV?
Finally after research google. I found and I enable CC on charter remote menu button. Now HDMI has closed captioned with HD!!
However some channel which does not have HD the CC got so big letters and over the size of tv screen. I had to resize smaller inorder to see CC full. CC works great when have HD. HDNBC, HDCBS, HBOHD. ABC does not have HD available in charter.
Anyone can tell me is Direct TV better than Charter for HDMI with CC? ABC with HD available in Direct TV?
Thank you for sharing,
Sorry, but no. You didn't enable the CC signal to go through the HDMI cable. What you did was enable the TV receiver to decode the signal internally, then overlay the CC onto the video and send it through the HDMI cable as an image. Your HDTV is still not receiving the CC signal.
HDMI cables cannot carry the CC signal at all.
Sorry, but no. You didn't enable the CC signal to go through the HDMI cable. What you did was enable the TV receiver to decode the signal internally, then overlay the CC onto the video and send it through the HDMI cable as an image. Your HDTV is still not receiving the CC signal.
HDMI cables cannot carry the CC signal at all.
I have Dish Network HDTV ViP222 and Element 15" 1080i. I am aware of the digital caption being turned on from the receiver. I noticed not all channels has captions. For instance, foxnews doesn't have cc while CNN has cc. A&E doesn't while HBO2 does. I thought about switching the receiver to SDTV instead of HDTV so I can watch all of those cc. There isn't much HDTV channels anyway. Does anyone know a way to resolve this?
it sounds like most people here have a cable connection of some sort. i only have the tv that have the digital tuner built in, and the cc sucks, it goes in and out, sometimes its there sometimes its not...is there anything i can do to make it stay on? its like i get half the show thats cc and then the other have isn't...
and i recently found a dvd that doesn't have subtitles and the cc on the tv wont work (i normally have the tv cc the movies i watch, i prefer it to the dvds cc), but even with this dvd i couldn't find a place where it would enable cc?