Ever Try To Make Your Hearing Better?


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Jun 29, 2007
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When I was a kid my mother use to make me do hearing exercises.What that is if I practice trying to hear that my hearing would get better.She believe that if a person would try hard enough they can hear.So ADers have you ever try to do odd things to make your hearing better?
Nope... I've never done anything like that before. :roll:
That's good,I had a real nut case for a mother. :(

I did have a teacher who was pretty mean and stupid.

One girl (a couple years older than me) struggled a lot with this teacher. She was left-handed, but the teacher forced her to write and sign right-handed. After this went on for a few weeks, she complained to her mom... who was also an interpreter in that same school. Her mom scolded this teacher and it never happened again.

This same teacher made us deaf students listen to a tape recording of a man talking. There were also sounds of other people talking in the background on the recording. She expected us to listen and write down what the man said. She would rate us on our listening skills for no good reason.

She even forced her class to eat some asparagus and said that if we didn't eat it all, she would give us a low grade. Well, I got a low grade. :(

I did have a teacher who was pretty mean and stupid.

One girl (a couple years older than me) struggled a lot with this teacher. She was left-handed, but the teacher forced her to write and sign right-handed. After this went on for a few weeks, she complained to her mom... who was also an interpreter in that same school. Her mom scolded this teacher and it never happened again.

This same teacher made us deaf students listen to a tape recording of a man talking. There were also sounds of other people talking in the background on the recording. She expected us to listen and write down what the man said. She would rate us on our listening skills for no good reason.

She even forced her class to eat some asparagus and said that if we didn't eat it all, she would give us a low grade. Well, I got a low grade. :(

That teacher should have lost her job for that.
When I was a kid my mother use to make me do hearing exercises.What that is if I practice trying to hear that my hearing would get better.She believe that if a person would try hard enough they can hear.So ADers have you ever try to do odd things to make your hearing better?

this is some ridiculous bullshit.

it's insulting. it implies that the person is just faking or exaggerating their deafness, and that anything can be overcome if you believe enough.

my dad is a scientologist. he believes in some crazy shit. when i was a young lad, he once told me that i could have or do anything if i believed in it enough. one day, i told him i wanted a $5 cowboy playset from the local supermarket. he told me to close my eyes for 20 minutes and simply imagine it being in front of me, and when i opened my eyes it would be there.

"oh i get it. 20 minutes is just enough time for you to drive to the store and back and put the box in front of me before i open my eyes!" i thought. i did everything he told me to do. i opened my eyes and nothing was there. cheap mother%&!#er couldn't spend $5 on his son.

my dad is a crazy asshole. and so is anyone who believes someone can overcome deafness all on their own just by believing in themselves.
I didn't do anything but there was one time when I was a kid, I was at the laundry mat because our washing machine broke or something...and this woman saw that I had a hearing aid. She asked my mother about me - and my mother told her I was deaf. The woman started wailing, kneeled next to me and lay her hands all over me - "Dear Jesus! Oh, dear Jesus! Help heal this po' child! Cure her!" This went on ...forever it seems. I was just...flabbergasted.

My grandpa told me one time when I was about 6 or 7 that if I farted really hard with every strength I had - that my eardrums would pop and then I could hear like my sisters. I never did figure out if he was serious or kidding...
No, I never try that. I accept my deafness! No Magic for cure hearing!
nah i am glad to be deaf! being deaf is great life! good sleep, focus better, blah you know lol!

i never try act like hey i am hearing..
hell no..
Probably I got some waxes that got stuck in my ears. I have to go to doctor to check it out.
naw i didnt grow up like that, my parents accepted me for who i am. but they pushed me for speech and reading and stuff like that when i was a kid, but i'm glad for that cuz now i can talk fairly well and is a big reader. when i see my other deaf friends, and when their parents didnt do much to support them, i can see what happened to them. i am not bragging or whatever you wanna think, but i just noticed that people who were not exposed to reading earlier as kids dun read very well as teenagers or adults and that stuff. for the speech stuff, i was just lucky to be able to learn to talk, i know that not many people can do that and i dun blame them for that. :D

I also remember in my hearing school when i was just in grade 3 to 6 the teachers would make us listen to the speaker or whatever and answer questions in the book, like the voice would say kim is wearing a yellow shirt, the question would ask me what kim was wearing etc. but i think that was just to practice listening comprehensives.
Yeah, I have... I have been using acupuncture/traditional medicine to try improve my hearing, which I think has helped. The environment, such as traffic sounds a lot louder now. And, according to my audiologist, my ears are also full of wax, so if I clean it out, I should get back at least 10db.
Nope, I haven't done anything like that.

I did have a teacher who was pretty mean and stupid.

One girl (a couple years older than me) struggled a lot with this teacher. She was left-handed, but the teacher forced her to write and sign right-handed. After this went on for a few weeks, she complained to her mom... who was also an interpreter in that same school. Her mom scolded this teacher and it never happened again.

This same teacher made us deaf students listen to a tape recording of a man talking. There were also sounds of other people talking in the background on the recording. She expected us to listen and write down what the man said. She would rate us on our listening skills for no good reason.

She even forced her class to eat some asparagus and said that if we didn't eat it all, she would give us a low grade. Well, I got a low grade. :(

Whhhaaattt! What a horrible meanie!

:doh:@ tape recording. The mind boggles! :roll:
I didn't do anything but there was one time when I was a kid, I was at the laundry mat because our washing machine broke or something...and this woman saw that I had a hearing aid. She asked my mother about me - and my mother told her I was deaf. The woman started wailing, kneeled next to me and lay her hands all over me - "Dear Jesus! Oh, dear Jesus! Help heal this po' child! Cure her!" This went on ...forever it seems. I was just...flabbergasted.

My grandpa told me one time when I was about 6 or 7 that if I farted really hard with every strength I had - that my eardrums would pop and then I could hear like my sisters. I never did figure out if he was serious or kidding...

:rofl: Just about fell out of my chair! :rofl: (No offense)
Like I said my mother was a nut case and no she never accept my hearing lost.She believe in this bullshit.It seems like a lot of you had good parents.
Yeah, I had one experience long time ago around early 1950. I was sitting in the seat with my mom on the metro bus going somewhere. All of a sudden there was a hand touch on my shoulder. I was kind of shock and look up to the person who put her hand on my shoulder. She was praying with her eyes close standing while the bus was moving. I was kind of embarrassed about her doing that to me. I don't feel anything from her, no aura. I am still deaf as usual and don't forget that I have been deaf since I was born. That was a strange occurrence. Weird person.

Yeah, people would try anything to get the deaf or hard of hearing to hear and find strange ways to get us to hear like the AGB. They can not make us hear, not with CI, trying to hear with clear sentences like on the radio, or tape recording or listening to people talking without lipreading. That is impossible unless you hear the words or some sentences that can repeat over and over many times that you recognize the sounds sometimes. That is wishful hope for hearing people, but that is not going to happen to any of us Deafies including the HOH. Too Bad, they are crushed when they learn they can not make us hear at all. HeHeHeHe. I love being Deaf anyway.
this is some ridiculous bullshit.

it's insulting. it implies that the person is just faking or exaggerating their deafness, and that anything can be overcome if you believe enough.

my dad is a scientologist. he believes in some crazy shit. when i was a young lad, he once told me that i could have or do anything if i believed in it enough. one day, i told him i wanted a $5 cowboy playset from the local supermarket. he told me to close my eyes for 20 minutes and simply imagine it being in front of me, and when i opened my eyes it would be there.

"oh i get it. 20 minutes is just enough time for you to drive to the store and back and put the box in front of me before i open my eyes!" i thought. i did everything he told me to do. i opened my eyes and nothing was there. cheap mother%&!#er couldn't spend $5 on his son.

my dad is a crazy asshole. and so is anyone who believes someone can overcome deafness all on their own just by believing in themselves.

I understand where you are comming from,my mother put her hands over my ears one time and began to pray. :roll: