The producers pick which actors/actresses up to play for someone. They are being introduce to someone and know them better before they are able to play for them or their relatives. I have read/seen on TV like this often. The producers have to accept if someone don't want actor/actress to play for them or their relatives then the producer have to look for other actor/actress to respect their wishes. There're very common like this.
Common? Where? Please name some well-known movies where the producer got permission from relatives for his casting decisions. Everything I've read is just the opposite, with very few exceptions.
Mr. Movie Guy, maybe you can help us out on this?
Very scary
Are you saying freedom of speech is scary?! You think government control of people's speech rights is
not scary?!
It means that it allow to influence the children with bad movies like this...
"Bad" movies like "this"? They haven't even finished the movie, and you've already labeled it "bad"? What is your criteria for a "bad" movie? Do you mean low quality acting and production? Do you mean too much sex, violence and swearing?
Just because our country allows movies to be made, it doesn't mean children are allowed to view them. The movies are rated, and children aren't allowed to see them depending on the rating, and depending on the parents' permission.
I am glad to have Government who take care of/protect their people and country. It's good to see that all movies are being restriction to protect children from buy...
Please read my above reply.
I'm glad our government hasn't yet taken full control of our minds and will.
It's his reputation, I am referring to, not movie.
I still don't understand how this relates to the topic but I guess it's not important.
No matter either he broke any laws or not... Mainly important is his reputation... Would you want to have someone who have bad reputation to fix your house or buy something from shop with bad reputation and go on.... ? I would not want it... It's reputation, I am concern about before buy or order something. It's good to know that government concern about his reputation.
Whose reputation,
Tom's? I say let the movie producer and investors worry about that. If they think Tom's "reputation" will effect their revenue or Oscar opportunities, then they (the producers) will make the decision. After all, movie making is a profit oriented business.
In the USA, blacklisting actors leaves a bitter taste in the mouth since the Red Scare scandal. We prefer that the government keep its nose out of our personal business.
As for using a repairman or shop that has a bad reputation, I fail to see the comparison. If the repairman has a reputation for dishonesty or shoddy workmanship, then I won't hire him. If he is honest and does good work, I'll hire him. I don't ask about his religion first. I don't get permission from the government first.
Does Cruise have a reputation as a lousy actor? Do his movies have a long-term reputation of flopping financially? Does he have a reputation of not fulfilling his contract? Is there a warrant out for him? No? So why should the producer not use him? Why should the German government get involved? If Cruise breaks a German law, then the government can throw him in jail. If he doesn't break any laws, leave him alone.
BTW, I'm no fan of Tom Cruise. I couldn't care less about his career or movies, so that has no influence on my opinion.