Guess this Image part II

NorCal20, sure. I will look for guess image.

What is kind of tree and what location?
Cupressus pygmaea, because they grow only 2 feet tall or the Bolander pine, Pinus contorta bolanderi.

Both are common on the ruggesd western coastline--because I can tell ya--it's not a sequoia or a redwood.
Byrdie714, none
sequoias, close to Monterey Pine
Darn I should have known. It must be the Pacific Cypress
at first image, i was ready to answer but its too late. dang it. I knew it is at Carmel because they have wonderful nature landscapes to take a pic at. fun fun.
at first image, i was ready to answer but its too late. dang it. I knew it is at Carmel because they have wonderful nature landscapes to take a pic at. fun fun.

I m sorry. I know that you could answer it easier but i still waited to listen from you. I had visited at Carmel, Monterey, Pebble Beach and Santa Cruz last several years ago.
Monterey and Santa Cruz is my favorite spots to go to. Santa Cruz will be ALWAYS my heart.