VamPyroX said:
If they are nice people, why go door to door and talk to other people? Why leave pamplets everywhere? I see booklets and pamplets in laundromats, locker rooms, gyms, clubs, etc. They go door to door... even when it's obvious that the person is following a different religion or something.
What do you do when you have something good? You SHARE IT! We love what we've learned from the bible, and so we share it, just like when Jesus was on earth he shared what he knew about god, he went from house to house, from city to city... people think we are bad people because we do this, but if you were to just look at things in a differant light you'd see we are just very happy people who are trying to give others something to be happy about in a very unhappy world.
cyberred... although *some* of that was true, much of it wasn't or was just greatly exadgerated...
"You cannot buy girl Scout cookies" lol, why the heck not?! I buy them and find them very tasty.
"You must attend five meetings per week" you must only attend as many meetings as you are able to, we don't force people to attend anything.
"second coming occurred in 1914 (only known to Jehovah's Witnesses)" and the millions of people who's doors we knock on every year...
"If one does not follow the rules of the Watchtower they will be shunned" if you do not follow the rules of the BIBLE you will be GUIDED, we do not "shun" people.
"You cannot be a cheerleader" rofl.... that is a persons individual choice.
"You cannot serve on a jury" another personal choice, I was on a jury just a few months ago.
"You are discouraged from giving to charity (except Watchtower causes)" a lie.
"You cannot speak to former members who are shunned (disfellowshipped)" only about religious matters, and the elders and family can still speak to them about that.
"Only Jehovah's Witnesses can understand the Bible" anybody can understand the bible, that's why we help people who otherwise wouldn't to study it.
"Angels direct the Watchtower organization" no, god's holy spirit helps make smart decisions (thru prayer and reading the bible)
"You must go from door to door weekly to gain converts" we don't go from door to door to convert people, only to teach them (to change a religion is somebodies personal preferance)
"You cannot have friends who are not Jehovah's Witnesses" a lie
"You must refer to all Jehovah's Witnesses as "brother" or "sister" " curtacy... you don't have to.
"You cannot play chess" blatant lie
"You cannot understand the Bible without Watchtower literature to explain it" yes you can, the literature is only there to make it easier so you don't have to comb thru thousands of pages of the bible.
"A child abuser is reported to Watchtower elders and not the police" a lie
"You must forgo vacations to attend annual conventions" you can just plan you vacation on a differant date.
"You are discouraged from buying a two door car-A "Theocratic" or "spiritually strong" Jehovah's Witness will have a full size car for the door to door work" another lie
"Men cannot wear beards" personal preferance
"You cannot have a tattoo" you can have one... but we don't think they are respectable, and we try to look respectable.
"You must not own wind-chimes (they are for chasing away evil spirits)" that's a personal preferance.
"You cannot use pet foods made with blood or blood products" another lie
"You cannot join any clubs or sports teams" personal preferance
"You cannot wear jade jewelry" blatant lie
"Jehovah's Witness meeting places have no windows" the biggest lie yet!
"Women must submit to Watchtower elders" I'm not sure what you are getting at here... but they don't "submit" in the sense that many of you are thinking, and men must "submit" as well in the sense that they recognize that the elders are normaly very smart and respectable people, and they have good advice.
"One must study Watchtower books at least six months before he can be baptized" not necessarily true... but we just want to make sure you know what you are getting into first.
"Before baptism, one must answer over 80 questions in front of a panel of elders" more like one elder and you do this over a few differant meetings with them just to make sure you know WHY you are getting baptised, and that you aren't doing it for the wrong reasons.
"You cannot celebrate Mothers or Fathers day (it may produce pride)" this is right... we love our parents every day all year long.
"The Holy Spirit is only for select Jehovah's Witnesses" we don't get the "holy spirit" and roll around on the floor, it's not for select people, it's for whoever Jehovah gives it to and it does things such as impart emotional strength in times of need.
"Only faithful Jehovah's Witnesses will survive Armageddon" and all other good people on the earth who AREN'T JW's.
"If you have a non-Witness spouse your first loyalty is to the elders over your spouse" a lie.
". Jesus was equal to Adam (just a man)" only in the sense that they were both the only men on earth who have had perfection
"Judgment day is 1000 years long" another lie, nobody knows what it will be like.
"If you leave Jehovah's Witnesses or are expelled from the organization you will not be resurrected" not always true, but jesus said "a man without faith is better than one who had faith and rejected it"
"Only Jehovah's Witness prayers are heard by God" also a big lie
"God will destroy all non-Jehovah's Witnesses at armageddon" yet another lie
"You must never enter a church building" yet more lies
"You cannot participate in a school play" not true.
"You can never question what is printed in Watchtower literature" we want people to question everything and to study to find out the answers for themselves.
"You are forbidden to attend a funeral of an ex-Jehovah's " lie
"All Christian pastors and ministers are called the "Antichrist"" hahahahaha... that's a lie but it would be funny if we were always like "hi antichrist!"
MUCH MUCH more of the stuff there was twisted around and not completely true, but I don't have the time to be correcting these things.