
Well, I'd rather be stabbed in front so I can look into their eyes.
Katzie's wrote: Friendship Quote
"A boyfriend stabs you in the heart, a stranger stabs you in the front, a friend stabs you in the back, but best friends don't carry knives."

Malfoyish's wrote: Amen!!! I believe this, too.

I would say.... More than AMEN TOO!!! errr... but, I would love to carry butcher knive if you're in the middle two-faces-friend where can I start stab with.......back or front or er umm eyes or down the bottomless???
True friend is hard to find nowdays. U trust them then found out they lied to you and it breaks your heart.
jazzy said:
True friend is hard to find nowdays. U trust them then found out they lied to you and it breaks your heart.

Exactly ! That's what I am seein' in nowdays. Sad huh ?
I don't like friends. They worried the heck out of me.
And they would give me bad influence...

I wish friends, my definition of friends, would be
that they don't take side, wish they listen, stop
bossing me around, have something in common,
watch same tv shows, stop trying to make me
jealous, be there when I need a friend... and
I would do the same, fun and exciting, be positive,
agree with me, good best friends, go out places...
And not a sex freak... and a little religious view...
go to malls, flirt with guys, very funny....

I like this favorite song.... by Mariah Carey

If you’re lonely
And need a friend
And troubles seem like
They never end
Just remember to keep the faith
And love will be there to light the way

Anytime you need a friend
I will be here
You’ll never be alone again
So don’t you fear
Even if you’re miles away
I’m by your side
So don’t you ever be lonely
Love will make it alright

When the shadows are closing in
And your spirit diminishing
Just remember you’re not alone
And love will be there
To guide you home

Anytime you need a friend
I will be here
You’ll never be alone again
So don’t you fear
Even if you’re miles away
I’m by your side
So don’t you ever be lonely
Love will make it alright

If you just believe in me
I will love you endlessly
Take my hand
Take me into your heart
I’ll be there forever baby
I won’t let go
I’ll never let go

Anytime you need a friend
I will be here
You’ll never be alone again
So don’t you fear
Even if you’re miles away
I’m by your side
So don’t you ever be lonely
It’s alright
It’s alright
jazzy said:
True friend is hard to find nowdays. U trust them then found out they lied to you and it breaks your heart.
Painful - if it happens.
Deaf Gossip

Seems to me that people being people we will encounter the same type of people whether they are deaf or hearing-so it isn't just the deaf that employ the "crab theory"
sky said:
Seems to me that people being people we will encounter the same type of people whether they are deaf or hearing-so it isn't just the deaf that employ the "crab theory"
I agree and disagree with you on this "Crab Theory" subject.

You see, if your deaf friends have the issues with you, example: backstabbing, speading the rumors, etc etc... You decided to move out to obtain your sanity back in different state, perhaps 3,000 miles away... You would think that you finally will have peace and able to make some friends. In two months, you found out that your new friends have their own friends in other states shared the rumors & informations about you then spread the rumors or backstab you again. Deaf world is very, very small when compared to hearing world.

For example, I was in "bad" situation with few hearies in other state and guess what, my hearing friends in my local don't know what going on or even know their names... While I was in "bad" situation with several deafies only because I spoke up in here, California several years ago and I met several deafies in approx 2,500 miles away (in east coast), they know about that incident and made a rumor about it.

It is the same situation in colleges & universities, if you were in hearing university and one next table in campus cafe more likely don't know what going on or even know who you are and yet in Gallaudet, in next table more likely do know what happen or know who you are.

I feel virtually zero stress in the circle of hearing friends, while I do feel some stress in the cicle of deaf friends. I constantly have to be careful with what I say to other deafies in the public while I don't give any fuck what I say to hearing people in the public. I am growing up in both worlds, I kept noticing the big difference between them (Crab Theory issue). It is probably that it is just me. But you are right that there is "Crab Theory" issue among hearing people without any doubt. I never say that hearing people does not employ the "Crab Theory" , just that it is practically 'invisible' to many of eyes.
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Friends are good, sometimes...
But you won't ever have time to spend time with your spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, children, or a close family members who really really really need

Everytime I wanted to say something, my mom is always on the phone...
or she has to watch tv....

I feel that I have been left out... and she always go out
with friends...

When I was living on my own, by myself... I had nobody to talk to...
and I did something really stupid and illegal.
Because I didn't know how to deal with problem...

So I think family comes first than friends....
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Friends are good, sometimes...
But you won't ever have time to spend time with your spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, children, or a close family members who really really really need

Everytime I wanted to say something, my mom is always on the phone...
or she has to watch tv....

I feel that I have been left out... and she always go out
with friends...

When I was living on my own, by myself... I had nobody to talk to...
and I did something really stupid and illegal.
Because I didn't know how to deal with problem...

So I think family comes first than friends....

I can see your point, but there are times when your family is too messed up to be of much support to you. This is when your friends become your "chosen family". Sometimes, a friend can be of more help to someone than their own "genetic family". I've seen that happen.
My hearing friend's son was ill and taken to hospital emergency, and stayed for a week in hospital, and I decided to volunteering to help her to feed her dog at her backyard and take out for a walk daily as it is what friends are for - until she and her son come back home.

Few months later, she asked me to look after her same dog as she is moving to interstate for a couple of weeks until she found a new house, she said she will pay for the upkeep foods for her dog in my property. At this time, I refused to look after her dog because I know it will be harder and big responsible to take care of her dog, and I asked her to find a kennel and dog's transport after all its her responsible. She demanded too much from me as I have given my spare time to look after her dog emergency while her son was ill before, this time, she can organised a better arrangement for her dog giving her plenty of time to make plans etc.

I reject her offer to babysitting for her dog, and guess what I never heard from her!

Some friends are taking advantage from you, You have learn to say no sometimes, unfortunately in her eyes its not good enough! :naughty:
Eve hit it right on the nail with her idea of friendship. But I would like to add that a friend does not go around telling other people about my characterisitics or personality. If he/she has an issue about myself, he/she can be a true friend and share it DIRECTLY with me instead of telling others about me which solves nothing.

A friend once said to me:
"Sometimes it is not even your own issue but their own issues."

If you are fine with who you are, and friends make issues about your flaws or shortcomings, then it is their own issue. Just simply tell them that it is "your issue, not mine."
I value respect more than friendship. I got enemies and friends alike and enemies have shown a lot more respect for who I am than friends have.

I don't like to socialize...
well I don't care if I am a snob...
It is true that friendship don't last...
and blood is thicker than water...
so I spend more time with family.
Friends come and go.

But I know that I can't be a snob...
and I have to be optimistic...
and think positive.

I had few friends.... and
when when they invite me to go
with them... their other friends
don't want me to go....

And I feel like I am in a competition...
who is funnier, who is the person they can confide in,
and so and so.... who is their favorite...

And I don't like that...
that is why I prefer to be on my own...
I know that someone want to be my friend...
And I would look at that person strange
and hopefully she looks for friend with someone else...
Then she would get mad... and said... "nobody want you"

Same thing with boyfriend...
their friends would interfere... and
would say... why date me, why not date
the other girl???

So I just shut out many people out of my life...
and just hang out with family members...
it isn't worth my time... to try to make friends and keep them.... :sure:
I lost my friend last year. She promised me something. Later on, she broke her promise and lied to me. It make me react and hurt. I went to see her face to face, somehow we were in big fight.

It hurt me real bad. I send her card twice and never received card from her or never received a call from her too. That's mean she feel guilty and not know how to say to me. She kept avoid after I asked her to meet someplace to sit down and talk over our problems. She never do it.

Oh well....
A true friends are who someone always sharing, always there for someone, respect each other, chatting with someone, many goodies :)
A true friend listens to other friends. I've known people who claimed that they were friends or wanted to be friends with me, but they refuse to listen to important things I have to say. In fact, some of those people have lost all their friends simply because they're too damn stubborn.

I knew one gal who wanted to be friends with me. She ended up dating one guy and eventually becoming engaged to him. Her friends were not comfortable with who she was dating, but reluctantly agreed to support her anyway. She just didn't care and stopped talking to those friends. Later, I find out that those friends have never heard from her again. However, I find out that some "new friends" have appeared. Those friends are actually friends of her fiance. That goes to show that her friendship is likely fake with these "new friends" simply because she's too lovesick over her fiance.

So, what did she do? She chose her boyfriend over her friends. She was close to her former friends for many many years, but she chose her less-than-one-year boyfriend over her more-than-five-years friends. Sad?

I take friendship very seriously. I don't get too attached when small things happen, but I do know when to listen and trust. A lot of my close friends have saved me many times because I listened to them. I have saved many friends as well because they listened to me. :)