Had a f****** close call

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it's called lane splitting. California is pretty much the only state that allows lane splitting. it's only allowed when there is a traffic jam

It would be OK if they do it when we are stopped or traffic is moving slow. The other day I was driving down the freeway in pre rush hour traffic. Bikes were splitting the lane when we were moving way too fast. They have to be good at it because to me it looks like they just miss my side mirrors.
****. Just cut my knee on glass. Got pressure on the injury, but bad news is no bandage for me to use.

Update: the bleeding has been stopped, but it's gonna hurt good for a while.

just a spray or two of windex and a duct tape... you'll be just fine.
I have had a lot of close calls in the kitchen that made a small case for who should do what in the world of being an action figure. Nude bacon frying is not for sissies I tell ya
Oh, believe me, we have the lights! Every surface, including underneath and on the wheels are covered with lights that change colors, blink and pulsate. We also have two flags on the back and look like a parade float. :lol:

Yet the cage drivers keep cutting us off and acting like we don't exist!

:roll: Tell me about it... :mad: I can't tell you how many times I've nearly peed myself from those a**hats! :mad: It's really not that hard to LOOK! :roll: I love my LED lights. In Florida, they are very strict with which colors you can have and where they can be. Red lights are allowed but can't be seen from the front, no white or blue at all, no flashing or blinking while driving ect ect. :roll: Pain in the butt, but I suppose I can understand why, too.
Does your state allow motorcycles to drive in between traffic lanes on the freeway? I'm driving 50-60mph in moderate traffic when they drive right in between me and a car next to me. Startles me now since I can't hear them. I use to ride on the back of a bike many years ago, we never did that, it's just crazy. I can see if the traffic is stopped or super slow, but if you have a large motorcycle it cuts it way too close.

I think there are only a couple states who DO allow motorcycles to drive in and out. ( Lane splitting is what it's called ) Florida, is not one of them. :P I wouldn't do that even if it WAS legal! How incredibly dangerous! :shock:
Wouldn't the Windex kill me?

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