You are right that JWs do not like going to hospitals.EagleCherokee63 said:You not pay attention read here explain JW not believe in Hospital!! #257
You are right that JWs do not like going to hospitals.EagleCherokee63 said:You not pay attention read here explain JW not believe in Hospital!! #257
OH really I dont know that part.jazzy said:U know not only JW but I remember my friend's parents who were practicing christian science, they do not believe in doctors or go to the hospitals. Later in their life, they died natural (they would have be still here if they go to doctors to fix their health problems but they did not).
I believe you.![]()
SherryCherish said:yeah heard of that before, Eaglecherokee.
Yeah, Jehovah witness did over my place few times. All i do to answer the door, and they all the sudden signed to me. I was like wtf, and they told me they from JW. I was like yikes! First thing, i asked, how u know where i live? they said oh, from deaf world of mailing. I said, quit to be bother, and I am not interesting in it, and they keep make me to change my mind, i said GOODBYE and slammed the door.
They did come over twice, begged me, i kept sorry i'm not interesting at all. I have to go and slammed door (really i don't have to go lol)
THIRD, They came here again later, and I opened the door, and said STILL NOT INTERESTING, or else i call cop that ur been harassing me. SLAM the door. it surely works LOL.
Sad about JW, they re too pushy and dont' respects. It tick me off. I have no against over people religions. If I don't want to be in it, they has to RESPECT.
coloravalanche said:Was I talking directly to you? NOPE! I know about her life with JW...but the story about her sister had surgery at home...Ive never heard that JW do that...I will ask my JW friends if this is true about their beliefs...
By the way, stop defending her...and you know why...ditto!![]()
AMEN! Reason, I never shared her the deepest (basic shortly). I shared with you Throwstones because you experience Jewish and publics. I felt warm it. If they not understand or mean or threaten to me. I wont shared it when depend individual.Throwstones said:Hey Coloravalanche because you do doubt in her testimony because I was there to chat with her sister. I am SECOND on her word which is coming truth. Please do not accuse anyone on post/thread because they want to give a freedom of speech and give an opinion in whatsoever they want to express what they share and experience with many issues. Just open to everyone on public. THANK YOU!
coloravalanche said:Nothing has to do with the link you just stated...It's just a picture...ahemm...YOU ARE WEIRD!
End of Discussion...Why can't you just leave? You've been chasing everywhere I go...For instance: When you foundout that Im member here...You all of suddenly wanted to join because you want make my life miserable....but I won't allow this to happen here!
You alwaysabout your sob stories...I'm burned already!
Throwstones said:Coloravalanche, why you come to ALLDEAF here, because you ASKED ASKED ASKED AND ASKED for it and stir up here by negatives around ALLDEAF. We come for fun and enjoy to chat and feedback, share our view of points to others on post/thread NOT negative. LOOK YOURSELF! Nothing wrong with it. You know that in USA there is US CONSTITUTION to say it is a freedom of speech. You can't bend it at all because it already established by the US Consititution. I thank our country to have freedom of speech under US constitution! I am interesting in POSITIVE talking and make new friends here at alldeaf!
Your fault!!! why you first the place invited me in ALLDEAF!! TOO BAD!!!! THANK YOU!!!coloravalanche said:Nothing has to do with the link you just stated...It's just a picture...ahemm...YOU ARE WEIRD!
End of Discussion...Why can't you just leave? You've been chasing everywhere I go...For instance: When you foundout that Im member here...You all of suddenly wanted to join because you want make my life miserable....but I won't allow this to happen here!
You alwaysabout your sob stories...I'm burned already!
coloravalanche said:Nothing has to do with the link you just stated...It's just a picture...ahemm...YOU ARE WEIRD!
End of Discussion...Why can't you just leave? You've been chasing everywhere I go...For instance: When you foundout that Im member here...You all of suddenly wanted to join because you want make my life miserable....but I won't allow this to happen here!
You alwaysabout your sob stories...I'm burned already!
Now I remember their religion is same as Tom Cruise, Scienclogist (misspelling) something.EagleCherokee63 said:OH really I dont know that part.
coloravalanche said:Nothing has to do with the link you just stated...It's just a picture...ahemm...YOU ARE WEIRD!
End of Discussion...Why can't you just leave? You've been chasing everywhere I go...For instance: When you foundout that Im member here...You all of suddenly wanted to join because you want make my life miserable....but I won't allow this to happen here!
You alwaysabout your sob stories...I'm burned already!
EagleCherokee63 said:Your fault!!! why you first the place invited me in ALLDEAF!! TOO BAD!!!! THANK YOU!!!
EagleCherokee63 said:This is Eagle's husband...after I have reviewed on this thread. For the fact she is telling the truth because she and her sister were sharing with me at that time when we were discussing about their different upbringing. Be sure to use that L.T.A.D. and you will understand better about this. It is not necessary to agree with them as long you are using L.T.A.D. yourself. So if you mentioned my wife is weird then maybe you can look at somewhere else. She was not chasing you because this thread was brought up by my wife's idea. She will continue to use All Deaf forum most of time since you invited her in. This is not just a sobbing story, it was her experience to share with it. Just be thankful we lived in USA with all those freedom speech to share while in other countries are banning by how they share or speak in the public, sometimes even punishing them! How sad! We cannot ask them to leave from All Deaf regardless of issues so that is why you can use L.T.A.D. I am a very strong believer in educating anything (information provided) and be aware what is out in the world. If some of you deaf AD's wanna to know what L.T.A.D. is all about and just PM to my wife and I'll be happy to answer the questions for you. Thanks for reading this post and have a good evening.
coloravalanche said:I never invited her in...She invited herself...because she found out that I am member here for long time...What I meaning was she chasing after me is that when Im member here..she becomes member here also...
About LTAD...It is not that important besides shame on you and your wife for allowed the guy to leave his truck at your the bank wont find out where his truck is at...It is supposed to be repo at any time...Shame on you for not showing honest character! tsk tsk tsk
If you are strong believer..then why can't you control your wife's motormouth??? Thank you for reading this post and have a good evening!
Oakley_04 said:Coloravalamche, No need to bring up personal issues on AllDeaf and Bashing her. please respect her no matter what. No one is perfect!
hootster said:Um...we Aders do not care about your "feud" with EagleCherokee63, so why do you feel the need to bring that crap on AD?
All it does is make you look immature and lose creditiability among us ADers.
I suggest that you chill and just move on.![]()
Can you do that?