Father shoots daughter’s laptop after disrespectful Facebook post


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Apr 5, 2004
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Father shoots daughter’s laptop after disrespectful Facebook post
Father shoots daughter

A North Carolina father taught his teen a lesson in tough love when he unloaded his pistol into the girl's laptop after she posted a lengthy critique of her parents on Facebook.

To top it off, he videotaped the shooting and put the video on her Facebook page.

Tommy Jordan's post had already been shared hundreds of times by Thursday afternoon. The video shows Jordan sitting in a lawn chair with a cigarette, reading a copy of his 15-year-old daughter's post.

"This is for my daughter Hannah, and more importantly for all her friends on Facebook who thought her little rebellious post was cute," he said.

Jordan explains that his daughter had previously been grounded for writing a similar post on Facebook, and said he found the most recent post while repairing her laptop.

"I would have thought with a father that worked in IT for a living, you'd have better sense than to do it again," he said. "Since you want to hide it from everyone, I'm gonna share it with everybody."

In the expletive-filled post, the daughter rails against her parents for making her do chores, accusing them of treating her like a "slave" and demanding she be paid for all the work she does around the house.

"Pay you, seriously? Pay you for chores that you're supposed to do around the house?" Jordan responded.

The frustrated father goes on to explain that his daughter's chores are nothing compared to the work he did at her age to put himself through college while working.

"Your responsibilities include waking up on time and getting on the bus," he said.

"I don't know how to say how disappointed I am in you, and how disrespectful you were to every single adult in your life," Jordan said. "I'm gonna put a stop to it, I'm gonna put a stop to it right now."

That's when the video gets really interesting.

Just after the 7-minute mark the camera shifts to show the girl's laptop on the ground, and the father fires nine shots into the computer with his pistol.

"Just for the record, whenever you're not grounded, whatever year that happens to be, you can have a new laptop when you buy a new laptop," he said. "Hope you've enjoyed your little fiasco on Facebook, hope it was worth all this."
this father....

You Bet, Jiro!....I've never gone as far as shooting up any of my boys' laptops, but I've taken them away for 2 weeks at a time.
Child protective services should pay a visit. This is not normal behavior.
Oh wow, I won't shoot on Apple products because they are expensive.

It is cheaper to take computer away from child than shot at computer.
Child protective services should pay a visit. This is not normal behavior.

His daughter isn't in threat or neglect so it isn't much point for CPS to visit.

The children can be very disrespectful to parent.
This reminds me of the uncle who whipped his nephew on youtube for trying to act gangster on facebook. Was not too long ago, sometime in the past year or two.

Teenagers can be very rebellious that can make their parents angry.
For your information, a man who destroys personal belonging is a high risk for domestic violence. It's one of the red flags that mental health experts recommend that women watch for. When a person destroys your personal property, there is an intrinsic threat that your body will be next.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2aQtZGLr7A]Uncle Whips Nephew Over Facebook [Funny Subtitled Version] - YouTube[/ame]

Link above ^
It's subtitled, but it's not G-rated. There is profanity in it.
For your information, a man who destroys personal belonging is a high risk for domestic violence. It's one of the red flags that mental health experts recommend that women watch for. When a person destroys your personal property, there is an intrinsic threat that your body will be next.

That's true.
I agree with Sallylou. This is not acceptable behavior and it is not how a parent can teach a child like that...especially with a deadly weapon against a personal belonging. He can do better than that than scaring the shit out of her daughter like that.
To link shooting an object to domestic violence and/or mental disturbance is going a bit overboard, I think.

In any case, here's the video of the father who shot the laptop. No captions but you can transcribe audio. Just listen to what the daughter wrote before you jump to conclusions about the father.

: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl1ujzRidmU&feature=share[/ame]
For your information, a man who destroys personal belonging is a high risk for domestic violence. It's one of the red flags that mental health experts recommend that women watch for. When a person destroys your personal property, there is an intrinsic threat that your body will be next.

I think since the daughter is only 15 that the father probably bought the laptop himself! Therefore it is his property and he does have the right to destroy it. Your red flags mean nothing in this case.
Destroying personal property and showing weapons are forms of intimidation. These are signs of a controlling, abusive man. The mere fact that the father is isolating the daughter by taking away a form of communication is disturbing. It must be nice to have so much privilege as to unware of that fact.
maybe I'm controlling too because if my kid ever done that to me, my fiance, and my friends, using property that I maintain and I bought while still living under my roof. You can sure bet the computer would be gone.
The bullets are for shock value, some kids need the shock value to understand.

This is coming from someone who isn't far from that age either. And my 16 year old sister agrees, my 30 year old sister has no comment but is wearing a smile.
For your information, a man who destroys personal belonging is a high risk for domestic violence. It's one of the red flags that mental health experts recommend that women watch for. When a person destroys your personal property, there is an intrinsic threat that your body will be next.

when a kid continues to exhibit bad behavior... and parents have tried everything. then what?
You'll have to ask someone with a rotten kid. My kid just got a scholarship for college. I never used draconian punishment with him. Maybe that's why he can think for himself?
To link shooting an object to domestic violence and/or mental disturbance is going a bit overboard, I think.

In any case, here's the video of the father who shot the laptop. No captions but you can transcribe audio. Just listen to what the daughter wrote before you jump to conclusions about the father.

I'm curious on what the father say. I don't believe in transcribe audio because it show lack of what I would understand.

If the daughter did something that is disrespect to her parents.

Sallylou, I felt you're being prejudge to think he is a violence person. It's how CPS would think when he see parents give one spank on kid's ass. They take it away. Liberal or not, are crying over parents give spanking that would cause kids low IQ or being stupid.

Therefore, we don't know what heck is going on. We have no idea how terrible kids or parents can be.
You'll have to ask someone with a rotten kid. My kid just got a scholarship for college. I never used draconian punishment with him. Maybe that's why he can think for himself?

I don't see any draconian punishment in this video. he was just sitting, reading his letter in a calm manner, explaining his reason, and then humorously shot up her daughter's laptop.