It's not only Toyota. All other Japanese cars (Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi) are reliable, too. Korean cars, Hyundai and KIA are catching up.It's all about Toyota. <3
It's not only Toyota. All other Japanese cars (Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi) are reliable, too. Korean cars, Hyundai and KIA are catching up.
I prefer new cars due to new technology. Old/classic cars,![]()
I don't need that warning of yours but thanks anyway.Make sure you dont go to any car shows so you dont get sick.
It's not only Toyota. All other Japanese cars (Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi) are reliable, too. Korean cars, Hyundai and KIA are catching up.
I prefer new cars due to new technology. Old/classic cars,![]()
Recalls were rare during the days of old cars. Now it seems more often recalls going on nowadays.
My old truck could have been recalled, but Ford can't afford em, AND it is impossible to fix the core problem. If had they recall my truck, I'd be more than happy to keep it. Long story on why... Engineer from either two companies (Ford and Navistar) are at blame, both pointing at each other. So, I got rid of em, and got another one that got legendary engine. The older vehicle is, the easier to tell which is truly a dependable. I no longer care about make or model, just KNOWN reliable vehicle.
so you all just wait, a few more years they will crawl out of the wood work and say it never made a difference...believe what you want, brainwashed by the governments.
Oh please, I'm not brainwashed by government.
We have universities and medical communities to make studies and recommendation, before they share with government. No politicians want to pass the law to regulate without studies and recommendation, but in some cases, government may ignore studies and recommendation - see relationship between FDA and GMO.
shhhh... they make money from the government to make money for the government.
That's not always true.
I took course in legal studies and I know about how government works, along with agencies, especially EPA.
You are denying that pollution is real problem, but I don't care because you are not our representative, also the court disagree with you.
Keep telling yourself that... You took a course...woohooo
I worked for the government, do you think they actually tell all their secrets. geeeze man.
did you forget in the earlier posts I worked with air pollutions.... come on, actual experience vs the books.....
Putting away can of fuel.
Ain't worth it. My experience tells me and I am on one's side. Books? Its just ahem.... whatever you wish to call em. (Walks away)
No, the course in legal studies is about business and government, and explain about how government agencies, for example, EPA to regulate on pollution based on medical recommendation (research, statistic, studies) and they have meeting with businesses to make testify about whatever proposed regulation has impact on business. If you think pollution is not real then why we have EPA, pollution control and other regulation, also medical communities disagree with you, it doesn't matter if you claim that you have experience but you didn't prove to them that pollution from cars don't cause health concern or worsen the air quality, but medical communities already proved to them with years of studies, along with demand from citizens who suffered from dirty air quality in the past.
It doesn't make sense about some people denied that pollution is real problem, that's not same as climate change. Most of representatives have no problem with pollution regulation because we have solid evidence that pollution is bad, but we don't have solid evidence for climate change - that's more complicated.
I'm really don't care now because our government already fixed the pollution issue and my statement is actually from medical community, also they have solid evidence that pollution cause health problem. I'm happy that you are not our representative and there are small number of people don't believe in pollution that is real problem.![]()
Fox, bad news is, the mis info isnt from me.
Ill leave this as that... if youre still around in a few years and want to revise this then, we will see what happens... its Obamas fault now.
On a side note, with your mis-informed info... Varies State to State.