fox news caught rallying the crowd

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I am not surprised. Anymore than I would be surprised if religious talk show marched against abortion. Fox only meant they will let all side party debate with them or have their say and sometimes let them have their own show ... But Fox don't have to agree with them.

Heh... I'll believe that Fox is neutral only if their employees are caught rallying the liberals as well as the conservatives.
you mean, you would clap if you were there?

(My post is simply agreeing with Coconut)

You might be agreeing with Kokonut, but you used an example that supported the rest of our points.
It's called "making a big deal out of nothing." It's really laughable that people are actually having coniption fits over this? Unreal.

"Look! Look! They're encouraging the audience to scream louder! The horror! The horror!"

Wow, what great reporting!!!

Move on, folks. You're halfway to China by now.
It's called "making a big deal out of nothing." It's really laughable that people are actually having coniption fits over this? Unreal.

"Look! Look! They're encouraging the audience to scream louder! The horror! The horror!"

Wow, what great reporting!!!

Move on, folks. You're halfway to China by now.

Oh, yeah...unless it was MSNBC rallying the supporters of health care reform. Then it would have been a big deal, and you would have started about 100 threads about it by now.:laugh2:
Oh, yeah...unless it was MSNBC rallying the supporters of health care reform. Then it would have been a big deal, and you would have started about 100 threads about it by now.:laugh2:

Only if there is a case when they pay for their bus trips, provide posters for free, hand out leaflets on how to protest, and hire thugs to protect and intimidate others who oppose. Like I said YOU are making a big deal over getting the audience to scream louder. Not me.
Faux News said that the reporter was "inexperienced" and that she has been "disciplined." Whatever. :roll:

Yeah and come to think of it, Why would Faux :)D) News hire an inexperienced person to do such report? That's got to be something crafty of Fox News to come to it's defense. It's ironic, ha.
The issue isn't that they rallied some at this one event. Th issue is that it proves once again that Fox is NOT a legitimate media/news organization. Legitimate media remain nuetral. So thier stories remain subjective and not objective trying to influence an objective.
CNN may be seen as left leaning (only cuz the right is so extremely biased in news in comparison) but they have record of trying to show both sides of the coin. Unlike Fox.
The point is that the conservative information bucket is uneducational bias 'cult' teachings'.
It's not about the one event, as you are trying to make it, trying to minimize's just another example of Fox cult teachings.
You people are so blind....and you are the one who brought up the cult thing with Jones.
You are in a cult and don't even know it......look in the mirror before you ridicule.
These kind of organizations would only lower themselves to this if they were desperate. That is why you are trying tominimize it as peanuts.
Nice try. No cookie.

It's called "making a big deal out of nothing." It's really laughable that people are actually having coniption fits over this? Unreal.

"Look! Look! They're encouraging the audience to scream louder! The horror! The horror!"

Wow, what great reporting!!!

Move on, folks. You're halfway to China by now.
Yeah, but still we have people who get mightily upset so easily. All I have to do is point to those people as a example of how they get easily horrified and offended of somebody encouraging an audience to yell louder for the camera. Maybe we need to hire a bunch of Obama minders, then?
Yeah, but still we have people who get mightily upset so easily. All I have to do is point to those people as a example of how they get easily horrified and offended of somebody encouraging an audience to yell louder for the camera. Maybe we need to hire a bunch of Obama minders, then?

No, what we need is responsible journalism. Faux news is attempting to create the news, not report it. They have already been caught is easily debunked lies. They have virtually no credibility.
I wouldn't cared if they did.

beside, you have to pay cable service to get CNN or Foxnews.

Now NBC CBS ABC PBS etc. I expect them to be more neutral because they have to follow the FCC rules.
No, what we need is responsible journalism. Faux news is attempting to create the news, not report it. They have already been caught is easily debunked lies. They have virtually no credibility.

Pretty funny hearing that..."responsible journalism." That died a long time ago in the MSM.
I wouldn't cared if they did.

beside, you have to pay cable service to get CNN or Foxnews.

Now NBC CBS ABC PBS, I expect them to be more neutral because they have to follow the FCC rules.

So do CNN and Faux News.

Perhaps you would not care, but the vast majority of the American people do care that an entertainment company is representing themselves as news journalists. We don't like misrepresentation.
No, what we need is responsible journalism. Faux news is attempting to create the news, not report it. They have already been caught is easily debunked lies. They have virtually no credibility.

Agreed. They are so bad that I do not even bother opening links to them from other posters in here.
Pretty funny hearing that..."responsible journalism." That died a long time ago in the MSM.

Don't see them brought up on charges of outright lies in reporting and rallying crowds to support their agenda. That would be good ole Faux News.
Agreed. They are so bad that I do not even bother opening links to them from other posters in here.

Anyone who wants accurrate information instead of propoganda does the same.:P
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