Why I must get HDTV??? is the HDTV something important to Gamers??

I am honest with you, MOST Hardcore gamers perfer using CRT MONITOR or STANDARD TV over HDTV OR FLAT SCREEN..

Anyway, I actually am happy with the pure FLAT SCREEN 'STANDARD DEFINITION TELEVISION' 27inch hook up with XBOX AND XBOX 360 for enuff!!! Because I am not watch tv nor movie everyday.. that why I purcahsed the SUPER SDTV instead of HDTV.. ;)

GOOD LUCK with YOUR HDTV :thumb:
Why I must get HDTV??? is the HDTV something important to Gamers??

I am honest with you, MOST Hardcore gamers perfer using CRT MONITOR or STANDARD TV over HDTV OR FLAT SCREEN..

Anyway, I actually am happy with the pure FLAT SCREEN 'STANDARD DEFINITION TELEVISION' 27inch hook up with XBOX AND XBOX 360 for enuff!!! Because I am not watch tv nor movie everyday.. that why I purcahsed the SUPER SDTV instead of HDTV.. ;)

GOOD LUCK with YOUR HDTV :thumb:

I don't believe about it, and I think that most gamers are getting HDTV for some reason to support high resolution and superior graphic.
Your right about that advantage of CRT, however sad news... next year (2007) will be the last year for CRT to be in production.

I am not in hurry to get HDTV, not because I am not into gamer. I love cinema! So, I learn recently that soon, there will be LED monitor coming out very soon. LED monitor is far better when it comes life expectancy. Most flat screen monitor got like compact flourcent lamp, but in straight and average life isn't long and not easy to replace. But with LED, it is going to last for a very very very long time.
Why I must get HDTV??? is the HDTV something important to Gamers??

I am honest with you, MOST Hardcore gamers perfer using CRT MONITOR or STANDARD TV over HDTV OR FLAT SCREEN..

Anyway, I actually am happy with the pure FLAT SCREEN 'STANDARD DEFINITION TELEVISION' 27inch hook up with XBOX AND XBOX 360 for enuff!!! Because I am not watch tv nor movie everyday.. that why I purcahsed the SUPER SDTV instead of HDTV.. ;)

GOOD LUCK with YOUR HDTV :thumb:
The real reason for HDTV have nothing to do with sharpness. HDTV has to do with digital signal recieving from broadcaster. That is it! So, meaning it would give better cinema picture quality, and that it can handle more than 120 channels that Analog can handle up to. CRT is always the best choice if you want sharpness. The reason for gamer to go for HDtV is BIGGER screen size, and sometimes the rectangular style rather than square one.

I don't believe about it, and I think that most gamers are getting HDTV for some reason to support high resolution and superior graphic.
The real reason for HDTV have nothing to do with sharpness. HDTV has to do with digital signal recieving from broadcaster. That is it! So, meaning it would give better cinema picture quality, and that it can handle more than 120 channels that Analog can handle up to. CRT is always the best choice if you want sharpness. The reason for gamer to go for HDtV is BIGGER screen size, and sometimes the rectangular style rather than square one.

For honest, I got good sharpness on HDTV than standard TV does but I guess that some HDTV are different with poor sharpness and good sharpness.
Your right about that advantage of CRT, however sad news... next year (2007) will be the last year for CRT to be in production.

I am not in hurry to get HDTV, not because I am not into gamer. I love cinema! So, I learn recently that soon, there will be LED monitor coming out very soon. LED monitor is far better when it comes life expectancy. Most flat screen monitor got like compact flourcent lamp, but in straight and average life isn't long and not easy to replace. But with LED, it is going to last for a very very very long time.

Well, some store, such as Wal-Mart and Target will still to sell SDTV since Best Buy and Circuit City are going phase all SDTV out in next year amd all of them will be in HDTV. It does happen to VHS that both of store are already phased all VHS out in 2002 and 2003 since Target is already phased all VHS out in between 2005 and 2006 and Wal-Mart is still to sell VHS until end of year. Analog TV will start phase out in 2009 since all of them would only have digital signal since most low income families are getting Directv or Dish instead of antenna, and some of them would get basic cable but not sure. HDTV is getting more affordable soon, such as HDMI input or so.

Directv and Dish are reasonable cost and support digital signal.

All TV will make in widescreen in 2008 and fullscreen is going phase out too.

Wii, 360 and PS3 is final support for SDTV (480i and 480p) since next gen-gaming (eighth generation) in after 2010 will no longer to support SDTV anymore but more PS3 and 360 games are make on HDTV only instead of SDTV, and increasing more support for widescreen.

PS3, 360 and Wii are currently seventh generation right now.

I just got alot of research on wikipedia about HDTV.
Why I must get HDTV??? is the HDTV something important to Gamers??

I am honest with you, MOST Hardcore gamers perfer using CRT MONITOR or STANDARD TV over HDTV OR FLAT SCREEN..

Anyway, I actually am happy with the pure FLAT SCREEN 'STANDARD DEFINITION TELEVISION' 27inch hook up with XBOX AND XBOX 360 for enuff!!! Because I am not watch tv nor movie everyday.. that why I purcahsed the SUPER SDTV instead of HDTV.. ;)

GOOD LUCK with YOUR HDTV :thumb:
Please don't say that. Take your words back. I will never go back to watch, to play games on SDTV again. Just like SDTV is a dial up and HDTV is a bandboard. Take my word, bro. We don't say you must get hdtv but trust me, you will thank me someday when you purchase a hdtv.
Please don't say that. Take your words back. I will never go back to watch, to play games on SDTV again. Just like SDTV is a dial up and HDTV is a bandboard. Take my word, bro. We don't say you must get hdtv but trust me, you will thank me someday when you purchase a hdtv.

Yea, that's true.
How come there are CRT HDTVs? Why would they stop production on CRTs if there are CRT based HDTVs? I believe they will continue producing CRT based HDTV because they're the cheapest HDTV technology than any other technology in the market. I think they will phrase out the CRT SDTVs and others.
How come there are CRT HDTVs? Why would they stop production on CRTs if there are CRT based HDTVs? I believe they will continue producing CRT based HDTV because they're the cheapest HDTV technology than any other technology in the market. I think they will phrase out the CRT SDTVs and others.

You're probably right about SDTV with CRT will phase out since HDTV with CRT are still on market, and LCD and DLP are getting more dominant right now. DHB is supposed to statement with HDTV and SDTV about CRT.

Best Buy only have few HDTV with CRT and CRT seems went declining, that getting more less to find but not surprise about CRT is used widely in last several years ago.
Hitachi - 51" CRT Rear-Projection HDTV - 51F59

Now, SDTV is getting much more cheaper...
I think that you should wait for a new Laser TV to come in this spring or summer 2007. It is getting popular in Europe now. You might be real sorry that it would be difficult for you to sell your "new" TV next year.
It is best to have a flat LCD TV that gives you a lot of space for your room. I think that CRT drains a lot of electricity than the LCD TV sets. Actually, CRT is a well-known bad for your eyes because of large amount of radiation. Please don't be surprised about that.
SAMSUNG's Digital World - SlimFit HDTV | TX-S3079WH

This is one example of a 30" CRT HDTV made by Samsung, they recently introduced a new model of the CRT HDTV. I think Samsung is the largest maker for CRT based HDTVs because I see most of them branded Samsung.

Yea, that what we play demo 360 on HDTV CRT (Samsung) at Wal-Mart and it's look so nice, and more clear than LCD does but LCD support higher resolution and crisper.
It is best to have a flat LCD TV that gives you a lot of space for your room. I think that CRT drains a lot of electricity than the LCD TV sets. Actually, CRT is a well-known bad for your eyes because of large amount of radiation. Please don't be surprised about that.

Of course, I used to play computer on CRT monitor and its cause my eye to strain then I decided to replaced into LCD in 2003 and its looks much better. I will wait to replace my old CRT TV into HDTV LCD soon. I believe about CRT drains alot of electricity but supposed to check electricity bills.

How about DLP?
I think that you should wait for a new Laser TV to come in this spring or summer 2007. It is getting popular in Europe now. You might be real sorry that it would be difficult for you to sell your "new" TV next year.

How is difficult to sell the new TV?

Laser TV is getting more popular in some Asian countries, such as Japan.

I found out that laser TV will more affordable for consumers to buy it.
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Your right about that advantage of CRT, however sad news... next year (2007) will be the last year for CRT to be in production.

I am not in hurry to get HDTV, not because I am not into gamer. I love cinema! So, I learn recently that soon, there will be LED monitor coming out very soon. LED monitor is far better when it comes life expectancy. Most flat screen monitor got like compact flourcent lamp, but in straight and average life isn't long and not easy to replace. But with LED, it is going to last for a very very very long time.
DHB, You are right about crt is best crisp than LCD Panel. Oh nooo CRT will be out and no longer the production.. ..

I hate LCD panel, because LCD always have ghost of veiw.. like hard to see angle of veiw on LCD..

Please don't say that. Take your words back. I will never go back to watch, to play games on SDTV again. Just like SDTV is a dial up and HDTV is a bandboard. Take my word, bro. We don't say you must get hdtv but trust me, you will thank me someday when you purchase a hdtv.
DefMatrix, I promise you, I refuse to buy HDTV for entirely life..

How come there are CRT HDTVs? Why would they stop production on CRTs if there are CRT based HDTVs? I believe they will continue producing CRT based HDTV because they're the cheapest HDTV technology than any other technology in the market. I think they will phrase out the CRT SDTVs and others.
Sequoias, thank you for bring it up.. You are exact right, they are still making the CRT beased on HDTV.. My Great friend name DON AKA Dojosky, he did show me the beautiful samsung CRT HDTV in C.C. superstore. I really don't mind to buy CRT HDTV from samsung or RCA.. :)
DHB, You are right about crt is best crisp than LCD Panel. Oh nooo CRT will be out and no longer the production.. ..

I hate LCD panel, because LCD always have ghost of veiw.. like hard to see angle of veiw on LCD..

DefMatrix, I promise you, I refuse to buy HDTV for entirely life..

Sequoias, thank you for bring it up.. You are exact right, they are still making the CRT beased on HDTV.. My Great friend name DON AKA Dojosky, he did show me the beautiful samsung CRT HDTV in C.C. superstore. I really don't mind to buy CRT HDTV from samsung or RCA.. :)

If CRT is no longer to production then how about DLP? It probably better than LCD.

You can wait to get laser TV in next year but would more affordable than LCD.
Honestly, most ppl dont have HDTV and that goes for gamers too of course gamers are ppl too right? so...thats why such games as Gears of War is being tested on a SDTV rather than a HDTV cause most ppl dont have HDTV thats why! :roll:
Honestly, most ppl dont have HDTV and that goes for gamers too of course gamers are ppl too right? so...thats why such games as Gears of War is being tested on a SDTV rather than a HDTV cause most ppl dont have HDTV thats why! :roll:

You never know about game review, such as IGN and Gamespot that more gamers are rather to play HDTV over SDTV. You don't check out on 360 forum that most people are prefer to play on HDTV instead of SDTV and they are show alot picture about HDTV. You said that games are rather to play on SDTV then that's joking and Gears of War is created by MS and many developers are play on HDTV.

You are loyal with SDTV because you can't afford HDTV then that's sad for you, and you are just nothing to know about HDTV.

For HD-DVD then good luck for you to get poor resolution on SDTV and wasting of your $$$$.