CA Tint laws suck, but people still do it. I think the law is still in place because of the same sort of stereotype that used to be placed on cell phone users back in the early 90s; drug-dealing. I don't think it's so much as a public safety issue (yeah, I can see where sometimes, very minimally though, that I as a civilian driver need to see what the other driver is looking at) as it is a stereotype issue.
My brother used to be in the Marines at Camp Pendleton in San Diego. When he and his buddies would get pulled over for speeding (105+ mph) they would just show their military ID's and a simple "be safe".
I got pulled over a lot last year for not having "current" regs. Car wouldn't pass smog. Unlucky really. There's some other posts about my experiences and overall they just suck.
Most cops are ok. Some pretend to be hard-asses just so they're in control of the situation. Best advice about pull-overs I ever got was from a trainee who was deciding on a career but never did it: when you get pulled over, always turn off your ignition and place your keys on the windshield and your hands on the steering - if you have guests, tell them to put their hands on the seat in front of them. This signals the officer that you know what the stop is about and you're not doing anything worse than a simple traffic violation.
I used to hate CHP, but a few days ago I saw this trooper make a full stop in this risky lane before a huge highway interchange mess. He was pulling a huge amount of debris of the road in a single lane with nothing but one car behind him to protect him. Cars whizzing past him 70 mph; not much warning ahead, single lane stop. I was astounded. Balls of steel. Playing frogger in traffic to prevent accidents. I know I don't get the same amount and for good reason.