Germany culture

guten Tag! (did I type that correctly?)

I'm thinking of visiting Germany at the end of 2009... I've always wanted to go there, and I've been more inspired to go there for the past 12 months.

I'm half German - my paternal grandmother's family all came from Germany, making me 3rd generation Australian.

My German ancestors are Karoline Krahling and Jacob Müller - they came to Australia in 1910 with their 9 chilren (Johannes, my great grandfather was one of them).

I'm very proud of my German heritage, especially now that I know who I am!

I plan to check out the Oktoberfest this year in Brisbane. I can't wait for a whole weekend of beer, food and music!! It'll be so exciting!

I'm also planning to visit the Brisbane German Club next weekend - the restaurant there is bloody cheap, and has an awesome menu!

I'm currently learning German, which is fun!

auf Wiedersehen!
We usually go to a German outdoor festival (Oktoberfest) in the fall. It was fun to watch some kids and adults dancing. I don't know what the game called - a person has to follow his dance exactly. I enjoyed it. They drink a very large beer. I don't drink. Many people at the festival spoke in German which surprised me.
I've always wanted to check out Oktoberfest. Am doing that this year, and get really drunk German way!!
I am missing Germany soooo much, whenever I hear about it I get homesick badly. The second I finish high school I am moving back.
guten Tag! (did I type that correctly?)

I'm thinking of visiting Germany at the end of 2009... I've always wanted to go there, and I've been more inspired to go there for the past 12 months.

I'm half German - my paternal grandmother's family all came from Germany, making me 3rd generation Australian.

My German ancestors are Karoline Krahling and Jacob Müller - they came to Australia in 1910 with their 9 chilren (Johannes, my great grandfather was one of them).

I'm very proud of my German heritage, especially now that I know who I am!

I plan to check out the Oktoberfest this year in Brisbane. I can't wait for a whole weekend of beer, food and music!! It'll be so exciting!

I'm also planning to visit the Brisbane German Club next weekend - the restaurant there is bloody cheap, and has an awesome menu!

I'm currently learning German, which is fun!

auf Wiedersehen!

yes, correct "Guten Tag" :)

oh cool, you wanna visit to Germany of 2009, but where do you want to touch town of Germany?

:applause::applause: great, what you said that you are very proud of German heritage *smile* me too!
I was born in Berlin-west. Is that not nice city? heh...

good, that you will improved to lean in German language.
It is heard learn, right?
I am missing Germany soooo much, whenever I hear about it I get homesick badly. The second I finish high school I am moving back.

aha, interesting :) oh poor thing, that you get homesick... *smile* I do unterstand you miss in Germany, but where you lives in Germany?
wow, it's wonderful plan of you, shezzbeav. Yes your dream wish should be fulfilling!!! It's important... :thumb:

Interesting, Webexplorer! Which part of America, you visit German Oktoberfest...?

awww chingxho, I am sorry that my thread make you feel homesick... Which part of Germany you originally come from? How long you stay in America?
I would love to be able tospend time in Germany because my grandparents on my father's side were immigrants from Germany to America. I learned much of the German language growing up because my grandparents lived with us when I was small, and they spoke more German than American. Unfortunately, I have forgotten so much of it since my grandparents died, but if I see it written, I can still translate pretty well. I was trying not long ago to remember a poem my grandmother used to recite about counting and a cat. Do you by any chance know the one I am talking about, liebling?

And my fav dinner of all times is sauerbraten!
I love Germany, I lived there for almost three years until 1991. I was stationed in Hanau and was fortunate enough to visit alot of places-Frankfurt, Garmiche, Berchesgarden, Bavaria, Munich, East and West Berlin (when the wall was up). My most memorable moments were visiting alot of little communities by bicycle and talking/drinking with the native Germans. Never had a bad experience and had I not had family back in the states would have moved there.
I remember an area of 8 or 9 city blocks in Frankfurt that had nothing but clubs, Discos, Pubs and resturants-even Wendys/McDonalds in Germany had beer on the menu.
There are trains that take you just about anywhere, the cities are clean and even the forest around the towns were clean. The autobahn was fun, bought a used mercedez sedan and cruised the autobahn at 180 kmph and people passed me like I was sitting still.
Castles were everywhere, I saw Castle Neuschwanstein and Castle Schloss, also got to see the wonderous wide open salt mines in Garmish, and the Eagles nest. I even had an Osterich egg for breakfast. My favourite beer was weisenbier and my favourite dish was jagerschnitzle. My favourit festival was Octoberfest. I even learned and remember some German from dating a German girl for a couple of years.
I will return soon but I wonder if I will recognize Germany, has it changed much since the wall came down? I still have German DMs...

Ein Weisenbier Bitte...
I visited Dachau in 1990 it is somber reminder of what just a handfull of bad people are capable of anywhere, anytime. I remember the steel gate at the entry point which displayed the words "Arbeit Macht Frei" which I think translates to "You work and your free" I even had the pleaseure of talking to some WWII German soldiers-very nice and very proud people. One was a German Panzer driver-a very much respected soldier of WWII.
Anyway-if you ever get the chance you gotta visit Germany.

The husband of my 84 year old cousin who I keep in touch regularly on internet, (such a sweet woman), was one of the members of the Army group who liberated Dachau and guarded the concentration camp. One day, Bill (the husband of my cousin) showed me pictures from the first days he was at Dachau, and it was not pretty at all. It was a very moving experience for me to have him share the story with me. He and my cousin have gone to Germany again several times and told me that Germany has changed so much since WWII.

I have been to the concentration camps Dachau and Sachsenhausen (near Berlin). There are hundreds of these KZ-Lager in Europe, but I hope to go to Poland as well to see Oswiecim camp (known in German as Auschwitz). It will be to compare the difference between a labour camp (i.e. Dachau) and an extermination camp (i.e. Oswiecim).

My cousin gets mad when he hears people saying that the Holocaust never happened. It is very important for people to know it did actually happen, and to not to allow it to happen again.
I visited Dachau in 1990 it is somber reminder of what just a handfull of bad people are capable of anywhere, anytime. I remember the steel gate at the entry point which displayed the words "Arbeit Macht Frei" which I think translates to "You work and your free" I even had the pleaseure of talking to some WWII German soldiers-very nice and very proud people. One was a German Panzer driver-a very much respected soldier of WWII.
Anyway-if you ever get the chance you gotta visit Germany.

I have been to Germany... Several times, actually. I was an exchange student in Germany and loved it. I have visited Dachau as well.

"Arbeit Macht Frei" means "Work makes you free." I don't remember seeing this in Dachau, but I know they have this in Oswiecim, Poland at the Auschwitz and Birkenau Concentration camps.
I'm visiting germany next year and I am really excited avot this trip. first time out of this continent. hope this site will help me out. i'll check it out.....
Liebling & Sunshinelady. Look at my language.

Hallo! Sprechen Sie in Deutsch? Ich kenne ein wenig Deutsch. Ich bin zu lernen, wie das Wort in der deutschen Sprache.
I'm visiting germany next year and I am really excited avot this trip. first time out of this continent. hope this site will help me out. i'll check it out.....

Kann ich mich mit Ihnen zu gehen Deutschland? Ich bin ein Scherz.
Liebling & Sunshinelady. Look at my language.

Hallo! Sprechen Sie in Deutsch? Ich kenne ein wenig Deutsch. Ich bin zu lernen, wie das Wort in der deutschen Sprache.

Juhuuu Pinky *freu freu freu* das ist ja toll, dass Du etwas gut im deutsch lernen kannst. Aber wann fliegst du nach Deutschland? ;)
Juhuuu Pinky *freu freu freu* das ist ja toll, dass Du etwas gut im deutsch lernen kannst. Aber wann fliegst du nach Deutschland? ;)

Hi! Ich weiß nicht, wann ich will fliegen in Deutschland noch nicht. Mein Mann ist ein Air Force. Wenn es seinen aktiven Dienst in Übersee. Ich würde gerne mit ihm gehen nach Deutschland gehen irgendwann. Haben Sie auch reisen, um rund um die Deutschland? :D