I recently wrote a research paper on phonak ad campaigns in relation to this topic!!
Here are a few quotes from that paper...
"...there is an advertisement for a hearing aid called Naida Ultra Power (UP). The Naida UP is designed for people who are severely hard of hearing or profoundly deaf. The main slogan for the Naida UP is “The power to change your life”. It promises maximum audibility and Phonak feels that by hearing more ones life will change. The ad implies that if you cannot hear, your life requires changing."
"....there is an another advertisement for another Phonak hearing aid called Exelia. The slogan for this hearing aid is “Hear. Communicate. Embrace a Full Life Experience.” Once again the audist views of the company shine through their language insinuating that if one cannot hear, they cannot communicate, and their life experience will not be considered full. This continues the ongoing trend of disregard for the Deaf community and its form of manual communication."
"...there is yet another Phonak hearing aid called Audeo. The Audeo uses “Because hearing is inversely proportional to your life experience.” Semantically this sentence can be understood in two different ways. The first being that ones hearing directly informs ones life experience, and the second being that if ones hearing is not considered to be perfect, then ones life experience will also not be perfect. Given the context one can assume that the second internal meaning is the intended one. When applying that statement to someone who has no residual hearing, that would mean that person also has no life, which is an incredibly audist comment that devalues the lives of those that are profoundly Deaf."
The hearing aid industry sets up those views for us. The VP of marketing for Phonak is Alexander Zschokke. He is a hearing man with no formal training in hearing aids, hearing loss, Deafness...nothing. Hearing individuals are basically in charge of manufacturing these negative metaphors which spread through the heard of hearing and Deaf communities devaluing our lives and reducing self-esteem.
While I acknowledge that some people certainly do feel that their hearing status dictates life experiences, self-worth, and life experience, there is a group for which it does not and such blanket statements such as "Because hearing is inversely proportional to your life experience." are horribly audist!
Imagine saying "Because able-bodiedness is inversly proportional to your life experience."? or "Because whiteness is inversly proportional to your life experience."? That would be torn to shreds and the company could easily have human rights complaints made against it. Yet you apply it to the d/Deaf/hoh community and it's fine...
I will shut up now.