Get Over It, America is NOT Number One

America is NOT # One and NEVER will. It used to be a # ONE in a looooong time ago. We are on our own now.
Some of that information is actually true. Not bad for a blatently leftist website. Um... aand whose idea was it to turn our economic future over to China? And how much do they pay and compensate their workers? And whose idea was it to export jobs to the near and far east? Yeah, and the NEA has done what to our education system? And the bulk of college professors are followers of what bent? So anyone who does not like America and wants it to be the next democratic socialist state, just be sure your papers are in order when you leave. Good luck finding an open border country to support you. Then the rest of us who would like to return to the country to the constitutional representative republic it was intended to be can get about straightening up the mess. :rofl:
Da right! America isn't number one!

The real problem with Americans is what?

M O N E Y!

You see, Union is the one who DESTROYED America! They DEMAND MONEY MONEY MONEY, plus FATTER BENEFITS, FATTER BENEFITS, FATTER BENEFITS. They THINK corporation have unlimited supply of money. They totally forgot where the real money comes from! We the customers, and that is where corporations gets money from! And do we want to spend ALOT money over things? HELL NO! We wanted BARGAINS. So, this leaves what choice for corporations? Export labor to China cause their labor is FAR cheaper than here so this enables corporations sells to us for cheap.

Secondly, Attorneys is other group of assholes that is DESTROYING quality of America's life by encouraging you to sue anyone for wrongful whatever it is you want to call. Then when lawsuits closes, who really pays for them? Don't you forget? Its Insurance imdustry that have to fork over the legal expense, then where do you think Insurance corporations gets the money? Simple answer! We the customers!!! We pay unreal high premiums to them in order for them to cover the legal cost, PLUS Insurance companies jacked up the liablity premiums on these doctors, hospitals, etc and this ends up spiral increase of medical cost

Third and Finally... Its Politicans who is TRULY did MAGNIFICANT job fucking us all up in every imagiable way! Sadly, Americans tend to forget these majority of politicans and blamed entirely on president who does not really have total power to control everything. That is why most politicans took this advantage as they KNEW they won't get blamed for the fucks up they have done, they "EXPECTS" you to blame on president.

I believe the true solution to this problem is TOTAL change in government system! We need to dump the system and start anew fresh system. For example, we need national health care system so that medical people can be monitored easily by government agencies for any malpractice and deal from there rather than let attorney push insurance company on the runaway train and let em crash and do more harm than good. Also, the tax system is way way way complicated that almost NO ONE understands this shit! (Yup, even to tax attorneys as well!).

Its going to get worse until somebody wakes up and hopefully not too late for the real change.

Codger said:
Some of that information is actually true. Not bad for a blatently leftist website. Um... aand whose idea was it to turn our economic future over to China? And how much do they pay and compensate their workers? And whose idea was it to export jobs to the near and far east? Yeah, and the NEA has done what to our education system? And the bulk of college professors are followers of what bent? So anyone who does not like America and wants it to be the next democratic socialist state, just be sure your papers are in order when you leave. Good luck finding an open border country to support you. Then the rest of us who would like to return to the country to the constitutional representative republic it was intended to be can get about straightening up the mess. :rofl:
I got bad news for you, Codger.
I am staying.
Now maybe YOU will leave in dismay, wailing and wailing.
Too bad.
Shills suck.
Just like the pedophiles in the White House, lol.
Want more?
Tell me about it....I hate the mindless patroitism associated with RA RA RA....America is number one!
Hahaha... I'm not surprised.

There has been a lot of problems with our American society these days. I think that the Americans are being spoiled too much that they've lost their real sense of being a true American. :(
Yup! I second that!

Its one of problems within America!


VamPyroX said:
Hahaha... I'm not surprised.

There has been a lot of problems with our American society these days. I think that the Americans are being spoiled too much that they've lost their real sense of being a true American. :(
Does it really matter?

Does it really truly matter if we're number one or 10,000? All this crap sounds like a huge pissing contest to me, and it's really kinda stupid. The only we have to worry about it covering our asses, so a country like North Korea doesn't come along and screw with us. That's all.
I guess if the United States is so awful we don't need to worry about immigrants (legal and illegal) flooding into our country. After all, life is so bad here that no one wants to move to the United States.

Instead, I guess we need to lock the exit gates because of the flood of emigrant Americans trying to escape.

It's weird. I didn't realize that our country had to be perfect, or number one in all aspects in order to be worthy of our love and support.

IMO, the United States has many flaws but because I love my country I don't want to give up on it. I want to do what I can to help it.
I agree that America is not number one anymore, *sigh* that so pathetic

The USA is "No. 1" in nothing but weaponry, consumer spending, debt, and delusion.

^^ That is how our taxes being spend on in the war in Iraq that has nothing to do with us, never should happen the first place. *sigh*

If the President would stop lying we wouldn't be in this postion the first place. I wish there would be at least one President that wouldn't lie or bring us down under. Can I dream alittle? :thumb:
Why do we have three seperate divisions of power in our government? Can you name them? Well, even if you can't, you should know that one group of people run them all. Lawyers. There is already a Constitutional answer for this ongoing problem. Men who hold a title of Nobility can not hold public office. Esquire is a title of Nobility held by all lawyers. Now, who can answer the first two questions? And for a bonus question, in what nation is the American Bar Association chartered?
Codger said:
Why do we have three seperate divisions of power in our government? Can you name them? ?

Answer #1: It is "check and balance" of the powers that are wielded by the government.

Answer #2: Legislative, Executive and Judicial.

Now the bonus question: London, England

All licensed Bar Attorneys - Attorners (see definitions below) – in the U.S. owe their allegiance and give their solemn oath in pledge to the Crown Temple, realizing this or not. This is simply due to the fact that all Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to the international Bar Association located at the Inns of Court at Crown Temple, which are physically located at Chancery Lane behind Fleet Street in London. Although they vehemently deny it, all Bar Associations in the U.S., such as the American Bar Association, the Florida Bar, or California Bar Association, are franchises to the Crown.
BINGO!!!! Now, look at every year when its time for election... do we ever bother voting on whoever is on house of reps and Senate? Im sure its NAH! majority of American have major problem called "Tunnel vision" and that Tunnel vision ends with what? "P R E S I D E N T". American EXPECTS President to have absolute power in changing anything. But thet Truth is... they are all wrong! Congress have the part of control. If Congress disagree with president, then they can override the president decisiion. Then who gets blamed? Of course President! How sad!


Codger said:
Why do we have three seperate divisions of power in our government? Can you name them? Well, even if you can't, you should know that one group of people run them all. Lawyers. There is already a Constitutional answer for this ongoing problem. Men who hold a title of Nobility can not hold public office. Esquire is a title of Nobility held by all lawyers. Now, who can answer the first two questions? And for a bonus question, in what nation is the American Bar Association chartered?
A fine job there Sablescort! Now, they have to take a loyalty oath to the bar, but they have to take one to uphold the contitution in order to hold pubic office too? How do you uphold both? I took an oath. I think Reba did too. General clark did. I haven't been released from mine, has anyone?
Who the heck nows, Codger? The election results here in the USA are still secret, there were never any paper trails. It is my supposition that you wholeheartedly agree with Nazi practices so I will just chalk you up as just another idiot.
Beowulf said:
Who the heck knows, Codger? The election results here in the USA are still secret, there were never any paper trails. It is my supposition that you wholeheartedly agree with Nazi practices so I will just chalk you up as just another idiot.
Your personal insults are getting old Beowulf. Please read the forum rules? Thankyou.