But seriously, you could have some bits of crud trapped underneath that are in the process of being pushed out. I was in a car accident once, t-boned so hard my hearing aids were pulled out of my ears from the impact. I had a lot of glass in my head and they said that if they were to dig it out it would cause more scarring than leaving it. I was also told that the glass would work itself out over a period of months and most of them did, though I would occasionally get a piece out more than a year later. It did the same thing, swelled and itched. Or it could just be scar healing with nothing coming out.
My grandfather had a close call. He was working in a bottling factory and sliced off three of his fingers. They were hanging by skin, so he took some scissors and chopped them off the rest of the way while waiting to go to the ER. He ended up refueling airplanes until he retired.
Mark, a question. How did you manage to cut your knee and cause bleeding that was so bad you can't walk on it right after we told you to stop exaggerating, as it wasn't like you actually had cut yourself?