I was Gallaudet student from 2014 to 2015 so expected to returning in Jan 2017.
If you are underage freshmen so you will be automatically assigned to Benson Hall, but if you are overage freshmen so you may assigned to West Ballard, or North Ballard if opens, or Carlin Hall if you are disabled, or Dorm 6 (new dorm) if available. Dorm 6 is for all 2nd year students but they do have dedicated suites for students with disabilities, regardless on status.
Overall, most of DC metro are nice but there are bad area, but outside of campus, it is iffy, not good or bad area, especially from Florida Ave to H Street, but beyond West Virginia Ave is bad area, however some deaf people managed to live in those area. It could be dangerous at night - worst crime will be armed mugging or sexual assault (if you are women). The murder isn't issue if you aren't involved in drug case or gangs. There are undesirable area in some part of PGC, MC and NoVA.
The dorm life is mostly party on weekend, but you can easily avoid them if you don't live in Clerc Hall. It is college life after all.
Many students are cool but you have to deal with unfriendly students too - don't fall into wrong crowd. It is depending on your personality, I'm not sure if you could make a lot of friends or easier to find groups. If you are deafblind so you could be shunned by many students, but you will make friends with some students, at minimum.
The cafeteria food could be from bad to good, depending on daily menu, also there will be same food over again on weekend and Thanksgivings week, but cafeteria close on Spring Break week. Sure, cafeteria has some health violation, especially mold on bread and norovirus on chicken (they pulled out after many students sick from eating chicken), but norovirus is rare. If you have health issues or concern so you can ask your doctor to allow you to access to kitchen, but sometime, they can be difficult to acquire, but I can't give much details on public forum (please PM me). You will have many options with off campus - restaurants on H Street or many different foods at Union Station. Overall, cafeteria food isn't great as home and restaurant, but much better than food at K-12 school, hospital and jail.
There are good and bad teachers but, due to nature of small college, you may have no choice to avoid bad teachers. Check this website below.
Check with Gally Career Center if you need job.
The environment of Gally is mostly decent, but you will find ugly, outdated in some older buildings.