
sure do tell :lol:

After the countless night of partying, it came into:

Broken toilet

two clogged up sinks

Carpet filled with beer, retches, soda pops and liqour

At least two cracked windows

At least three bunk beds were flattened and damaged

Two torn part bedroom walls

all desks were damaged

At least four closets + drawers were damaged

doorknobs from main, bathroom and bedrooms were damaged

toilet stalls were taken out.

The cost of damage was around $10,000.

In short, it was condemned. The guys who lived in that room were evicted into various living room separately.

Oh? what was the special occassion on clerc hall 707? who are those peeps? I worked at clerc i think that was in 1992 or 93. That time those kiddos had jeep accident and one girl was killed in cancun. Were that same year you were speaking of, about clerc hall 707???? damn it.

It happened during the 1989-90 or 1990-1991 academic year.
reckless partying, as long as you're on top of your studies. i party hard, but i still put school as my first priority. you know.. work hard, party hard. :smoking:

There's a saying about partying responsibly.
After the countless night of partying, it came into:

Broken toilet

two clogged up sinks

Carpet filled with beer, retches, soda pops and liqour

At least two cracked windows

At least three bunk beds were flattened and damaged

Two torn part bedroom walls

all desks were damaged

At least four closets + drawers were damaged

The cost of damage was around $10,000.

In short, it was condemned. The guys who lived in that room were evicted into various living room separately.


Oh i wasn't a SRA during that time. whew. who are they? pleaseeee lol just first name.
Steve F from PA - KG

Jack M from Mass - DSP

two or three - DSP I am trying to recall their names.

:laugh2: I start to remember why they got kicked out of campus. Jack kept sneaking into peet hall after he got kicked out. lol

me too. can;t remember others. can't be Jeff K but i doubt it.
After the countless night of partying, it came into:

Broken toilet

two clogged up sinks

Carpet filled with beer, retches, soda pops and liqour

At least two cracked windows

At least three bunk beds were flattened and damaged

Two torn part bedroom walls

all desks were damaged

At least four closets + drawers were damaged

doorknobs from main, bathroom and bedrooms were damaged

toilet stalls were taken out.

The cost of damage was around $10,000.

In short, it was condemned. The guys who lived in that room were evicted into various living room separately.


so much for partying hard.....
:laugh2: I start to remember why they got kicked out of campus. Jack kept sneaking into peet hall after he got kicked out. lol

me too. can;t remember others. can't be Jeff K but i doubt it.

No, Jeff K was not one of them, I am sure. He focused on school while playing football.
After the countless night of partying, it came into:

Broken toilet

two clogged up sinks

Carpet filled with beer, retches, soda pops and liqour

At least two cracked windows

At least three bunk beds were flattened and damaged

Two torn part bedroom walls

all desks were damaged

At least four closets + drawers were damaged

doorknobs from main, bathroom and bedrooms were damaged

toilet stalls were taken out.

The cost of damage was around $10,000.

In short, it was condemned. The guys who lived in that room were evicted into various living room separately.


Thanks for reminding me of my first week at dorm... *shudders*
Yep. Sad, ain't it? They think they get extra credits for getting drunk and passing out on sidewalks.

what's wrong with it? it's freaking college, there would be a problem if you were an older adult or a teenager still living with parents and attending secondary school. we don't think we get extra credit for doing that.. :roll:
what's wrong with it? it's freaking college, there would be a problem if you were an older adult or a teenager still living with parents and attending secondary school. we don't think we get extra credit for doing that.. :roll:

I don't think it's a plus to be overly dependent on a drug just to get drunk, vomit all over the place, kill a few people along the way (DWI), god forbid, or pass out in your pool of vomit in a public place. I've seen those effects. It's not what you call "responsible" partying. That isn't college. Sure, have a good time but at the expense of others? Not really.
I have a friend in RL (she goes to Sir James Whitney) who is planning to attend Gaulladet. It sounds like a good school to me... but I would not go there since I am not completely deaf. I am most likely going to go to a university near me.
I have a friend in RL (she goes to Sir James Whitney) who is planning to attend Gaulladet. It sounds like a good school to me... but I would not go there since I am not completely deaf. I am most likely going to go to a university near me.

Can you elaborate on the logic behind that? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

I hear more Canadians not be able to afford overseas education than anything else.
reckless partying, as long as you're on top of your studies. i party hard, but i still put school as my first priority. you know.. work hard, party hard. :smoking:

anyone who believe party hard should be the one to clean up everyone's mess after party :) Work hard ..... on cleanup :D
Can you elaborate on the logic behind that? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

I hear more Canadians not be able to afford overseas education than anything else.

Which part of my statement do you want me to elaborate on?

Well all I know is that a group of Canadian deaf teenagers took a trip to Gaulladet because they are considering going there after high school.