Get Over It, America is NOT Number One

diehardbiker65 said:
BINGO!!!! Now, look at every year when its time for election... do we ever bother voting on whoever is on house of reps and Senate? Im sure its NAH! majority of American have major problem called "Tunnel vision" and that Tunnel vision ends with what? "P R E S I D E N T". American EXPECTS President to have absolute power in changing anything. But thet Truth is... they are all wrong! Congress have the part of control. If Congress disagree with president, then they can override the president decisiion. Then who gets blamed? Of course President! How sad!


We all know all about the "Constitution", But..... President Bush wanted this war to begin with, He mislead american people of course he mislead the congress, they fell for it, But if people would that smart enough to read Bush, then we wouldn't have this issue today or the past four years while he was the President, Think about that. It's so sad that people are so blind to read Bush. :shock:
Now you are making me angry. You said that I "detest" our military.
It is laughable that you think you have the skills to flimflam us, that you think none of us can read between the lines, You are still an idiot.
Beowulf said:
Now you are making me angry. You said that I "detest" our military.
It is laughable that you think you have the skills to flimflam us, that you think none of us can read between the lines, You are still an idiot.

eh? Are you talking to me? :(
The Constitution is done damagin' already and still erodin' givin' away too much freedom. This country ( USA ) is in bondage.
CyberRed said:
The Constitution is done damagin' already and still erodin' givin' away too much freedom. This country ( USA ) is in bondage.

What do you mean by giving away too much freedom, Can you explain that? :)
Wow, it looks that we will have another civil war (Civil War II). Isn't that possible in near future? :confused:

Excuse me, CyberRed - Will you please rephrase your sentence for us?
(I agree with Cheri.)
Cheri said:
eh? Are you talking to me? :(
Yup, you KNOW I am, Cheri, grrrrr.
How else am I to feel about a lady who wants Winter to last forever, flowers to be hidden, dreams to be secret? Growwwwf!
webexplorer said:
Wow, it looks that we will have another civil war (Civil War II). Isn't that possible in near future? :confused:

LOL, it does look like it to me too!...

:::back to the topic :::

I believe every country had their own flaws, so I wouldn't move out of America, just cause it may not be number one anymore, I don't think any country is perfect, no matter where we move or live in, there will always be something to complain about! am I right? ;)
^Angel^ said:
... I don't think any country is perfect, no matter where we move or live in, there will always be something to complain about! am I right? ;)
Beowulf said:
Yup, you KNOW I am, Cheri, grrrrr.
How else am I to feel about a lady who wants Winter to last forever, flowers to be hidden, dreams to be secret? Growwwwf!

So, I am an idoit? :sadwave:
diehardbiker65 said:
The real problem with Americans is what?

M O N E Y!

You see, Union is the one who DESTROYED America!
(I have to remove your statements due to 10,000 character limit)... Ugh, that is popular spin by conservatives. That is totally bogus that Union caused these so-called 'problems'. I repeat: totally bogus. I am grateful to have Union... I worked at one of deaf schools which didn't have the Union... it was horrible, no wait.. it is BEYOND the horror. Supt of that deaf school abused the 'power' (favorism)... decent/good quality teachers got fired or 'pardon' while his 'favorites' - which is stink at teaching or having certain attitude problems still have the jobs. There are much more than that... which I rather to not bring up due to 'public' however many staffs quitted or fed up with that certain Supt. If conservatives finally destroy the Union, we THE PEOPLE will have to go to the big funeral and say 'farewell' to our 'labor' rights and our sick days plus day cares then bring the children labor back and send them to factories! Whoever disagrees with me will be called 'unpatriotic' by me! Heil Bush! HEIL BUSH I said! Union is to protect our rights -- 'rights' which conservatives hate mostly. That's only reason why they want to destroy. ONLY one reason. (I hope as hell that AD'ers are able to detect some of sarcasms in these statements)

Note: Any kind of corporations, schools, etc etc that does not provide the Union have lots of problems (incredibly less-friendly environment for people to work, etc). It is common knowledge.

diehardbiker65 said:
Secondly, Attorneys is other group of assholes that is DESTROYING quality of America's life by encouraging you to sue anyone for wrongful whatever it is you want to call.
(I have to remove your statements due to 10,000 character limit) I agree with some of your point but you forget the tiny detail.... it was Corporations who sued us 4 - 10 times MORE than THE PEOPLE! I just don't see how can certain people be blind to that fact? It is odd that you are the one who brought up about this 'Tunnel vision' statement - but indeed (it is funny because I used to call these people 'Tunnel vision' who didn't pay any heed to these health subjects plus other things but no longer...) If you want to fix the attorneys issue then stop Corporations from dumping their chemicals in rivers, lakes, drinking water, etc.... when THE PEOPLE decided to do something about it by voicing their concerns... wow, Corporations suddenly become whiners in one second and screamed for THE PEOPLE's blood and took THE PEOPLE to the court to beat them down to protect their so-called 'rights' or 'policies' to continually dumping the chemicals down in our water and any form of environment. Again if you want to 'fix' attonerys issue, be sure to give a thought that larger percent of 'faults' lies in Corporations, not THE PEOPLE. They are the one who messed the laws & courts by find the loopholes to shove their chemicals down in our throats. In case, if you don't believe me... I have one of many facts (as political analyst in one of newspapers does pay off due to access to vast informations) that back me up, here's the lovely fact:

U.S.Businesses File Four Times More Lawsuits Than Private Citizens And Are Sanctioned Much More Often for Frivolous Suits

But Corporate Americaand Political Allies Bush and Cheney Campaign to Limit Citizens’ Rights to Sue

WASHINGTON, D.C. – American businesses file four times as many lawsuits as do individuals represented by trial attorneys, and they are penalized by judges much more often for pursuing frivolous litigation, according to a report issued today by Public Citizen.

The survey of case filings in two states (Arkansas and Mississippi) and two local jurisdictions (Cook County, Ill., and Philadelphia, Pa.) in 2001 found that businesses were 3.3 to 5.8 times more likely to file lawsuits than were individuals. This comes as businesses and politicians are campaigning to limit citizens’ rights to sue over everything from medical malpractice damages to defective products. By way of comparison, the number of American consumers (281 million) outnumbers the number of businesses in America (7 million) by 40 times.

The report also found that businesses and their attorneys were 69 percent more likely than individual tort plaintiffs and their attorneys to be sanctioned by federal judges for filing frivolous claims or defenses. The report, Frequent Filers: Corporate Hypocrisy in Accessing the Courts, is available by clicking here.

“Corporations think America is too litigious only when they are on the receiving end of a lawsuit,” said Joan Claybrook, president of Public Citizen. “But when they feel aggrieved, businesses are far more likely to take their beef to court than are consumers.”

The four court systems surveyed by Public Citizen, which are geographically diverse and represent urban and rural areas of the nation, appear to be the only jurisdictions that require attorneys to provide sufficient detail to distinguish business-initiated suits from trial attorney-initiated suits. State-specific findings for 2001 include:

Mississippi: In this state that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has labeled a “judicial hell hole,” businesses were 5.8 times more likely to file suit than were individuals. There were 45,891 business lawsuits filed that year compared to 7,959 individuals lawsuits.
Philadelphia, Pa.: Businesses there filed cases at a 3.3-to-1 ratio compared to individuals; there were 64,698 business lawsuits compared with 19,751 individual lawsuits brought by trial attorneys.
Arkansas:Arkansas businesses filed four lawsuits for every one lawsuit filed by trial attorneys on behalf of individuals – 20,868 vs. 4,786 – a ratio of 4.4-to-1.
Cook County, Ill.: Businesses went to the courthouse 5.8 times more often than trial attorneys representing individuals. The number of business lawsuits filed was 137,890 compared with just 26,938 by individuals.
Public Citizen also found that federal judges punish businesses far more often than trial attorneys representing plaintiffs in tort claims for tying up the court with frivolous claims or defenses. Under Rule 11 of the Federal Rule of Civil Procedures, judges can impose sanctions that range from reprimands and denial of fees to fines, dismissal of claims and injunction from further litigation.

In a separate survey of the 100 most recent cases of federal judges imposing Rule 11 sanctions throughout the country, 27 were against businesses or their attorneys while only 16 were against plaintiffs who brought tort cases or their attorneys. Only individuals representing themselves without counsel were sanctioned more often than businesses (35 cases). The 100 sanctions occurred between 2001 and 2004.

Some of the loudest voices for restricting the legal rights of consumers and patients also are the biggest users of the court system. For example, claiming that it is inundated with class action lawsuits, the insurance industry has led the charge for federal legislation that would restrict the rights of consumers to bring such cases.

Yet in Cook County, Ill., insurance companies filed about 8,000 lawsuits in 2002 — 35 times the number of class actions filed there by individuals that year, Public Citizen found. In fact, insurers file so many suits— mostly “subrogation” suits designed to recover the expense of covering their own policy holders — that last year they asked to be exempted from a model lawsuit “reform” law that would limit citizen access to the courts and that they otherwise support.

“We see nothing wrong with anyone, whether an individual or a business, taking a genuine dispute to court when it can’t be resolved amicably,” said Jackson Williams, the Public Citizen attorney who authored the study. “We simply ask that corporations stop demonizing a perfectly good legal system that they regularly utilize.”

The huge corporate campaign against consumer access to the courts is approaching its 25th year. This campaign has targeted trial lawyers who represent consumers in fraud, medical negligence and personal injury cases on a contingency basis, being paid only if they win and paying up front for all the costs. This allows any consumer, poor or rich, to secure an attorney if they have a good case because they do not have to pay hourly fees.

The harshly negative corporate campaign includes the creation of new trade associations of companies pushing for state as well as federal legislation to limit consumer rights, hundreds of lobbyists pressuring congressional and state lawmakers, the creation of front groups across the country called Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse (whose members are actually businesses), new think tanks such as at the Manhattan Institute to hire authors to write books and reports attacking the civil justice system, and strategic television and radio advertising at the state and national level.
Source: U.S.Businesses File Four Times More Lawsuits Than Private Citizens And Are Sanctioned Much More Often for Frivolous Suits

*gasp* indeed.

More in next post due to damned 10,000 character limit.
diehardbiker65 said:
Third and Finally... Its Politicans who is TRULY did MAGNIFICANT job fucking us all up in every imagiable way!
(I have to remove your statements due to 10,000 character limit) I agree with some of your point that politicans INCLUDED conservatives & neoconservatives caused the problems... I always like how Native Americans did with 'politics' by including EVERYONE in the tribe to discuss how to solve the problems or formulating the solutions to resolve.

But let government agencies to monitor the people who are on prescribed medicines? Ack. That spells trouble for real. I can dive into that issue and discuss bit more but it will be offtopic so in other time.

DHB, no matter what kind of government liberals or conservatives will establish -- Governments is to be guarantee to be corrupted by any people. Most of men (included women) are hungry for power -- always. That's why I like certain Native Americans and their 'politic' system, it is far better and nearly perfect than any kind of governments conservatives or liberals plan to establish.

And oh yes, God bless Sweden (and Native Americans).

My thought-provoking post is done!
Codger said:
aand whose idea was it to turn our economic future over to China? And how much do they pay and compensate their workers? And whose idea was it to export jobs to the near and far east?
In risk of 'lash' by non-freethinkers -- I recommend you to pick up and read this fascinating book: China, Inc. : How the Rise of the Next Superpower Challenges America and the World

And other books, I forget the titles at this moment supported the 'predict' that our economic future will over to China as well. Reading a 'China INC' book is good start to dive into this issue.
"Public Servants" Going After "Constitutional Terrorists"?

From Tommy Franks, a doomsday scenario

St. Petersburg Times

The doomsday scenario was laid out by Gen. Tommy Franks, the recently retired head of CentCom, in of all places the December edition of Cigar Aficionado magazine.

"What is the worst thing that can happen in our country?" Franks asked rhetorically. "Two steps. The first step would be a nexus between weapons of mass destruction . . . and terrorism." The second step would be "the western world, the free world, loses what it cherishes most, and that is freedom and liberty we've seen for a couple of hundred years in this grand experiment that we call democracy."
Franks suggested that a "massive casualty-producing event" might cause "our population to question our own Constitution and begin to militarize our country."
For those tapped into the alternative media world of the Internet, the quotes bounced around faster than a Paris Hilton sex video. Franks, a four-star general, was warning of a future he sees as possible if not likely. Our economy might survive another terrorist assault, so might our mass culture - it'll take more than a nuclear device to shut up Jessica Simpson - but the prognosis for the Constitution is bleak.

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman repeated the alarm in a recent column when he said that virulent terrorism "is the most serious threat to open societies, because one more 9/11 and we'll really see an erosion of our civil liberties."
We ain't seen nothing yet, according to the experts. If terrorism's sting is felt again, fascism may be its aftermath.

These pundits and prognosticators are saying out loud what anyone who has been following the government's actions since 9/11 already senses.

Consider how far down this road we've already moved: The passage of the USA Patriot Act has given the government extraordinary powers to spy on Americans without cause. The FBI has been unleashed to surveil Americans engaged in antiwar protests. Immigrants have been secretly detained and deported by the hundreds. And two Americans have been imprisoned indefinitely and without charge as "enemy combatants." (Only last week did the Defense Department agree to grant one of those, Yaser Esam Hamdi, access to a lawyer.) To all this, the courts and Congress have barely blinked.
In Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, we are holding more than 600 prisoners from 42 countries who are being refused prisoner of war status or any other formal legal designation. The Bush administration believes these prisoners should have no access to American courts to challenge the legitimacy of their detention and the president alone, as commander in chief, has the power to decide each man's fate. The Justice Department will argue this in two cases before the U.S. Supreme Court this term.

In essence, the administration is asserting something unprecedented - that the kinds of emergency powers that might flow to the military on the battlefield should be available in the "war on terrorism."

But combating terrorism is not the same as prosecuting a traditional war. As the administration itself has explained, with terrorism there is no discrete enemy, place of battle or anticipated end to hostilities. Emergency powers take on a very different sheen when the emergency is permanent and everywhere.

Egypt has slouched toward totalitarianism in this way. Since 1981, the country has used fighting terrorism as a justification to repeatedly renew emergency laws that allow the government to hold suspects without charge and try civilians in military courts - with the U.S. State Department objecting the whole way. Conveniently, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has also used the laws to thwart prodemocracy efforts and dispatch political enemies.

It was the Nine Years' War in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World that facilitated the seizure of power by the world reformers who then took control of nearly all human and social development. In 1984, George Orwell described Oceania as in a constant state of war with a changeable enemy who "always represented absolute evil." These inventors of the great dystopias understood the way governments use war and its associative fear and instability to consolidate power. Despotism thrives on insecurity. Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs puts safety right behind food, water and sleep. Humans naturally crave stability and are willing to sacrifice values such as liberty in its pursuit.

Within the current government there are those who would exploit this weakness. Before it was leaked to the Center for Public Integrity, a bill dubbed the Patriot Act II was in development at the Justice Department. The draft would have allowed for the stripping of American citizenship and the secret detention of citizens; and popular conjecture had it that Attorney General John Ashcroft was just waiting for another terror attack to roll the bill out. In that moment of national panic, a malleable Congress wouldn't resist. So, will another major terrorist attack on American soil lead, as Franks warns, to the end of freedom and democracy? There aren't many hopeful signs to the contrary.

See Also:

Cigar Aficionado's Interview with General Tommy Franks


Tommy Franks: Martial Law Will Replace Constitution After Next Terror Attack


Military Industrial Complex Coup in '04

Here's another link :

I believe that the Martial Law will be replacin' Constitution since people vote for it by givin' up their freedom, because of terrorism. And, yes you are right about criminals havin' their guns, Miss *P. :) How sad ! Tsk..
To respond Cheri and WebExplorer, that's what I mean about givin' away the freedom too much ( see above I just posted ). :) On the TV News, you could tell in between their lines when they don't tell you everythin' that people seek for the truth. It is always coverin' up. Once it covers up, it is conspiracy...or possibly a treason. Once a patriotic person or American person protests about "treason", that person could be arrested for it. Once you study them, the more deep you will notice ( unless if your eyes have gel just like Eagle's )how well they hide what their intentions are. Our country ( USA ) is really sleepin' !! Geez whiz... Wake up, America for heaven's sake !!