Favorite Subway sandwiches?

I heard on the news tonight that Subway is going to stop using chemical in their bread. This could had been why I do not like their bread . I did not get the name of the chemical .
I get violently sick to stomach from most all of the fast food places. I have to wash all vegetables and do my level best to buy frozen or from the farmer's market only.

We've also found I cannot tolerate food from other restaurants, either due to the allergies or something they use.

That has to be very hard b/c a lot of veggies are coming from other countries now. I can't eat that fake seafood salad it has red dye in it . I find the veggies from the farmer markets to cost too much. I once paid over a dollar for one tomato at farm stand in my city. I eat a lot of veggies too. Can you grown your own veggies?
I was at the Subway in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada to buy my favorite sandwich for the last few years. I like Seafood Delight a lot. But I only get that every once in a while. Then about a year or two, I found that Subway don't have Seafood Delight anymore. I was pissed off as I like that sandwich very much. So I stopped going there. On Manitoulin Island, I like going to Café restaurants with my husband. The food always taste delicious.

Now that I am here in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, I have not gone out to the restaurants or a Subway for 7 months since. I like going out but I am trying to get a new Driver's license and license plate later as I am trying to take Driver's test first. I find that I have to use the computer to find the Drivers manual and so is the test. What is with computer? Back then, we use the paper and pen to write the answers to the test questions. Now things change. Same in Canada, we use paper and pen to write the answers, not computer. Boy, I am confused. Beside, my sister has to work weekdays as a Director for homeless shelter. :(

EDIT: My sister told me that her husband does not want to go to restaurants or any public places anymore because he is disabled and did not feel like going out at all. We tried to encouraged him to go with us. Maybe someday when my sister and I will go to the restaurant someday. Now is not the time beside I am a widow for 2 years and I am mourning over him. :(
That has to be very hard b/c a lot of veggies are coming from other countries now. I can't eat that fake seafood salad it has red dye in it . I find the veggies from the farmer markets to cost too much. I once paid over a dollar for one tomato at farm stand in my city. I eat a lot of veggies too. Can you grown your own veggies?

Not able to in this yard and since we will be moving it's not worth preparing it for growing veggies. I was just at the Farmer's Market yesterday and got 2 pounds each of 3 kinds of apples, 5 pounds of oranges, 1 pineapple, 1/2 pound plums, 2 pounds strawberries and 1 pound of red grapes. All for $20.
I was at the Subway in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada to buy my favorite sandwich for the last few years. I like Seafood Delight a lot. But I only get that every once in a while. Then about a year or two, I found that Subway don't have Seafood Delight anymore. I was pissed off as I like that sandwich very much. So I stopped going there. On Manitoulin Island, I like going to Café restaurants with my husband. The food always taste delicious.

Now that I am here in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, I have not gone out to the restaurants or a Subway for 7 months since. I like going out but I am trying to get a new Driver's license and license plate later as I am trying to take Driver's test first. I find that I have to use the computer to find the Drivers manual and so is the test. What is with computer? Back then, we use the paper and pen to write the answers to the test questions. Now things change. Same in Canada, we use paper and pen to write the answers, not computer. Boy, I am confused. Beside, my sister has to work weekdays as a Director for homeless shelter. :(

EDIT: My sister told me that her husband does not want to go to restaurants or any public places anymore because he is disabled and did not feel like going out at all. We tried to encouraged him to go with us. Maybe someday when my sister and I will go to the restaurant someday. Now is not the time beside I am a widow for 2 years and I am mourning over him. :(

I have been a manager and a general manager for subway since 1999 until I quit last year. The seafood sub, you can make at home. It is imitation crab meat,mixed in a bowl with Kraft Mayo. That's it. Some subways will sell you bread for a buck or two. Just go to the grocery store and pick up some imitation crab meat, (it's pretty cheap) and kraft mayo. And you can make it at home. Hope this helps. Also seafood was never a big seller at any of the subways I worked at. We threw more away than we sold. Also,tuna is the same,tuna and kraft mayo mixed in a bowl.
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I'm going to try to answer the subway questions and complaints. I was a manager and general manager from 1999 until I quit last year. The Swiss cheese will only be carried if there is a demand for it or subway tells us to carry it or replace with another cheese. The skimping on veggies,usually happens at corporate owned stores,or stores that are having too high food cost. The formula of 3 or 4 olives on a 6 inch is correct,unfortunately. Some times employees will literally follow the formula if an corporate evaluation is coming up, or if they have cheap owners. Just tell them you want more. The employees aren't doing it to be mean, I promise. The are just following rules. Also I had a white erase board for deaf/HOH customers to write their order on if they didn't have a pen and paper. I know a little ASL, but signing with gloves on is probably hard for the deaf or HOH to see what I was signing. If your not happy,email subway and tell them what pissed you off. If it's something like skimping on veggies,tell them that. They will send you coupons in the mail for free subs. Also the correct order for a sandwich is this- top bread is cheese first then meat and condiments, bottom ingredients in order are onion,lettuce,tomato,pickle,pepper cucumber,olive. No one makes it this way,but that is how it's supposed to be done.
If I want to air gripes with Subway:

-employees who either don't ask or don't listen to what you ask for, and just start dumping onions on it when I specifically say 'No onions!' or start toasting it without asking. The bread is dry enough without being burnt in the oven too!
-closed (yes or no) questions instead of open ones when the time comes to put the toppings on. Given how many toppings there are, they are not saving time by saying 'lettuce tomato onions pickles peppers?', just let me tell you what I want, please!
-cramming all the toppings to one side so there's all the veggies on one side of the sandwich and nothing in the other.
Complaints to Subway are not always even answered. So, it's just not worth the time and effort. I will just stop giving them the business of my family.
I'm okay if I'm extremely hungry and have no other options, subway would be my last resort.

What gives when some subways have spianch and others dont its annoying because I like my veggie delite with spainch
If I want to air gripes with Subway:

-employees who either don't ask or don't listen to what you ask for, and just start dumping onions on it when I specifically say 'No onions!' or start toasting it without asking. The bread is dry enough without being burnt in the oven too!
-closed (yes or no) questions instead of open ones when the time comes to put the toppings on. Given how many toppings there are, they are not saving time by saying 'lettuce tomato onions pickles peppers?', just let me tell you what I want, please!
-cramming all the toppings to one side so there's all the veggies on one side of the sandwich and nothing in the other.

I'm sorry this happened to you. If you specified no onions, then you should get no onions. Sometimes though, when a new sandwich comes out,and if the pic of the sandwich has onions, they will automatically put onions on it before you have a chance to respond. Same thing with a toasted sub. But if you specified I don't want that toasted, they shouldn't have done this. My secret for not having dry bread or burnt bread at my store was to spray it with water from a water bottle as soon as it came out of the oven. I have saved some pretty overdone bread with this. I actually introduced this trick at all the stores I worked at and everybody thought it was neat. Also sometimes during a lunch rush, (I'm talking customers out the door rush), it's hard to hear what the customer is saying. Especially if the employee is short like me. They have made the sneeze guard glass so high I have to stand on my tip toes to hear what a customer is saying! Also that toaster oven is hotter than the flames of Hell! I have burned my gloves getting subs out of that thing. It's designed poorly. There is no spatula to scoop the sub out of the 400 degree metal basket that the sub sits on that goes in the toaster. We just grab the sub off the metal basket by the corner of the wax paper. I wouldn't be surprised to read that an employee is going to be burned badly by that toasting machine. Sorry my answers are so long! But I could go on all day about Subway,since it was my life for many years!
Complaints to Subway are not always even answered. So, it's just not worth the time and effort. I will just stop giving them the business of my family.

I'm sorry that your complaints weren't answered. But when a complaint is made, by phone or email to subway, the manager gets a letter in the mail that says what the complaint was, and that the manager better fix it darn quick. The letter will usually say they have sent coupons to the customer. Sometimes the letter will have the customers contact info and I would have to call and apologize. I'm sorry no one took your complaints seriously. I apologize.
I'm okay if I'm extremely hungry and have no other options, subway would be my last resort.

What gives when some subways have spianch and others dont its annoying because I like my veggie delite with spainch

Subway has to order the food from a certain food company. If there is a drought, or something in the weather that causes a vegetable to be in shortage they won't have it. In the old days if this happened you could just go buy spinach or whatever vegetable at a produce store or grocery store. Subway doesn't allow this now. Another problem is that we usually don't find out about something like spinach or whatever vegetable not being available until the food truck gets to the store. When this happened, I would go to the nearest grocery store and buy all the spinach or whatever vegetable I needed. I would have to do this sometimes four times a day! I have been through green pepper droughts, tomato droughts etc. tomatoes are the worst when a drought happens. Subway will use like 3-4 cases of tomatoes a day, and I would have to go to the Kroger grocery next door and have to buy like 100 tomatoes. It was a nightmare.
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Here is a story about how serious subway takes complaints,even if the customer is nuts. One day during lunch rush, a man paid for a sub with a $100 bill. His total was like $3.48. I counted his money back to him,bill by bill. He comes back 20 minutes later saying I shortchanged him by $10.00. So I stopped everything and counted my cash drawer 3 times. I was over by a quarter,which means he was not short changed. He comes back at like 4:00 and asks to use the phone yelling at me about his money. He said he wanted to use the phone to call the cops on me for theft. I told him to go outside and use a pay phone. Sure enough the cops showed up.told him it was a civil matter and nothing he could do. I counted my drawer again,in front of the cops, my drawer was still ok. If he was shortchanged I would have had $10 extra in the drawer. I didn't. I also had cameras pointed at the drawer, showed the video to the cops. Cops said customer was nuts. Well sure enough he called subway corporate,and I had to fax them the police report,tell my side of the story and corporate still wanted me to give him free sub coupons. I never did. Probably the only time I disobeyed corporate. The nut customer never came back.
I was at the Subway in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada to buy my favorite sandwich for the last few years. I like Seafood Delight a lot. But I only get that every once in a while. Then about a year or two, I found that Subway don't have Seafood Delight anymore. I was pissed off as I like that sandwich very much. So I stopped going there. On Manitoulin Island, I like going to Café restaurants with my husband. The food always taste delicious.

Now that I am here in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, I have not gone out to the restaurants or a Subway for 7 months since. I like going out but I am trying to get a new Driver's license and license plate later as I am trying to take Driver's test first. I find that I have to use the computer to find the Drivers manual and so is the test. What is with computer? Back then, we use the paper and pen to write the answers to the test questions. Now things change. Same in Canada, we use paper and pen to write the answers, not computer. Boy, I am confused. Beside, my sister has to work weekdays as a Director for homeless shelter. :(

EDIT: My sister told me that her husband does not want to go to restaurants or any public places anymore because he is disabled and did not feel like going out at all. We tried to encouraged him to go with us. Maybe someday when my sister and I will go to the restaurant someday. Now is not the time beside I am a widow for 2 years and I am mourning over him. :(

seafood delight is pollocks that been dye red and formed to look like crabmeat. Some people get sick from eating this, I get horrible headaches from the red dye. Subway may had stopped selling seafood delight b/c too many people where getting sick . There is no 'seafood' in seafood delight . It's fake crabmeat .

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Just go to the grocery store and pick up some imitation crab meat, (it's pretty cheap) and kraft mayo. And you can make it at home. Hope this helps. Also seafood was never a big seller at any of the subways I worked at. We threw more away than we sold. Also,tuna is the same,tuna and kraft mayo mixed in a bowl.

It's not exactly a big secret that it's cheaper to make your own food. Customers are really paying for the convenience or they simply just cannot buy their own food at the store. For example, when I used to travel for my job I just couldn't buy food at a store and store it at the hotel; I just had to eat out.
I had to fax them the police report,tell my side of the story and corporate still wanted me to give him free sub coupons. I never did. Probably the only time I disobeyed corporate. The nut customer never came back.

:eek3: I bet he was trying to pull a scam. Good riddance anyway.
:eek3: I bet he was trying to pull a scam. Good riddance anyway.

Yes, he was pulling a scam. It's a old scam too. The scammer will usually pull his scam at lunch when it's busy, so most employees will just give them the money, so the employees can get back to lunch rush.
I can understand that some customers are douche but businesses has to take a stand not being taken advantage of. I don't mind Subway and the only couple of things I like from them is the Italian BMT or tuna.