Father shoots daughter’s laptop after disrespectful Facebook post

Good for the Dad. He made his point loud and clear, and it was clear that he was disrespected to the nth degree by his petulant daughter who don't value the things she get at home. Tho' kind of funny watching people go into an apoplectic fit saying how extreme his actions were. Hardly. Dramatic, yes. Extreme? Please. No need to get into these armchair psychology workouts on trying to figure out this guy. He made his points quite clear.

Great video ending.
What a bitch!!! You dont destroy your kids stuff,man. REGARDLESS! The father is an idiot and probably paid his daughter's laptop. I guess he loves to play cowboy. :lol: Whynot do it private? He prolly thinks he so tuff,now.

Hey my dad would had smash my car engine to pieces if he was able to open the hood up! I was glad he was too drunk to get the hood up! I was worried he would get hurt .
My daughter has said nasty stuff about me on FB before...time for me to get a gun and shoot up her laptop!

I just had my ex hubby suspend hrer account. solved the problem.
I think it'd be cool to put that laptop and do the "What would happen if I put in a microwave?" bit.
This story made our local news tonight in CA. I bet this father makes it on one of the morning shows Monday morning. Even better if he can get his daughter to appear with him.
I don't think that shooting the laptop as a punishment is something that should be condoned, especially when it's the daughter's laptop. There may be quite a few things on the laptop that are of sentimental value to her. Teenagers nowadays often keep sentimental and personal contents on their computers. One surefire way to lose a child's trust is by destroying something of sentimental value to the child. For example, tearing off the head of a child's cherished teddy bear. How do you think a child will react to that? They'll always remember it and the scar would remains deep for a long time.

No parents are perfect, and sometimes when they are struggling with parenthood, it can get the best of them. This was a bad move on the father's part. The daughter's behaviour is obviously a problem, but it can be handled with a better and more mature approach. Taking an irrational and emotionally aggressive approach to it is only going to worsen the situation.

I guarantee all of you that the father will be facing more than just a pesky daughter from now on. With children, you do not fight fire with fire. Especially if you want them to trust you with their lives and keep that special bond between you two alive. People need to think first, not react first or they'll suffer the consequences.
Child protective services should pay a visit. This is not normal behavior.

As the resident social work student...

Unless the school, family, or neighbors had reported concerns about the father, I would not investigate that. I would be glad that a parent cares enough about his child to teach her boundaries, and that her actions have consequences.

Also, destroying a laptop is not cutting of her communication with the outside world. She is in school, where she is able to talk to friends, teachers, etc.

Intimidation is TOTALLY different. My father was violent and emotionally abusive. He broke all kinds of things when he was angry. He threatened to kill us and then himself. He sometimes even went into the bedroom to get the gun. THAT is intimidation. Your life is threatened. Your mother's life is threatened. The lives of anyone you tell are threatened.

That is not in ANY way the same thing as a man shooting a laptop to teach his daughter a lesson and have some fun venting his frustration.
That is not in ANY way the same thing as a man shooting a laptop to teach his daughter a lesson and have some fun venting his frustration.

He is only teaching his daughter that it is okay to react to any similar situations in that manner. What if she ends up shooting his car's tires out as a form of punishment? Or worse, he may wake up in the morning with a double-barrelled shotgun right in his face and that'll be the last thing he'll see. After all, he taught his daughter that the gun itself is the answer to everything.

This is over the top and the daughter won't learn a valuable lesson. It'll only makes her resent him more and result in more alienation within the family.
I can absolutely relate to that father. In my first marriage, my step-son would lie through his teeth so he could play video games. My ex wife would buy it.

One day, I had to work from ding till dong. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. As I was getting ready for work, I noticed the living room light was on, and my step son was playing on his x-box. As I was getting ready to leave, I got his attention and told him he could only play on his x-box for a little while, then to go outside and play with his friends. I also told him under no uncertain terms was he to stay on the x-box all day. I also reminded his mother to enforce this.

When I got back home at 9:30 p.m. - he was still on the x-box. His mother was in front of her computer. I asked my step-son if he had been on the x-box all day (his eyes were glowing red). "Uh .... no, I took a break to eat lunch."

That was when I wanted to break the x-box. Right in front of him. I talked about this to his mother (which was supposed to be enforcing rules when I was at work), and she went off on a tirade about how abusive that would be.

Reflecting back on it all now, I should have just tripped and fell on the x-box.

Well, I am happily divorced from her. I am also happily married to a woman who has A LOT MORE SENSE.

So yeah, I can relate to how that father felt.
If you read his FB page - he talks about a discussion he had with his daughter. He said that at first she flipped out as expected then after a good heart-to-heart on the back porch she realized her mistake and the gravity of it finally sunk in. Then he offered to let her see some of the FB comments - one of them was something to the effect of 'OMG you destroyed her laptop! now she will be emotionally scarred for life!'. She had him reply back - it's just a laptop, there are more important things to freak out about.

It's somewhere on the Tommy Jordan FB wall.
If you read his FB page - he talks about a discussion he had with his daughter. He said that at first she flipped out as expected then after a good heart-to-heart on the back porch she realized her mistake and the gravity of it finally sunk in. Then he offered to let her see some of the FB comments - one of them was something to the effect of 'OMG you destroyed her laptop! now she will be emotionally scarred for life!'. She had him reply back - it's just a laptop, there are more important things to freak out about.

It's somewhere on the Tommy Jordan FB wall.

UPDATE: Dad uses Facebook to teach daughter a lesson - Chicago's Best Variety of the 80s, 90s and Now

It wasn't any parent-hacking, computer spying, or monitoring of any kind.. the dog actually ratted her out completely by accident. She hasn't petted that dog all day today...

Okay I saw the video...I seen men like him before. He is obviously "abusing his powers" as a parent on his daughter. Not only he wants to be treated with respect, but he wants to be feared as well. Especially when he used a deadly weapon against an electronic thing that doesn't HAVE to be destroyed just like that...thats seriously a waste. He thinks he looks so cool and tough with a cigarette and a pistol to show us how much of a "badass" he is...still, I can understand his daughter misbehaves and everything and being a parent is NOT easy but there are always better ways than using guns to blast up on everything.
He is only teaching his daughter that it is okay to react to any similar situations in that manner. What if she ends up shooting his car's tires out as a form of punishment? Or worse, he may wake up in the morning with a double-barrelled shotgun right in his face and that'll be the last thing he'll see. After all, he taught his daughter that the gun itself is the answer to everything.

This is over the top and the daughter won't learn a valuable lesson. It'll only makes her resent him more and result in more alienation within the family.


Q: How did your daughter respond to the video and to what happened to her laptop?

A: She responded to the video with “I can’t believe you shot my computer!” That was the first thing she said when she found out about it. Then we sat and we talked for quite a long while on the back patio about the things she did, the things I did in response, etc.

Later after she’d had time to process it and I’d had time to process her thoughts on the matters we discussed, we were back to a semi-truce… you know that uncomfortable moment when you’re in the kitchen with your child after an argument and you’re both waiting to see which one’s going to cave in and resume normal conversation first? Yeah, that moment. I told her about the video response and about it going viral and about the consequences it could have on our family for the next couple of days and asked if she wanted to see some of the comments people had made. After the first few hundred comments, she was astounded with the responses.

People were telling her she was going to commit suicide, commit a gun-related crime, become a drug addict, drop out of school, get pregnant on purpose, and become a stripper because she’s too emotionally damaged now to be a productive member of society. Apparently stripper was the job-choice of most of the commenters. Her response was “Dude… it’s only a computer. I mean, yeah I’m mad but pfft.” She actually asked me to post a comment on one of the threads (and I did) asking what other job fields the victims of laptop-homicide were eligible for because she wasn’t too keen on the stripping thing.

Read more: UPDATE: Dad uses Facebook to teach daughter a lesson - Chicago's Best Variety of the 80s, 90s and Now

Not really straight from the horse's mouth, just the father's words. But again, what you did expect from a dysfunctional family? If the father went this far to punish his daughter, there is something really wrong with the family and it started long before this laptop got the worst of it.
If you read his FB page - he talks about a discussion he had with his daughter. He said that at first she flipped out as expected then after a good heart-to-heart on the back porch she realized her mistake and the gravity of it finally sunk in. Then he offered to let her see some of the FB comments - one of them was something to the effect of 'OMG you destroyed her laptop! now she will be emotionally scarred for life!'. She had him reply back - it's just a laptop, there are more important things to freak out about.

It's somewhere on the Tommy Jordan FB wall.

It's more than just the laptop. There are underlying issues within the family and this laptop only scratched the surface of it. I know a dysfunctional family when I see one.
What is dysfuctional about that family? A father gave his daughter a warning the first time, she ignored it and got busted the second time. He punished her by publicly humiliating her the way she publicly humiliated their family.Shooting her laptop was a bit extreme, but it got the point across and no one was hurt.

He was doing his job (a lot of fathers don't - and that causes dysfuctional families with bratty kids demanding they get handouts from the gubmit).

I should tell you just to nip a circular argument in the bud so to speak. No, you cannot convince me that what he did was dysfunctional. I have seen far too many bratty spoiled northern kids to know that this is a cultural norm in the south to show your elders respect.
I was spanked when I showed disrespect to an elder. My dad never shot anything I owned. I never pushed him that far.

Pay attention to that last sentence.

Kids know how to push their parent's buttons. We all did it growing up. Kids know how to manipulate one parent (the weakest one) against the other.

It sounds a lot like this particular 15 year old kept pushing buttons after being told to stop a number of times.