Guess this image!

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I didn't realize that I am the winner. Uh, I'll pass it to someone. I have an important day for me to go. Good Luck with your game.
it is some character from a movie such as ICe Age??

No, not from a movie. At this writing, I was standing on a beach as that creature. Here's a picture of that showing the whole body of the creature. It's instantly recognizable by some, yet others are totally mystified by what they are.

as in a game?? still trying to figure it out as the picture doesnt look so real like a statue or something
No, not from a movie. At this writing, I was standing on a beach as that creature. Here's a picture of that showing the whole body of the creature. It's instantly recognizable by some, yet others are totally mystified by what they are.

Looks like a Kangaroo.
Not from a Playstation game. The world isn't regarded as a real game.

It's not a kangaroo, the head shape is wrong for a kangaroo. It moves well compared to the defaults when walking and standing and doesn't normally hop, but you could make it hop if you wanted to. It's not a lizard and has hair.

BTW, the beach has something to do with deaf people. It didn't exist when I joined the world and I didn't have to buy anything extra to go to the beach after it was made. I did have to pay what amounted to a few dollars to get the creature.
Some kind of PC game that contains some kind of RPG? I never seen that game before.
Some kind of PC game that contains some kind of RPG? I never seen that game before.

It can be played on the PC. Generally, it's not a game. It does contain RPGs created by people in the world who create the places, things and characters.

Most people use it for chatting, making things, shopping and exploring. It's more like a parallel universe than a game.

The creature's name is related to being puzzling.

I add that the creature has the same name as a modern constellation. So you're down to 88 names.
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The online environment is Second Life. The beach is the one at Cape Able, a place recently created for deaf people, people in wheelchairs and others like that.

The representation of me in those pictures is the Mutation Industries Crux avatar. Here's a page with a video and review of the Crux. There are 17 or so colors of Cruxes, each with a different symbol on the crest. I got the one in the second picture.

The avatar is now my favorite one. Before, I didn't even have a picture on my Second Life profile because I didn't know which one of my many avatars to use for it. Now my Crux avatar is the profile picture.

Someone once told me that the Crux reminded them of Beetlejuice. They are genderless and maybe ageless. I found that some say that Cruxes could be materialized thoughts or could've been around forever, nobody really knows. :D

Guess this one was hard because not everyone is in Second Life and these pictures were effectively from a parallel universe.
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Sorry.... nobody does not know much about Mutation Industries.
I know Autodesk made 3D Studio Max software (3D Wiz or 3ds Max) is one most popular for video game industrial, hollywood film industrial, anything special effect and short story in cartoon.

So now, who will next guess game?
Mutation Industries is a little business inside Second Life that makes avatars like those. Now anyone can post a new picture.
I'll go!

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