xentar, PuyoPiyo, Reba: I read your posts are actual pointless, unreasonables and threadless..
PuyoPiyo: Eastern people wanted to go mix with western civilzation which is white hemisphere more than eastern hemisphere. you knew eastern hemisphere people can't get white babies genes from them.. can Both eastern Indian parent create their own white babies genes with blonde, blue eyes on and on?? can both asian parent create their own white babies genes with blonde, blue eyes on and on?? tell me how did they got white skin on themselves??
The Black Host Race attains significance by affirming connection with the ONCE UPON-A-TIME mystery of Black creation and White Albinism??
Look pictures below:
He was
She was born from africa parent and risen from jungle island.
She is from South america
He looks more white like european festures, but He is son of american black father and American white mother
He was mixed races, He is son of american black father and American-Europan native mother
She born and risen in Africa.
he is native from Africa..
hey, you said that africa is hot and humldy.. it cause him lost his skin or what??
The Host Race IS NOT the White Race as you have been led to believe. The respective White recessive population is about to lose its biological identity.
Can you explain of what those caused from evolution genes??