Gay Marriage

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Did you realized that you are discriminating against Transgenders????? You see we gone from STRAIGHT married couple for 15 years and then becoming TRANSGENDER married couple for nearly 8 years together that comes to 23 years of marriage of this year. What's your problem with Transgenders???!!!!!!!!!

PuyoPiyo... Here's our HIGH FIVES :h5: Hee Hee!! :giggle:

First, you're make wrong accuse on me. The describe I'm tell you... this one.
Second, you need learn to be relax by typing instead beat your keyboard.


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Begs the question: what about infertile straight people?


What about heterosexual couples that can't have children, why should they be allowed to get married?

Recently the Washington State Supreme court ruled that the definition of marriage is for procreation of children and yet we have many heterosexual couples that are married and can't have kids. So why should they be allowed?

There is a petition being signed around this state stating that if a married heterosexual couple doesn't have children within the 2 years of marriage, their marriage would be annuled.

Secondly, what about the children from homosexual relationships, shouldn't their parents have the same rights and benefits as a heterosexual couple? takes two heterosexuals to make a homosexual. 90% of homosexuals came from a heterosexual household.

Fourth, for those that are against homosexual marriage, what would YOU DO if your son/ daughter comes to you to tell you that they are homosexual? Also that they have a partner. Wouldn't you want them to have the same happiness and benefits that your other children have? If not, that is showing bias towards your child.
Sorry for that! lol and i will make some edit it to tell PowerOn ok... hee hee :giggle:

That's sad, it's obviously you're a misunderstood.

gay don't need marriage. They can live without it. I think same-sex need to have alternative marriage to live together.
*please read careful before you plan to sneak and shot my head.
you forgot to boldface the rest of it.. husband and wife!

that's very important


Heterosexuals have done enough damage to the institution of marriage in terms of infidelity and divorce.

Is this another form of mockery?


It's no different than what was said. It's just as absurd to say that you support gay and lesbians but not their right to get married.

All I did was apply it to the heteros. ;)
Look at SecretBlend's definition on the first page -- IT DOES INCLUDE GAY MARRIAGE!

4. a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife, without legal sanction: trial marriage; homosexual marriage.

All you posters missed it. Someone else had to post a different dictionary's definition. It was already found in the first definition.

I'm all for it. Same legalities as heterosexual marriages.

You should have bold the rest of it, tsk tsk :nono:

4. a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife,
Whether we agree or not laws are changing to allow same-sex unions, and the definition of "marriage" will change, too.

Some anthropologist assert that when an environment becomes closed off or too crowded, many animal species (including humans) within develop same-sex affiliations as one means of natural population control.

It's the term "gay" that puzzles me, as a "gay marriage" makes me think of an adventuresome couple having fun. Why limit that meaning to same-sex?

Good post. From an anthropological standpoint, same sex unions have not only always been evident, but in some cultures, celebrated. The problems arise when we attempt to force all to subscribe to the definition of marraige as proscribed in the majority of the Western world, which is based on a religious principle.

Personally, I support same sex union as a legal concept. Religious belief should not enter into the decision of legalization.
OPINION. Straight couple to Sex Same couple are all SAME as humans. babies can come from lesbian women who had born by the father (make sex on the bed). That is not mean SPERM BANK or Adopted kids. I see all my friends have kids before becoming gay/lesbian. Sorry, You not see the fuzzy glass but we can see.
1. They hate kid
2. They want to ruin the world.
3. less bright kids

It's not reason that they don't want children.

Marriage isn't always designed to have children, it's couple's choice if they don't want child then it's all their choice for many different reason, some married couples have no children and they want be married for enjoy the life or more benefit.

If it's for me, I wouldn't want child, though.
Good post. From an anthropological standpoint, same sex unions have not only always been evident, but in some cultures, celebrated. The problems arise when we attempt to force all to subscribe to the definition of marraige as proscribed in the majority of the Western world, which is based on a religious principle.

Personally, I support same sex union as a legal concept. Religious belief should not enter into the decision of legalization.

:gpost: :gpost: :gpost:
I'm with PowerON. We both figured out the math. Dick + Pussy = match = create baby, which the lesbos and gays can't make a babies beside adopted a kid or the sperm bank.

I'm against the gay marriage, obivously.

And you forgot one more thing. Gay guy can ask lesbian gals or lesbian gals can ask gay guys to to have the children.

1. They hate kid
2. They want to ruin the world.
3. less bright kids

Why would my friends that I told you about want any of children if they hate the children?

Ruin the world by being gay how?

How can GLBT lessing the bright kids?
And you forgot one more thing. Gay guy can ask lesbian gals or lesbian gals can ask gay guys to to have the children.

*cough*smart-ass*cough* Excuse me. Ahem....Does anyone have a cough drop? Oh, puyo, got any proof for that?
*cough*smart-ass*cough* Excuse me. Ahem....Does anyone have a cough drop? Oh, puyo, got any proof for that?

I do. My lesbian friend and gay friend as I posted to PowerOn, check the picture of me and that girl, she have the short hair with fairy tattoo on below of her shoulder at my Myspace, that's her (Portland Gay Pride Pictures). Also the gay guy who she is having the baby with is that goth/queer guy that I was standing with in the picture at my MySpace, that's him (Seattle Gay Pride pictures).
Same here, I had noticed too.

Big beneficial for Puyo, yup!!!
Why would my friends that I told you about want any of children if they hate the children?

Ruin the world by being gay how?

How can GLBT lessing the bright kids?

that's for infertile straight people I respond that question to someone. sheesh.
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