Ever been insulted for being deaf?

The tidbit about: Cannn youuuuu readddd myyyy lipppsss has happen often, usually a person will talk normally and once they find out I'm HoH, that's when they shift gears in their voice box and slowlyyyyyy speak. Good grief.


Well..I had situations like yours where the hearing person didnt know any difference and thought he/she was helping by moving their lips slower. That I dont consider insulting me.

I meant in situation when the other person/persons does that on purpose to mock my need for reading lips. After they finish with the comment, they laugh with their friends and continue to make retarded faces at me.

I can tell the difference when one is sincere and when one is not.
^^ I can understand where you're coming from on this and that also has happened in the past, more so while in school. However, it's just the fact that some folks just automatically shift into lower gears, talk real slowww...not that they're doing it intentionally which I'll notice that, yet, there are a few times, they do it out of mockery and that's just simply not 'fair' to us...trying 'hard' at times to communicate. You're right, I can tell the difference when one is sincere and when one is not. ;)

Many hearing people would be very mean at me. I would ingore them. They are just loser!

I hate Relays because many people always say sorry I cannot take this call because I don't have time or I am not interesting in what you are trying sell. I had to ask Relay to redial to tell that I am not sale person. I don't use relay much because I use text message and emails very often. Relay not always tell you full story. My husband is hearing. He called Relay and contact with me at our own home with his cell phone phone. He watched what Relay typed. Relay oper didnt tell me what my husband was telling. My husband told relay that he is watching the oper typing and Relay oper was speechless and told her that we cannot trust you and you are so bad oper.

I am very sorry that this happened to you. As a relay opr I am speechless myself. I do have problems running into businesses that won't take the call or even try to listen to me explain what's going on, or hang up in mine and the callers face. All though I don't blame it on the person, I blame it on the relay centers for allowing a multitude of fraud calls be processed. So when real legitamate ( can't spell today) calls are made people won't take them. I know every now and then I can't catch everything a person is saying because they won't speak slower so I can understand everthing. They talk faster then speedy gonzolas and I don't know about ya'll but I definately can't type that fast, and I'm around 80wpm minimum. But I do my best to try and keep you guys informed of pacing callers to slow down and such. I'm not sure if that helps or not.

How should I let you guys know that the person is speaking to fast and refuses to slow down or keeps hanging up befor I can even say two words about what is going on?? This may help alot. I can definatly report this to the relay center and we can try to include this in relay.
Oh and feel free to private msg me with any suggestions just in case I can't find this thread again...
I am very sorry that this happened to you. As a relay opr I am speechless myself. I do have problems running into businesses that won't take the call or even try to listen to me explain what's going on, or hang up in mine and the callers face. All though I don't blame it on the person, I blame it on the relay centers for allowing a multitude of fraud calls be processed. So when real legitamate ( can't spell today) calls are made people won't take them. I know every now and then I can't catch everything a person is saying because they won't speak slower so I can understand everthing. They talk faster then speedy gonzolas and I don't know about ya'll but I definately can't type that fast, and I'm around 80wpm minimum. But I do my best to try and keep you guys informed of pacing callers to slow down and such. I'm not sure if that helps or not.

How should I let you guys know that the person is speaking to fast and refuses to slow down or keeps hanging up befor I can even say two words about what is going on?? This may help alot. I can definatly report this to the relay center and we can try to include this in relay.

If they wont take your call because its from a relay service then take your business elsewhere. Send them a nice little letter or email saying you'll never do business with them again.
i have been there sighs
i ignored them when they get more annoyed and i yelled at them SHUT UP and walk off

they are VERY rude sheesh don't have any manners to be treated nicely
I haven't really been bothered much since elementary school. But elementary school was a little brutal. There was this one kid who was three grades older and he was a downright bully. He knew I had hearing aids and he made sure everybody else knew it. After elementary most kids knew me so they left me alone, but I did get a few snide remarks. Now I don't even tell people I have a hearing problem unless it's needed. Why should they know unless they have to right?

My friends and I joke around about it all the time with stupid things like "what are you deaf?" And I usually respond with "Duh, it took you HOW long to notice?!" lol I know when they are fooling and jerks on the street and elsewhere!
Ah so many times. Although I'm hard of hearing. My lovely friends would tell me what this one B*tch would always say during lunch. Lots of wonderful things. I'm apparently stupid, mute(when I talk a lot..where is she getting that?!), she also assumed I was always drunk. Uhm sure, it's not because I can't hear some of my letters! Oy.
There were a few times when out in public, people would think I was stupid when I talked. Mainly because when I talk fast, I mix up some words and sound like a three year old (Like free instead of three, or bof instead of both). I still remember this one woman who was eating next to me and my friend at a mall and I had said something wrong(I forget what) and she leans towards my friend and said, pretty loudly, "I'm so sorry your friend is retarded and stupid." My friend looked at me and I went "Takes a retard to know a retard ma'am". :D She got up and left. Spent the rest of the day laughing our asses off at her reaction.

Sometimes, if you come up with a quick comeback, they aren't prepared of it. But it's still VERY annoying that they even do that crap :ugh3:

my family been mocked so many times.. They are deaf expect for my hearing bro.. One time it was a beautiful Moment.. we all and my grandparents and my grandpas nephews and neices and some of my first couisns was at Steak house for a pre-family reunion and happened to use signs bec me, my mom , dad and sis is deaf and we all use asl etc home signs etc other people who had next table to us was mocking and laughin at us and thinkin all of us are deaf and one couisn happened to see it and he got up and go that table and said DO U ALL HAVE FUN WATCHING US FUCKIN HICKS! and otyher people GASPED big time and stopped makin fun of us LOL
All the above rings a bell.......my classic exp was the woman who on being informed that I was married gasped and said "how can she get married" then she was informed that I had 2 sons.....bigger gasp...."how can she have kids"......well thats the first time I heard babies came out of ears....lol.
don't be anrgy. Cool off your head and teach them about deaf culture and make sure they don't act like retard to you.
don't be anrgy. Cool off your head and teach them about deaf culture and make sure they don't act like retard to you.

Sometimes, it is hard not to get angry at times especially if it happens again and again. Also, sometimes it is so time consuming to teach every person that mocks us about deaf culture cuz usually their minds are set in a certain way and probably wouldnt be open to learning about deaf culture. I have tried that and it just became too time consuming for me. If the people or person are open to learning, then sure I will teach them but if resistant..forget it! I learned my lesson but yes, u do have a good suggestion. Just human nature that things dont go the way we want to.
A lot of these stories ring some bells.. but I'll tell you my personal favorite...

This was when i was like 10 or 11 years old.. My sister, I and a friend were playing outside.. and there were 2 guys who lived nearby, they would make fun of me and my friend becuase we were deaf, right?

So one day, my sister got fed up with the guys making fun of us.. went up to one of the guys.. NOw.. remember my sister was 8.. and barely 5 feet tall... and the guy was 5 feet 6 inches tall.. and like 13 i think.. my sister curled up a fist.. and PUNCHED the guy in the nose... I was like OMG! the guy got scared and ran off... My sister took my hand and my friend's hand and told us "we're going home.. idiotic boys!"

To this day I will NOT fight with my sister.. I"m afraid of her right hook.
Sometimes, it is hard not to get angry at times especially if it happens again and again. Also, sometimes it is so time consuming to teach every person that mocks us about deaf culture cuz usually their minds are set in a certain way and probably wouldnt be open to learning about deaf culture. I have tried that and it just became too time consuming for me. If the people or person are open to learning, then sure I will teach them but if resistant..forget it! I learned my lesson but yes, u do have a good suggestion. Just human nature that things dont go the way we want to.

if they don't understand, then they're bully to ya. omg omg omg!
many people in Arkansas never insult at me when im moves to Arkansas in 2001

when im sign to people they ingore people but people never insult you when you sign any people,friends and your deaf families trust me!

when im going anywhere in North Little Rock,Ar and hearing people knew im deaf but im not stupid.

when im order foods from fast foods like pizza hut,red lobster,steak house,etc but i never insult to relay why you insult to relay! that not respectives! you would be nice to tell relay please calls of number to restaurant or whatevers but you can chat to your family on relay next times dont do that again ok?
I had been insulted some of the times.

When my two best friends and I went to McDonalds while it was closed, but have 24 hours drive thru. So we went to drive thru, and we didn't voice to the machine and then we went to the window, and the leader say we have to go inside and she closed the window. One of my best friend say "That is so discrimination!" and I banging on the window and I signed "Write paper", she STILL refused to service us, and closed the window AGAIN!

So we went to the door, which was locked because of the closure so I banging so hard I was very pissed off. Then one prep cooker came to the door and open. She was confused why we want to come in, then the leader told her to let us inside. We asked the prep cooker for the manager phone number, and the prep cooker gave us the phone number.

Then prep cooker ask a big scumbag question "So what do you want?", we told her we want nothing from this ridicilious fast foods.

It makes me feel like :rl: at that goddamn mcdonalds.
Haha, lol, yeah I have.

Guess who did all the insulting? My former neighbor who lived across the street from us when I was growing up. She was the mother of two. She was married, but hell she was immature. Everytime I played around on the front of my parents' house she would yell and make fun of me as I couldn't hear and kept on playing and she kept on taunting at me. I didn't care because I can't hear. :)

My next door neighbor has caught her taunting at me and called my mom and we decided to call the police to stop this crap. I was young, like 8 or 9, I didn't still know what the consequences were. I think it was probably a fine or something like a misdemeanor. She stopped doing that ever since. She and her ex husband filed for a divorce. She finally moved out about 6 or 7 years ago.

Not just she did make fun of me, she sometimes neglected his teenage sons. Their house was so loud that cops had to come and tell them to stop several times. We also suspect that they might have been selling mary janes, or marijuana. Oh, well, not our problem anyway.
I was HOH but now recently Deaf. some of my teachers do not understand why I could do okay in their classes 2 years ago but this semester I can't hear them or lip-read them. also hearing aids just amplify everything around you, I cant hear the teacher over some one behind me turning a page or eating chips! Today one of my teachers asked me if I could read something off the board and if I could talk. I talked to him last week to tell him I could not hear in class. it was embarrassing. Also students treat me like I'm stupid in spite the fact I made the deans list 4 semesters in a row. Also the person encage of disabilities at my school gives me a look of pity every time I talk to her.
if they don't understand, then they're bully to ya. omg omg omg!

who knows if they were bullying me but I wont take the time to educate them about deafness if they are so intent on bullying other people and not ready to be understanding and patient of people who are different from them. Dont want to waste my time on people who are old enough to know from right to wrong.
My roommate my first year in college was an absolute bi&%h to me about a variety of things but she and her friends did make fun of me for being deaf. That pissed me off. I didn't even know they were making fun of me (they were apparently talking to me while my back was turned and thought it was funny that I didn't reply) but a friend of mine walked in and told me what they were doing.
I was pissed and talked to my advisor and the disability office and I was moved to a different room the next day. Sometimes being the only deaf student is good.:cool: