Actually I have a tendency to vote no on anything that is going to
allow the government to set up another agency, charge me more
money to supervise and manage it and exercise any more control
over my life than they already have. What area do you live in and
what was the bill? (The wording of what you had to vote on?) I
am just curious. For the record, people who live and work together
and are in a committed relationship, (which may or may not involve
sex, that should be kept private) should have the ability to provide
for one another and make decisions. The couple should write wills
and work with family to make sure wishes are adhered to. And families
need to respect each others wishes. I have a cousin in law who
is homosexual and he had to move away in order to insure he has
total say over what happens in his life should anything happen to
him or his partner. I am the only one other than my husband who
stays in touch. Their relationship has lasted as long as mine. (He
actually keeps a nicer, cleaner home than I do. sigh) All of the
females in our family used to take home decorating tips from him.
I miss him. I still believe the way I do. But people can be sheep
and they don't think everything through and thats why they are
trying to make these marriages illegal.(There is a difference in making
a thing illegal and making it leagle. Sometimes no one ever thinks about
making something definately illegal until someone else tries to leagallize
it. We shouldn't go around trying to make things illegal that are private
issues. For instances I don't believe in abortions except to save a
mothers life. And I don't beleive in murder except to save other
peoples lives. (like killing a sniper on the roof) And the mother should
not be made into a criminal. BUT the doctor on the other hand, should
be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, when he reaches in
there and stops that babies beating heart. That would work to stop abortions.
I do not think it is good for gays to live that life style. Just like I do not think it is good to smoke or drink. If my children choose to drink or smoke I will not
disown them or their friends they hang around that do, but I do
not need to change my beliefs about what they do. And my belief
about celabicy for those with altered sexuality fits in here too. I
am not saying that people are not really gay. I am saying that there
are certain choices in behavior that are best for a culture as a whole.
If the culture accepts smoking as a behavior then the health of the
entire culture will eventually suffer. Yet this country thinks we should
ban smoking for the sake of everyones health. If I were gay, I would
live my life in celabacy, working to improve our culture, working to
help others, rescuing children, and otherwise ministering to people in
need. I am sure their are alot of homosexuals who have chosen that
path. My best friend in highschool was gay. My only male friend in
highschool was gay. My bestfriend when I lived in Alaska was bi.
Actually I think gay guys make better friends over all. My experiance
in the Army showed me that gay women were more fun for activities
like rock climbing, but they were always trying to hit on me. (That
comes from being a female mechanic I guess, and I did look really
cute in combat boots) So the issue is really a complicated one, (aren't
they all?) and the way I vote has more to do with what I think the
government might really be up to) Rember, just because you are paranoid,
that doesn't mean they are not out to get you.

Sorry if I sound
confusing. The issue is, can we treat people as people, no matter what
their personal behaviors are.(non dangerous behaviors)