Experiences with my daughter.

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It's an EOS "Rebel" (digital camera)

Awesome... I have an EOS Rebel 2000 camera, but it's not digital. It's still a very good camera still. I don't use it as much now that I have a 5.1 Megapixel digital camera (Sony cybershot) and use it more - easier to just upload pictures than to take it to walmart to have pics developed.
Blog updated

Over the last two years, since the activation of Lotte's CI, Lotte has gradually realised that her working ears are on her shoulder... or at least, they need to be attatched above her ear.
This realisation has slowly grown.
In the beginning she would be happy to run around with her coils loose on her back . A BTE that stopped functioning (e.g. low batteries) would not be a problem. A soundless environment has never bothered her, and it still doesn't.
Later on, especially the last half year, the lack of sound, or perhaps better said, communication with her surroundings, does bother her, and we never see her with 2 loose coils. Sometimes one falls off and she won't notice, but normally she puts them on herself quickly.


In the last month, in the morning (Lotte being awake before us... ), she will pluck them from the medicine-cabinet (which is steel, so they hang by the coils) and come to us to have them put on.
The way to do this was to switch them on, check the program, then the "volume" and then pin them on her shoulders (don't worry, by that time she wears some sort of clothing. :) and finally attach the coil on her head. Only then sound would come in.

This weekend I changed that routine, and actually showed her for the first time that her CI gave her sound.
I first attatched the coil, and she realised that that did not help.... no sound.
Then I showed her how I pushed the button to turn the BTE on... and her face lit up..
YES !!! sound !
Only then I put the BTE in the bag on her shoulder, after checking the program and volume.

The other BTE, I had her turn it on herself, and again it was great to see her face light up with excitement. The realisation that it was her, by pushing that little button, that gave her sound...

In a way this is a new era, where Lotte realises that sound is something that comes through a thing that needs to be turned on.

Lotte's blog

Lotte never sang in tune. She loves singing and can sing the melody but mostly out of tune...

Yesterday however she started to sing in tune.
She was sitting in the back of the car with her brother - (who's 5 years older) and together say continously sang the same song..

So this is coming into place as well.
Sometimes one feels one cannot ask for more, since the whole technology is allready giving soo much, and then this happens.
Another milestone.

Lotte's blog
Lotte never sang in tune. She loves singing and can sing the melody but mostly out of tune...

Yesterday however she started to sing in tune.
She was sitting in the back of the car with her brother - (who's 5 years older) and together say continously sang the same song..

So this is coming into place as well.
Sometimes one feels one cannot ask for more, since the whole technology is allready giving soo much, and then this happens.
Another milestone.

Lotte's blog

Awesome! Even some hearing can't sing in tune.

My mother never could sing in tune. She says that my big sister's first sentence was "Mama, please don't sing."

I remember volunteering to sing for church and then when the moment came for me to sing with others, I got very self conscious about my speech. Normally I'm just fine with my speech except when I need to sing. People tend to stare at me when I sing. I just mouthed the whole thing without using my voice. My mother wanted to know why she couldn't hear me.
LOL Deafskeptic! My husband tells me that I have a better singing voice than my hearing mother too. But like you I don't feel comfortable with singing out loud at church even though I'd love to. I mouth the words as well - I don't want to see the cringes. But I hope that in a few more months I will be able to hear the tune on the piano a lot better (at the moment it sounds rather monotonal).
I sang and rang the bell this song "Jingle Bells" in 1973 at ASD in Little Rock, Ark :D

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.

Yeah I know it is not a whole thing. but that is a Chorus part of the full song. CHRISTMAS-CAROLS.NET : Jingle Bells
Cloggy, sorry i havent checked in on this thread in a while. I read the post about Lotte demanding to have everything in perfect order. Lilly is alos the same way. SHe also demands to do things herself. When she is demanding to do this herself, she says "My way" and you had beter let her do it or she will get very mad. So, she does it. Your description of the daily morning clothes battles is also Lilly. I agree that thes activities are common in some children. I also agree that why it seems to be stronger in the CI kids. It makes perfect sense.
Showing Lotte how to turn on her CI is a huge step. I bet she felt like such a big girl when she accomplished that. So now does she have to turn in on everyday? I know LIlly would.
.........Showing Lotte how to turn on her CI is a huge step. I bet she felt like such a big girl when she accomplished that. So now does she have to turn in on everyday? I know LIlly would.
Well, it's not that bad. It hasn't become a routine yet, so we are keeping a low profile with it. Not encouraging it too much.
But you should have seen the look on her face...
BTW, wait with it for Lilly. Like you said, you might burn yourself.
Lotte is 4, so she starts to understand... (how old is Lilly?)
Lotte using the telephone...

Well, by using the speaker. With her CI's on the back, understanding via the horn might be a stretch.
But she loves to use it, and at times will as to talk to "oma" (grandma).

Yesterday we had grandma on the line and so that all three kids can get involved, the speaker was used. The effect of this being that Lotte will start babbling continously. She just want to get her stroy across to her grandmother.

Problem is, when one doesn't know what has happened with Lotte the last days, understanding her is very difficult. So, normally we tell in advance what happened. But Lotte is happy with some "yes'" and "no's" and will keep on explaining.... and explaining....

Yesterday we actually relieved one of the grandmothers by stopping the conversations, and ringing the other one. Fortunately, she had time as well to speak - make that listen - to Lotte.
Lotte sang her songs, and listened to the songs from her oma.
It was great to watch this special time with her grandmother....

(Picture on her blog)
Cloggy, Lilly is 2. SHe will turn 3 in March. I totally relate with the babbling. Lilly is also hard to understand at times when she is excited. It is also a challenge when she picks up new words.
"Prelude to Shut Up"

Yesterday, saturdag, lying in bed, sleeping in.... suddenly a knock on the door.
Lotte, getting bored watching TV with her brother and sister, insisted on chatting with us.
And there was lot's to chat about. Not going to the kindergarten, grandma coming today, after the theater-play, etc.

So she's chatting away, explaining about stuff. most we understand.

But then, when I tried to say something to her, the reply I got was "Quiet, daddy.... I'm talking to mommy"!!!

Well, there's the prelude to "shut up" for you.....

But we had to laugh soo hard, and Lotte with us. She loves the attention and is happy to play the act..

:rofl: LOL!!! Yep, "Shut up" is next. That reminds me of my nephew. My sister was talking when her son said "Mommy, do you ever stop talking?" I fell over I was laughing so hard. As they say "from the mouth of babes".
Cloggy....i remember realizing when i was three, that if I turned off my aids i didn't have to listen to anyone! :laugh2:
Cloggy and Lilysdad, the not being understood when excited/ emotional happens to me a lot. Cloggy.....situtions like that are the reason why hoh kids SHOULD have access to Sign. Very few bilateral hoh kids really do have the spoken language abilty, to express themselves verbally when they are upset or whatever. Most hoh kids can express themselves pretty well under normal conditions. They may have a very sophisticated way with words, but generally not really sophisticated enough to speak the words of the soul. I say that as a person who scored 660 on the verbal part of the SATs!
Cloggy....i remember realizing when i was three, that if I turned off my aids i didn't have to listen to anyone! :laugh2:
Cloggy and Lilysdad, the not being understood when excited/ emotional happens to me a lot. Cloggy.....situtions like that are the reason why hoh kids SHOULD have access to Sign. Very few bilateral hoh kids really do have the spoken language abilty, to express themselves verbally when they are upset or whatever. Most hoh kids can express themselves pretty well under normal conditions. They may have a very sophisticated way with words, but generally not really sophisticated enough to speak the words of the soul. I say that as a person who scored 660 on the verbal part of the SATs!
A couple of your assumptions are wrong:
"situtions like that are the reason why hoh kids SHOULD have access to Sign"
is not true. Lotte knows asign, but even without this she's very capable reading lips. She herself is using less sign. Also when she cannot her. When the CI is off, she'll speak with the same voice. Same loudness.
So, Sign (why dou you use a capital there) is NOT needed. (and again, Lotte knows sign, but is not using it.)
"Very few bilateral hoh kids really do have the spoken language abilty, to express themselves verbally when they are upset or whatever. "
What kind of nonsense is that? Many WITHOUT bi-lateral have good speech.
And as for sign, many children that use sign cannot express their soul. It takes time to do that.
"I say that as a person who scored 660 on the verbal part of the SATs!"
Is that good or bad?
Very few bilateral hoh kids really do have the spoken language abilty, to express themselves verbally when they are upset or whatever. Most hoh kids can express themselves pretty well under normal conditions. They may have a very sophisticated way with words, but generally not really sophisticated enough to speak the words of the soul. I say that as a person who scored 660 on the verbal part of the SATs!

Talk about lumping 'most' in with yourself. I had no problems with speech, no sign, I'm bi lateral. Now understanding using HA's was much more of a challenge. My daughter has had no problems speaking, enjoyed turning off HA's during a teachers rants and basically does not need sign to express herself when excited or whatever. (in fact she sometimes talks to much) Perhaps we aren't hoh enough for you since niether one of us ever had ST in our school years. Plus she was an alpha-beta all during hs without the 'alternative' of sign. and I believe she maintained around a 3.5 while attaining her AA degree in her last 2 yrs of hs. And without HA's she would have missed alot unless the teacher was loud to begin with....and not male....(we have reverse slope loss) Life is what you make it and taking responsiblity for yourself works wonders, even if you're hoh.
Hi Cloggy if I recall (been about 8 yrs since I've had a kid take an SAT, tho mine actually took PSAT then the ACT for actual college testing, they took the PSAT as kinda a prep for either SAT or ACT. most colleges that they wanted to apply for seemed to want the ACT) anyway I think each part of the SAT verbal and math is worth like 800 points? and if I recall if you scored over 600 on each part your chances of getting into the school of your choice was very good. (I could be off on the actual numbers but it does hopefully give you an idea of what they mean) If you scored under 600 on either part you'd basically have to start in a 2 yr college and then transfer to a 4 yr college. Those are just the general guidelines that the schools go by, they probalby also still give racial preferences.

So a 660 on the verbal part of the test is actually concidered good.
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