Evolution vs. Creationism

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...I'm sorry but where did you get your research from?
I never claimed to be a scientist. I only offered another possibility, to stimulate a little thinking "outside the box". I didn't "get" my research from another source. It's just something I thought about.

It's funny. Supposedly it's the Christians who get all bent out of shape about evolution. But it seems in this forum that any viewpoint outside the straight and narrow evolution mindset gets a stronger reaction.

If evolution is on such firm ground, why does the creation viewpoint cause such tremors?

Before even answering such a trivial question as the one you asked above, (it's easy to provide evidence but it seems 'evidence' is now a bad word around here) how about going with this about the other way around.
If that's an important issue to XBGMER, then it's not a "trivial" question. Who are you to judge?

Ever wonder why the people in africa are black and people are white in iceland?

Ever wonder why people are darker in hot areas and people are not dark in cold climates?

Do you think it was by accident? Can you find the answers to this? (I know the answer!)
No, it wasn't an accident. God planned it that way.
Thank you for proving that science works. Everything hings on the falsible and must stand up to the scrutiny of scientific studies. Having it exposed for the fraud it is instead of scientists trying to come up with ways to just support their theory is a testament itself.
Yep. The scientists who accept God's special creation just have to be patient waiting for the rest of the scientists to open their minds, swallow their pride, and surrender their political agendas. :)
xentar, PuyoPiyo, Reba: I read your posts are actual pointless, unreasonables and threadless..

PuyoPiyo: Eastern people wanted to go mix with western civilzation which is white hemisphere more than eastern hemisphere. you knew eastern hemisphere people can't get white babies genes from them.. can Both eastern Indian parent create their own white babies genes with blonde, blue eyes on and on?? can both asian parent create their own white babies genes with blonde, blue eyes on and on?? tell me how did they got white skin on themselves??

The Black Host Race attains significance by affirming connection with the ONCE UPON-A-TIME mystery of Black creation and White Albinism??

Look pictures below:


He was


She was born from africa parent and risen from jungle island.


She is from South america


He looks more white like european festures, but He is son of american black father and American white mother


He was mixed races, He is son of american black father and American-Europan native mother


She born and risen in Africa.


he is native from Africa.. WAIT A MIN, hey, you said that africa is hot and humldy.. it cause him lost his skin or what??


The Host Race IS NOT the White Race as you have been led to believe. The respective White recessive population is about to lose its biological identity.

Can you explain of what those caused from evolution genes??
...The Host Race IS NOT the White Race as you have been led to believe. The respective White recessive population is about to lose its biological identity.
I'm not sure what you mean by "host" race. But if you mean that I have been led to believe that Adam and Eve were bright white, that's NOT what I believe.
xentar, PuyoPiyo, Reba: I read your posts are actual pointless, unreasonables and threadless..
I don't think you actually read what I wrote.

he is native from Africa.. WAIT A MIN, hey, you said that africa is hot and humldy.. it cause him lost his skin or what??
This clearly shows you did not take the time to read what I wrote. I answered the question and it has nothing to do with the temperature.

The Black Host Race attains significance by affirming connection with the ONCE UPON-A-TIME mystery of Black creation and White Albinism??


The Host Race IS NOT the White Race as you have been led to believe. The respective White recessive population is about to lose its biological identity.

Can you explain of what those caused from evolution genes??
Wow. Um, tell you what. Instead of deciphering what you just wrote, why don't you point me to a research page outlining the...um..statements you're making here. And we'll go from there. Right now you're just spouting off really weird theories without anything to back it up.
I never claimed to be a scientist. I only offered another possibility, to stimulate a little thinking "outside the box". I didn't "get" my research from another source. It's just something I thought about.
Something you just "thought" about without "getting" or "researching" isn't going to get you very far. Remind yourself, what is the definition of "theory" in scientific context and does it rely on hunches and guesses?

It's funny. Supposedly it's the Christians who get all bent out of shape about evolution. But it seems in this forum that any viewpoint outside the straight and narrow evolution mindset gets a stronger reaction.
When we see something that seems absurb to them, it makes people dogmatic and unreasonable at times, and they argue to convince people that its misleading them. Just because your point is being invalidated doesn't mean we have a narrow mindset.

If evolution is on such firm ground, why does the creation viewpoint cause such tremors?
More creationist propaganda. Evolution for all intensive purposes is proven. Its the foundation of biology and biologists would be lost without the answers it provides. Like gravity, we have enough pieces of the puzzle to make a confident assertion, but lack those lingering mystery pieces to make it law.
If that's an important issue to XBGMER, then it's not a "trivial" question. Who are you to judge?
Enough with the whining. He can take care of himself.

No, it wasn't an accident. God planned it that way.
First you have to prove that God exists. No one has been able to do so yet.

One last thing, it wasn't an accident, despite me saying it in a rhetorical question in that post.

Yep. The scientists who accept God's special creation just have to be patient waiting for the rest of the scientists to open their minds, swallow their pride, and surrender their political agendas. :)
Ony 7% of leading scientists believe in a personal God, and that number continues to fall.

Leading Scientists Still Reject God
Ok..supposed we take this debate to trial?

Lawyer 1: God exists

Lawyer 2: objection! That's hearsay! Where is the actual proof?

Lawyer 1: May I submit exhibition #1? Pulling out the Bible .."the Bible says so here on page this and that"

Lawyer 2: objection! That's hearsay! It is not admissible in court.

Judge: substained

Lawyer 2: evolution exists.

Lawyer1: Objection! That's hearsay! Where is the proof?

Lawyer 2: May I submit exhibit #1,#2,#3,#4 and many more? *pulling out dinosaur bones, rock creations, caveman drawings....

Lawyer1: Objection! That's hearsay!

Judge: overruled

Hmmmmm? Proof is hearsay? Until God appears before all of us in person, there is no proof that he exists..only what someone wrote in the Bible. What if I wrote here on AD that there was no Evolution and 2,000 years later, people take my writings to justify their beliefs that evolution didn't exist?
The creationists who accept mainstreamed scientists' empirical evidences just have to be patient waiting for the rest of the creationists to open their minds, swallow their pride, and surrender their political agendas. :)
fixed. it's funny how that works in the same context but with different words.

more on creation scientists - [link]. money quote - "Nearly all of the Discovery Institute's money comes in the form of grants from wealthy "conservative" fundamentalist Christians".

growing numbers of creationists accept evolution or give in to the empirical evidences of evolution. death is inevitable. tax is inevitable. so is evolution. creationists' dishonesty is no longer even work on the dullest americans. Quit while you're ahead. thanks.
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Hmmmmm? Proof is hearsay? Until God appears before all of us in person, there is no proof that he exists..only what someone wrote in the Bible. What if I wrote here on AD that there was no Evolution and 2,000 years later, people take my writings to justify their beliefs that evolution didn't exist?

If God showed himself more would you believe because even when He did through miracles and things in the Bible people still did NOT believe, Would it be any different like it did in the past to today? :roll: I've hear people say they would become believers if God personally appeared to them, this is not necessarily the case. The problem is not so much a matter of evidence as it is a matter of the human heart

When Jesus was on earth there were people that did not believe in him, Jesus said: "I and the Father are one." The Jews took up stones again to stone Him. Jesus answered them, "I showed you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me?"

What's the point to even have God appeared in front of us, You people will still won't believe just like how Jesus was on earth, some people believe while some don't. It's like you asking for too much to believe in something, like a spoil child would want something so badly and would not even behave until he/she gets it.
It's deeply disturbing to me that people can deny solid, scientific evidence in favor of some archaic book written by men thousands of years ago.
If God showed himself more would you believe because even when He did through miracles and things in the Bible people still did NOT believe, Would it be any different like it did in the past to today? :roll: I've hear people say they would become believers if God personally appeared to them, this is not necessarily the case. The problem is not so much a matter of evidence as it is a matter of the human heart

When Jesus was on earth there were people that did not believe in him, Jesus said: "I and the Father are one." The Jews took up stones again to stone Him. Jesus answered them, "I showed you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me?"

What's the point to even have God appeared in front of us, You people will still won't believe just like how Jesus was on earth, some people believe while some don't. It's like you asking for too much to believe in something, like a spoil child would want something so badly and would not even behave until he/she gets it.

If u believe in him, that's great. I, for one, dont cuz I wasnt there 2,000 years ago to witness it. All I can is believe what I can see in front of me now.
If u believe in him, that's great. I, for one, dont cuz I wasnt there 2,000 years ago to witness it. All I can is believe what I can see in front of me now.

I wasn't there either. But, I believe without even have ask God to appeared to believe. ;)
There is no belief involved.

I will use a physics example, remember what I said about newtons theory earlier in this post? Newtons theory of gravity appears to describe the motion of objects in a gravitational field. We accept it as being contingently valid. Einstein comes along with another theory that predicts something different from Newtons theory. A test is performed, it shows Newtons theory to be false. For the moment therefore we accept Einstein's theory as contingently valid. No doubt in the future someone will come up with a quantum gravity theory which displaces Einstein's theory.

No belief, no ineffable truth, just reason and empiricism.

Einstein knew there is God and he believed it. He was usin' his math to find the answer.
It's deeply disturbing to me that people can deny solid, scientific evidence in favor of some archaic book written by men thousands of years ago.
likewise. i tried to figure them out for many months. no such luck.

sometimes i can figure out women and their incongruous thoughts or behaviors but i couldn't figure out what the deal was with them [creationists]. it's weird.
I wasn't there either. But, I believe without even have ask God to appeared to believe. ;)

I will respect that. :)

Many of my friends have the same beliefs as u do. As long as my friends and I respect each other's beliefs, we r cool. :)

U know..it is weird..I was baptized Catholic but never practiced it...I don't agree with a lot of the Catholic beliefs but yet I have many friends who r devout Carholics themselves including my best friend from PA. Maybe there is some connection there..who knows?

I was raised in AZ...strong Catholic state during my childhood times due to a lot of Mexicans living in my area...then I moved to MD..a lot of Christian beliefs. Interesting...LOL
Einstein knew there is God and he believed it. He was usin' his math to find the answer.
clearly you didn't read the history correctly. allow me educate you with [this detail].

this dishonesty is tiresome. why can't they stop doing that?

I believe in evolution. :)

Maria..u say that God created Adam and Eve...ok WHO created God?

God is Spirit. He has NO beginnin' and NO endin'. God has ALWAYS existed and WILL always continue to exist. He is NOT material or physical as we are.

You CAN create " things " out of materials, but you CAN'T create things out of spirit that are not materials.

Soo... it doesn't make sense if, you are askin' me WHO created God. He is spirit. How can there be another " god " to create God ? A man with physical body CAN'T create God, either.
And to expand on Gamer12's valid post I give you this quote:

"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."
(Albert Einstein, 1954)
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