hey Pimpdaddy don't worry about them anyway
A friend of mine (I didn't know but realized later that her family is part of JW but they surely do respect people by not telling us what we need to hear etc that I am relief. Of course I am friends with few people who their religious are part of JW or full part of JW....)
When I was teenager, there was a lady came to my door, she spoke and I said " I am sorry to say this. My mother is not interesting any church talking so don't come back." She suddenly signs. I gulped. She asked if My mom could come to the door so I got her. She was pissed off at her but let her in then 2nd day she came back and my mother told her off and said this "I don't care if you knew sign language or not but No one will make us become like you!" Slammed the door on her I was like whoa!
3 years ago I think...... I was chatting with a friend online. Heard the door knocked so I went and answer the door, and this lady was mumbling with religious thing I said "sorry lady, I ain't interesting and I'm deaf bye(With gesture)." She said "wait" in sign language I said "what?" She said "you look familiar " I said " and who am I?" She said "are you Kathleen's cousin?" I said "hmm How you know her?" She said "I am Dennis's sister Kiki" I'm like in my head Oh shit. There's JW in my distance family ?? Uhoh! So few hours later I saw my sister online I told her. She said "OH shit I better warn Kathleen" I said "Thank you" Of course She felt bad and said it won't happen again. I was like grrrrr when they keep come back because Kiki knew me and want to ask me question etc ... I told her I wasn't interesting anything because I am just a spiritual! So that's it but she came back and said "you know what I researches in my bible and realized you mean you believe in soul, earth, everything ??" Im like " yeah what's the point?" She said "We believe in this too" I said "your religious is not what I want or interesting in so I don't want to be bothered" so I told my then-boyfriend (my husband now) about this religious He said " maybe we should ask my brother Royce to come back" I laughed. His brother DARED to do this.......
His brother was home one day. The people were knocking at the door so He saw thru the window and decided to go to the other room and grabbed the shotgun, and shot the gun in the air, the people ran and They never never came back! I told my husband. Well, If they come back, Please get ROYCE for me!!
I'm sorry for these people trying to help people and make some kind of new friendship with their JW beliefs but There are other people like me and few of you who are not interesting Our Homes are my privacy, My home is NOT a place to chat about Jesus, Lord, God, Rabbi, Whatever you call it, If I want to use one I will go to the Place wherever I can fit in but I don't need them to come into my home! Otherwise I will cont. to slam the doors.