* Challenger's Explosion - it snowed that day and I was off from school. I woke up in the morning wondering why I wasn't at school, and I saw mum and sister sitting on the living room sofa, watching the news coverage on the Challenger's Explosion.
* Chernobyl Meltdown - the nuclear plant in Soviet Union
* People's Demonstrations, 40 Years DDR, mass-exodus of DDR citizens into West Germany, DDR government declaring that DDR citizens now are free to travel, breaking down the Berlin Wall, German Reunification on 3rd October 1990
* the death of French president Francois Mitterand
* the terrorist bombings in France, especially in Paris Metro
* SF and Northridge Earthquakes, I also still remember Mexico City earthquakes and also the earthquake in Kobe/Osaka, Japan one year after Northridge
* Oklahoma bombing
* O.J. Simpson murders, and the jury declaring him innocent
* Deaf President Now protests (my best friend took part in it when she was in MSSD)
* sad wars such as Desert Storm, ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia, etc...
* the brave lone Chinese man standing against the tanks in Tiananmen Square, Beijing
* Three Miles Island disaster
* Ethiopa famines, Africa Farm Aid concerts, raising money to help the famine in Africa
* 100 years anniversary of Statue of Liberty, helping to raise money for the renoviation of the statue, and watching the 4th of July celebrations in 1986 when I was lying alone in the hospital
* Quebec voting 50,5% NO against the referendum to secede from the Canadian confederation
* TWA Flight 800 disaster over Long Island, New York (1996), SwissAir crash over Nova Scotia
* many more...