girl flipping a bird at judge got 30 days jail

I suspect once she comes down and realizes what she did, she will apologize and have some of that time knocked off. But this is very indicative of the way kids are turning out these days. I posted before about the BBC show "Crimefighters" which is basically "Cops" but in the UK. Those kids talk to Judges and Cops like that all the time. No respect. It seems that is spreading over here.
Wirelessly posted

She looked as if she was on drugs on the video. Agreed, she was disrespectful to the judge.
as loosely defined as a person chosen to settle the issue between parties engaged in a dispute. See Synonyms at judge, or one having the ability or power to make authoritative decisions; an arbiter...oftentimes judges are aligned or obliged to uphold the law which is also in turn set in the political interpretation of the current law in place. Not quite a mediator, but higher, and not quite the makers of law, and niether not quite an 'agent' to gather consesus of the public (politicians does that) to endorse a change in law, so the judge is a role where, in a conflict or an offend to the law, or indeed an offence to the political stance the judge carry forward what would favour the dominant political view of that place and time where the 'judging' take place.
I admit, my English, is quite bad i know, sorry, but thats how i saw how the word Arbitration and judging are related, in terms of being an agent of a higher status to enforce the law. (its 2am here and im tired, I'm off to bed)
She still didn't get it after her bail was raised to 10k and then she really had the audacity to throw the f-bomb, really? It seems like the girl just didn't give any care about what went on and thought she was the one who could get away with it as if it didn't hit her.

IMO, the judge did what was right. That'll give her something to think about while she stays in the cell.
She still didn't get it after her bail was raised to 10k and then she really had the audacity to throw the f-bomb, really? It seems like the girl just didn't give any care about what went on and thought she was the one who could get away with it as if it didn't hit her.

IMO, the judge did what was right. That'll give her something to think about while she stays in the cell.

Yeah , hopefully she learned to have more respect at her next hearing in court.
...or more contempt for judges but sits still quietly in courts in future so however...appearances and attitudes/opinion arent the same thing...
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Penelope Soto, Woman Who Flipped Off Judge, Apologizes | NBC 6 South Florida
But Friday, 18-year-old Soto was solemn as she acknowledged to Rodriguez-Chomat that she was wrong for insulting him. Her lawyer and relatives stood next to her as she apologized.

"My behavior was very irrational, and I apologize not only to the court and you, but to my family,” Penelope Soto told Rodriguez-Chomat.

Responding to her apology, Rodriguez-Chomat dropped the 30-day contempt sentence he had imposed on her when she first appeared before him on a Xanax possession charge. Among the reasons he cited for dropping her contempt sentence were her being a first-time offender, her admission that she had abused Xanax, her willingness to overcome her addiction by attending a drug-treatment program and her apology.

Rodriguez-Chomat said Soto wasn’t entirely to blame for her behavior.

“I should not even call you as totally responsible. We live in a society where if you listen to music, every other word is a profanity,” Rodriguez-Chomat said. “We live in a society where young people like you feel like it’s perfectly OK to call all kinds of names to their teachers and their professors and their friends. And they think that’s OK.”

Rodriguez-Chomat continued: “We live in a society where police officers are abused on a daily basis, mostly by young people who believe it’s OK to call policemen all kinds of names. That’s totally unacceptable.”

Rodriguez-Chomat also did away with the $10,000 bond he had set, enabling Soto to be released from jail straight from the courtroom.

wow! the judge has a heart of Mother Teresa.
Ah, I like his book The Gulag Archipelago, great book.

Though many people suspected that Putin secretly had him murdered... It's just a rumor though.


I don't think so. Solzhenitsyn's return to Russia was a public relations boon to Putin. Solzhenitsyn was basically endorsing Putin's government by returning to Russia.

Solzhenitsyn left Soviet Russia because it was a tyranny. By returning, he was implying it was no longer a tyranny under Putin.

Why would Putin have Solzhenitsyn murdered in that case?
Perhaps Judge talked with warden and warden said sorry we are overcrowded in jail, is this bad criminal enough to cramp in and free one of murder to meet the max occupy limits? Judge realizes that and that clown made an apologize so Judge decided that it is not worth free up one of these bad ass murder for this bimbo.

He should have made her do the 30 days.
I bet that similiar situation like this will happen with Sach at Gally having her case dropped cause it is her first time.

I doubt it. Sach's not going to a county prison... she's going to federal prison.