Here is my answer to your post as I promised you last week.
Read your post carefully.
I'm sorry to tell you that it's pretty illogical answer.
Let me say something accord someone who wrote about his/her friend who turned Agnostic.
"If God is all-powerful and all-forgiving, why must he send his son to die for our sins. Couldn't God just forgive the sins without sending his son down in human form to die? So what, so God dies for a few hours, how does that in any way forgive a sin..."
This mean is God sacrificed his own son Jesus for our sins.
Did you know that some parents copied what/how God did to his son Jesus to sacrifice their own children to God? I would never, never, never sacrifice my sons' life for anyone including God. That's what someone said his/her friend saw the logic and turned into Agnostic.
I don't think that some parents copied what/how God did to His Son Jesus to sacrifice their own children to God.
I did tested God once. Let me tell you a story about myself when I was 18 years old. When I took off the Metro bus, I walked down to the corner sidewalk where there was a visual sign that says " stop " at the intersection....but, I just went ahead and walk across the street. I was testin' God at that time AFTER I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour. The other car just turned to the left to where I was walkin' and God caused the driver to slam on the brake when his car almost hit me right close to my right leg. I turned around and saw him yellin' obsence ( bad language ) at me. It obviously to me that God wasn't ready to take me home. I saw one tall angel standin' in between me and the car. I smiled and knew that it was really GOD Himself who did it. He was the One who stopped the driver from hittin' me. And, here I am still alive at the age of 46.
Soo, I believe it has to do with " obedience " and " faith " that needs to be tested. God will NOT allow anyone to kill their own child as just for sacrifice. But, you know what ? The devil worshippers DO kill their own babies, children, or even cut the goat/cow's throat to get the blood to drink. That's their ritual. Christians don't do that.
For your information, I do read the bibles but I stand what I see the logic between the bible and real life. I has to honest with you that
I prefer to read bible story over study scriptures because bible story is easier to read. Study scriptures are very complication to understand what it is about... because all biblical authors interpreted differently accord their belief.
I wonder, does all your friends draw pictures as letters to you to read instead of their own words to write ?
If, I were you, I would ask God through pray to help me to understand His Words when I read His letters ( Bible ). I will ask Him to help me to understand His Words everyday when I read the Bible daily. It wouldn't hurt to try, if you have that motivation to experience God. I wouldn't worry about the authors who wrote the bibles differently. All I want to worry about is myself and God. And, things will change alot better down the road, believe me.
Answer to your question about murder.
If the parents and God who sacrificed their own children for us or God is a murder. Example:
JW parents reject to have blood transfusion to save their children's life accord their belief then is a murder as well because they scarificed their children's life for God. What and how they did with their children is murder. Yes I label them as murder because they did the same thing.