Get Over It, America is NOT Number One

Actually, Russia is supposed to re-build Germany buildings and apartments after WWII. Since the walls were removed, Russian governments still refuse to pay them. Many "East" Germans who own apartments are broke. They are forced to sell their building in the auction because they are not able to meet the safety codes. Germany is not quite perfect yet because Germany gov't are not helping their own people. It is not the same in the USA. There are so many hidden corrupts in US gov't (both Democracts and Republicans). I do not believe that Russia gov't is broke because it has largest numbers of diamonds in the world, and they keep them in the gov't buildings. The Russia gov't does not want to sell them. I find hard to believe.
mlkshkgrl said:
All of this trash talk about America is sickening. I am proud to be born and raised in this country. We all should be thanful. It could be worse.

We should be thankful? What is it to be thankful for? Lack of health insurance coverage, People are dying because of lack of heath insurance. What so good about America without heath insurance?, Oh and, America has lost 1.3 million jobs to China, How are American people like us work? support our families? Nearly 900,000 children were abused or neglected in 2002, Sources are in USA Today, Dec. 21, 2004. List goes on, so America is not number one, But number one in spending, debts and weapons. So, How is that sickening to you that we are trash talking about America?

You know if you have such big problems with America then why don't you move to another country. I hear Iraq is just wonderful. :crazy:
If we had a good government, President then America wouldn't head in the wrong direction. The point is, we need a good President that would make America stronger than ever. :D
Cheri said:
We should be thankful? What is it to be thankful for?
You should be thankful that you were not born in a poor third-world country without any services for Deaf people. You could have been born in a country that lets their handicapped children die or become street beggars or prostitutes. No captioned TVs, TTYs, email, AIM, or AD. No house, no car. No kids (you would be sterilized so you couldn't become pregnant).

Or you could have been born in a totalitarian country such as China. Only one child per family allowed, so either you or Angel will have to go. You can't complain about anything because you will be arrested. Health insurance doesn't matter because there are no modern hospitals in your village anyway.

Or you could live in Saudi Arabia and have no rights as a woman. You can't even drive a car by yourself. You can't wear what you want.

You could live in Somalia or Rwanda, and starve to death after the rebel soldiers raped you and slaughtered your children before your eyes.

I think there is plenty to be thankful for.
Reba said:
You should be thankful that you were not born in a poor third-world country without any services for Deaf people. You could have been born in a country that lets their handicapped children die or become street beggars or prostitutes. No captioned TVs, TTYs, email, AIM, or AD. No house, no car. No kids (you would be sterilized so you couldn't become pregnant).

Or you could have been born in a totalitarian country such as China. Only one child per family allowed, so either you or Angel will have to go. You can't complain about anything because you will be arrested. Health insurance doesn't matter because there are no modern hospitals in your village anyway.

Or you could live in Saudi Arabia and have no rights as a woman. You can't even drive a car by yourself. You can't wear what you want.

You could live in Somalia or Rwanda, and starve to death after the rebel soldiers raped you and slaughtered your children before your eyes.

I think there is plenty to be thankful for.

:gpost: Now that was a damn good post. Your a smart woman Reba!!!
Right ON!!!
Reba said:
You should be thankful that you were not born in a poor third-world country without any services for Deaf people. You could have been born in a country that lets their handicapped children die or become street beggars or prostitutes. No captioned TVs, TTYs, email, AIM, or AD. No house, no car. No kids (you would be sterilized so you couldn't become pregnant).

Or you could have been born in a totalitarian country such as China. Only one child per family allowed, so either you or Angel will have to go. You can't complain about anything because you will be arrested. Health insurance doesn't matter because there are no modern hospitals in your village anyway.

Or you could live in Saudi Arabia and have no rights as a woman. You can't even drive a car by yourself. You can't wear what you want.

You could live in Somalia or Rwanda, and starve to death after the rebel soldiers raped you and slaughtered your children before your eyes.

I think there is plenty to be thankful for.

We are talking about America since when is Saudi Arabia or Somalia or Rwanda or China are part of this title? This title of the thread is America is not number one. Therefore, stick with the topic about America not about another country. :rofl:
Cheri said:
We are talking about America since when is Saudi Arabia or Somalia or Rwanda or China are part of this title? This title of the thread is America is not number one. Therefore, stick with the topic about America not about another country. :rofl:
Well, you asked the question, so I just tried to answer it.


You can be thankful for the right to vote, the right to complain, freedom of religion, freedom to travel freely around the country, beautiful national parks and oceans, AllDeaf, your children, freedom of association, and ADA.
I think you answered the question quite well the first time. Your examples were great!!!!!
Reba said:
Well, you asked the question, so I just tried to answer it.


You can be thankful for the right to vote, the right to complain, freedom of religion, freedom to travel freely around the country, beautiful national parks and oceans, AllDeaf, your children, freedom of association, and ADA.

Ummm... Since what does America has to do with AllDeaf or my children? and the right to complain who would listen to American if we didn't want the war? I don't see anyone asking us what we want? So far I have seen Government get in everyone's business, It almost like we don't have any freedom as much as we want, or said we could do with our lives like homosexual for one, what about those people their rights to married? Whatever you say Reba ;)
Cheri said:
Ummm... Since what does America has to do with AllDeaf or my children? and the right to complain who would listen to American if we didn't want the war? I don't see anyone asking us what we want? So far I have seen Government get in everyone's business, It almost like we don't have any freedom as much as we want, or said we could do with our lives like homosexual for one, what about those people their rights to married? Whatever you say Reba ;)
I guess some people just have ungrateful attitudes and cannot be pleased. So sad.
I believe what Cheri means is that why does the current Administration believe in forcing their christian values on rest of the country - like banning gay marriage and so on... despite diversity of religion beliefs including non-believers & values in America? I don't believe in infridging on anyone's freedom & happiness just because of one's religion/personnel belief. That's the trademark of Dicitatorship & Communist Party.

America isn't perfect and either is Europe. But I like Europe's way better on how they deal with social issues - like their teenage pregancy and volient crime are usually at much lower rate than it is in USA. I wonder why.... Is it gun control? Or permissive attitude towards sex, maybe different attitude towards general life like they emphasize on enjoying life, rather than making money? I believe it's combination of all. When I was in Paris, I noticed that many shops are "Mom & Pop" type of stores, cafe, panstry & pubs - not big corporation like Wal-Mart. I didn't see very many of those in France.
Also, when my wife and I were walking around in central Paris at night, we saw many women walking alone at night!!! I couldn't imagine that happening in major cities in USA. We felt much safer over there.

But of course, I was born and raised in America, so I've learned to deal with current Administration and not let them get to me anyway since they'll be out in few years anyway.

I'd ramble on more.. but I'd better stop for now!
I want to make few comments on excellent article that Beowulf posted in first post of this topic.

An empire that must borrow $2 billion a day from its competitors in order to function. Yet the delusion is ineradicable.
That does make me cringe for a minute... No wonder why Europe and Asia are working to develop their own economic 'axis'. According to China INC and other new economic books that I read, they will pull their economy out of America once their economic system is in alpha stage. To my understanding that once they did, America's economy will crash down at big time... and America more likely will roll back to Great Depression era. No... it will be Greater Depression. After all, compare against Euro (Europe current) value, our dollar value is pathetic.

"The European Union leads the U.S. in...the number of science and engineering graduates; public research and development (R&D) expenditures; and new capital raised" (The European Dream, p.70).
I am not surprised. Bush Jr & Sr Admin is deaf to the voice of science for years. That is indeed sad. Science is one of my favorite subjects and popular subject for freethinkers to explore and improve. There are five new news/articles concerning about neglection of science among in Bush Admin/Congress in this month.

"Europe surpassed the United States in the mid-1990s as the largest producer of scientific literature" (The European Dream, p.70).
Oh gosh. DEFINITELY! My professor showed me the subscription list plus sources and I cannot believe how many scientific literatures are in Europe... it is heaven-like for freethinkers scientists and medical professions.

Nevertheless, Congress cut funds to the National Science Foundation. The agency will issue 1,000 fewer research grants this year (NYT, Dec. 21, 2004).
Bush Admin once again peed on (or rather, dumbed-down) National Science Foundation in one or two months ago.

Lack of health insurance coverage causes 18,000 unnecessary American deaths a year. (That's six times the number of people killed on 9/11.) (NYT, Jan. 12, 2005.)
Actually, much... much more than that. It is called, "iatrogenic damage". Let us look at JAMA's study on this iatrogenic damage in America:

12,000 deaths per year from unnecessary surgery(2)
7,000 deaths per year from medication errors in hospitals(3)
20,000 deaths per year from other errors in hospitals(4)
80,000 deaths per year from nosoconmial infections in hospitals(4)
106,000 deaths per year from nonerror, adverse effects of medications(5)

That's 225,000 deaths per year from iatrogenic causes, which constitutes the third leading cause of death in the U.S. after deaths from heart disease and cancer," outlined Starfield.(1). These estimates of death due to error are lower than those in a recent Institutes of Medicine report, and if the higher estimates are used, the deaths due to iatrogenic causes would range from 230,000 to 284,000.


And yet there is no dramatic news about it. No uproar. No Congress interference. Get the bigger picture, yet? Now Congress plan or already passed the bill to protect the hospitals/conventional doctors from sues. I have to bid a fat good luck to vicitms who suffered or will suffer by these clumsy surgeons, stressed double-shift nurses, etc etc..

"Nearly one out of four Americans [believe] that using violence to get what they want is acceptable" (The European Dream, p.32).
And yet they dare to say that they do have the morals... what a JOKE.

"Nearly 900,000 children were abused or neglected in 2002, the last year for which such data are available" (USA Today, Dec. 21, 2004).
That got me real mad... I would love to spew the profanities about that but let's move on to other quote.

"The International Association of Chiefs of Police said that cuts by the [Bush] administration in federal aid to local police agencies have left the nation more vulnerable than ever" (USA Today, Nov. 17, 2004).
That's exactly what my mother's good friend who is a cop said to me several weeks ago. He shared the concerns with me about lack of federal aids to local police agencies. He said that he wouldn't be surprised if crime rate will be soar in next few years. It is already happen... In Minn, there was a school shooting which injured more than 15 students.

The United States is 41st in the world in infant mortality. Cuba scores higher (NYT, Jan. 12, 2005).
Women are 70 percent more likely to die in childbirth in America than in Europe (NYT, Jan. 12, 2005).
The leading cause of death of pregnant women in this country is murder (CNN, Dec. 14, 2004).
That is really sad because certain party/groups kept pointing the fingers at abortions but with that facts/evidences, they made big fools out of themselves once again.

I believe I'm done with these points I made... Have fun everyone.

Swede, you provided the excellent points. Good job!
mlkshkgrl said:
All of this trash talk about America is sickening. I am proud to be born and raised in this country. We all should be thanful. It could be worse. You know if you have such big problems with America then why don't you move to another country. I hear Iraq is just wonderful. :crazy:
mlkshkgrl, I am second that.. I don't think your comment such nasty or ridilcious(sp), else. Your words incrediblely inspiring me!, I agree with what's things had in your mind " I am proud to be born and rised in this country".. Yes that is suppose to say it.. This country is my destination because my family's genernation after genernation here long times to now!! Don't let anybody put you down.. You know that you stand still in your feet upon the strong rock.. Because you just speak out that what you believed your beliefs.. this land of freedom speech! Keep your head up! ;)

Enjoy stay!!